Index to Volume 20 (1931-1934) - University Newscuttings Books
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A E Hamilton Scholarship,
C W R Price won A E Hamilton scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
Abbott, Herbert Lewis,
Adam, D B,
appointed plant pathologist at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 146 , 150 , 177
photograph, 177a
Adams, Colin Francis,
Bachelor of Engineering, Diploma in Applied Science, conferred, 154 , 155
Adams, Harry,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, 172 , 173
Adelaide Children's Hospital,
Dr Ian Hamilton appointed honorary assistant surgeon, 151
Adelaide City Council,
opposition to proposed site for Bonython Hall, 79 , 81 , 82
Adelaide High School,
criticism of public examination system, 186g
promising young violinist, 186k
Adelaide Hospital,
executive council's staff appointments, 33 , 39 , 104a , 121 , 135 , 140 , 141
executive council appoints members of hospital advisory committee, 145
debate about TB Clinic site, 186c
difficulties of medical profession in South Australia, 186m
Adelaide Museum,
director of Museum, H M Hale, to continue work of making plaster casts of heads and busts of natives, 91
report of anthropology expedition into Mann and Musgrave Ranges, 164
Adelaide Music Salon,
meeting to discuss founding of Adelaide Music Salon, 157
Adelaide Music Salon founded, 160
Adelaide Observatory,
proposed closure to affect affiliation with university for study and research purposes, 3 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14
founded by Sir Charles Todd, 14
annual report outlines work and contribution to society, 169
Adelaide Public Library,
Ralph Munn of Carnegie Corporation proposes foundation of free public library with branches in suburbs supported from rates, 156
amendments related to Sir Josiah Symon's legacy, 165 , 166
Adelaide Technical High School,
Headmaster, S Moyle, supported move to teach music to matriculation level, 158
Adelaide Town Hall,
extra orchestral concert, 169
Adey, William James,
invited to support teaching of music in schools, 168
supported campaign for music in schools, 158
letter discussing comment by Adey on campaign for music in schools, 159
in charge of committee planning schools' display for visit of Duke of Gloucester, 179a
proposed innovations in face of criticism of public examination system, 186g
views on civil service employment of university graduates, 64 , 65
said introduction of diploma in public administration raised status of public service, 103b
Advisory Council of Aborigines,
Professor J B Cleland appointed to Advisory Council of Aborigines, 79
Aiston, G,
anthropological expedition spent a night at Aiston's property, 171
Alberton School,
photograph of pupils Angus Jamieson and Mervyn Smith awarded C R Morris scholarship, 180
Alderman, John Kevin, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Alderman Scholarship,
awarded to Peter Mathews to enable him to study at Elder Conservatorium, 186k
photograph, 186k
Allen, Dr,
President of Lyceum presided at reception for delegates to Australian Federation of University Women Conference, 178b
Allen, Inspector Eleanor,
on committee which organised children’s demonstration for Royal visit, 179a
Allen, J L,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Allen, Lois,
member of subcommittee which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Allen, Sir Harry,
his views on cancer raised at Australasian Medical Congress 1934, Hobart, 186f
Allison, J K,
committee member of Labor Club, 104
Ambrose, Dr Ethel Mary Murray,
death in India of Adelaide graduate, biography, 129
Anderson, Dr Claude Leonard,
appointed to hospital in Perth, 90a
Andrew Scott Prize,
John Erwin Kelly awarded Andrew Scott Prize, 115
Andrews, Julian,
passed sixth and final year, BM and BS degrees, 25
Angas Engineering Scholarship,
Max Aubery Hunt awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1932, 36 , 37 , 38
Lincoln David Dowie awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1934, 162
Angas Johnson, Dr E,
appointed member of Medical Board, 25
appointed member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 145
reappointed member of Medical Board, 151 , 152
Angas Parsons, Justice,
as Warden of Senate, at conferring of degrees, 155
Angas, George Fife,
Fred Johns Scholarship established for writing biography of George Fife Angas, 162
Angas, John Howard,
founded Angas Engineering Scholarship Details in 1888, 162
Angel, Miss L M,
replied to toast on behalf of Women’s Union at annual dinner, 119
member of Committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
Angove, Mrs,
critical of public examinations, 62
editorial on speech by retiring Headmistress of Girton which referred to girls' interest in university education, 63
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Angove, P C,
Aggregate Prize, second year, Roseworthy College, 186q
Angus, Dorothea,
played in Elder student concert, 151
played in student concert in Town Hall, 167
Annual report,
Anstey, A E,
photograph of members of the Council of the School of Mines, 175
Anthoney, E, MP,
to attend summer school of Australian Institute of Political Science, 70 , 72
photographs, 72 , 175
in debate about teachers' salary cut, 186p
Anthropological Research Board,
see Board of Anthropological Research
Anthropology, Study of,
official film and stills shown of expedition studying life and customs of natives, 153 , 164
Dr T D Campbell announced plans for annual anthropological expedition to central Australia, 160
members of annual expedition to central Australia announced, 167
Donald Thompson appointed to work in Northern Territory, 165
Dr R Cilento donated to Australian Institute of Anatomy collection of New Guinea skulls and Melanesian brains, 166
Professor J B Cleland reported on expedition returned from Central Australia, 171
F E Williams has won award for best research essay from Royal Anthropological Institute, 176a
Rev J R B Love gave lecture on Aboriginal Myths and Figure Paintings, 170
Ursula McConnell spoke on need for trained anthropologists, 178b
Archer, Mrs D,
in photograph of delegates, 178b
Architecture, Study of,
Leighton Irwin to consider recognition of Adelaide's degree for exemption from examinations of Royal Australian Institute of Architects, 86
Armstrong, Florence,
in photograph of delegates, 178b
Art Works,
stained glass window in memory of Professor Robertson unveiled, 9
Arts, Bachelor of,
University of Queensland offers external courses, 186d
Arts, Study of,
medieval university studies, 186j
Ashton, Kathleen,
sang in Elder students' concert, 151
Ashworth, Clarice Mabel,
former Principal of Methodist Ladies College, appointed to Columba, Dunedin, 104a
Astronomy, Study of,
threat to Adelaide Observatory to affect university work, 3 , 10 , 29
Professor Kerr Grant urges retention of Adelaide Observatory, 11
Professor Kerr Grant and Professor Chapman advise that if Adelaide Observatory is closed, part of its work will have to be carried on by university at its cost, 12
Adelaide Observatory brought into affiliation with university 18 months ago, 14
Professor Kerr Grant advised possibility of observing meteor shower, 53
Government astronomer G F Dowell advised that he and Professor Kerr Grant hoped to achieve photographic record of meteor shower, 54
observation of meteor shower reported, 55 , 56
G F Dowell finds comet, 65
G F Dowell supported proposal for co-operation between observatories, universities, 100
federal government abandoned plans for central control of state observatories, 114
federal government recommended state observatories be managed by universities, 159
Atkinson, Rev Charles W, MA, LittD,
appointed Principal of Methodist Ladies College, 106
arrives to take up duties, 128
responded on behalf of graduates at annual general meeting of Graduate Union, 152
Auldana Vineyards,
details of Sir Josiah Symon's will in regard to vineyards, 166
Australasian College of Surgeons, see Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Australasian Medical Congress, held in Hobart, papers reported, 186f
Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science,
Professors Chapman and Kerr Grant, Dr C Fenner and R S Burdon to attend 21st conference in Sydney, 6
Dr R W Cilento to give public lectures at 21st Conference, 26
South Australia to send 30 delegates, 30
South Australia to send 35 to 40 delegates, 40
at 22nd conference in Melbourne, Sir Douglas Mawson to become president, 143
Australian Army Medical Corps,
Army doctor’s concerns presented at Australasian Medical Congress, 186f
Australian Council for Educational Research,
acknowledges role of Carnegie Corporation, 44
Carnegie Corporation to fund survey of Australian libraries, 122
Australian Dental Association,
advances in Dental science, 186h
need for more dental work among children, 186h
eighth Australian Dental Congress held in Adelaide, 102
use of toothbrush discussed, 102
Australian Economic Society,
at Science Congress, decision taken to establish Australian Economic Society, 172
Australian Federation of University Women Conference,
held in Adelaide, 1934, 178b
Dr Marie Bentivoglio spoke on value of broadcasting in education, 178b
committee of delegates sent resolutions to Chairman of ABC on use of wireless in education, 178b
photograph of delegates, 178b
Mrs T C B Osborn said schools were examination machines, 178b
Mabel Hardy stated that people do not want to think, 178b
Mary Frost presented SA report to conference, 178b
Dr Ethel McLennan elected president of Federation, 178b
Mrs T C B Osborn elected chair of committees on internationalism, 178b
photograph of many unnamed delegates, 178b
Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
engineering students to tour in conjunction with Institute, 167
Australian Institute of Political Science,
South Australians to attend summer school, 70 , 72
Australian Music Examinations Board,
annual AMEB conference to be held in Adelaide, 6 , 14 , 15
singing examinations for girls under fifteen introduced, 16
board denounces tax on imported music, 16
recitals given at conservatorium to aid music teachers, 25 , 27 , 29
examiners for board celebrate birthday, 40 , 101
examiner arrives in Adelaide for AMEB exams, 44 , 46
exhibitions awarded on AMEB results, 51
new AMEB examiner appointed, 73
examiners praise Allan Giles, brilliant boy pianist, 116
1934 conference to be held in Perth, 142
Dr Davies advised that the Board wanted music taught in schools to matriculation level, 145 , 158
conservatorium provides demonstrations for teachers of music, 27
Australian National Research Council,
Rockefeller Institute awards funds, 39
university staff on executive of research council, 39
impact of actions of late Professor Henry George Chapmen, 186e
Australian Student Christian Movement Conference,
to hold conference at Holiday House, Mt Lofty, 155
British Medical Association Prize,
awarded to Wilhelm Bernard Dorsch, 115
Bach Society,
mentioned in Grainger tribute to Adelaide musicians, 164
Badger, Colin Robert,
president, Labor Club, said club would probably campaign in next election, 104
to study sociology and political science in London, 130
Badger, Miss L J,
awarded evening scholarship to study law, 78
Bage, Freda,
in photograph of delegates, 178b
Bagot, Walter,
architect of Barr Smith Library, 6
Bald, Dr Robert Cecil,
member of university staff writes letter protesting at lack of funds for Public Library, 21
proposed society be formed like Friends of National Libraries, England, to assist public library, 21 , 23
to speak in 1932 program of public lectures, 24
working on constitution of Friends of the Public Library, 27
lectured on William Hazlitt, 33
outlined work of Friends of the Public Library society, 34
member of committee of Friends of Public Library, 34
to contribute to memorial volume for late Sir Archibald Strong, 59
left for study overseas, 66
to represent university at 37th conference of American Academy of Political and Social Science, 70 , 71
expected to return from study in England by end of year, 96
Ballard, Leslie Alfred Tucker,
awarded scholarship for research into plant physiology at Cambridge, 157 , 176a
photograph, 176a
Bampfield, F W,
responded to criticism of circulating library by R A Munn, 186s
Bampton, F W,
Deputy Registrar to be in charge while Registrar on leave, 139
Barbour, Miss G M,
member of Dress and Color Committee for Royal visit, 179a
Barbour, R R P,
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford students, 44
master of St Andrews College, 69
attended meeting of Rhodes scholars, 165
at First Annual Dinner of University Men's Union, President of Sports Association, emphasised importance of sport in student life, 145
member of Graduate Union committee for 1934, 152
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Barbour, Mrs R R P,
hosted visitor to Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Barlow, Dr Douglas Lewis,
appointed honorary medical officer at vaccine clinic, 78
appointed bacteriologist at Adelaide Hospital, 126
Barlow, William,
represented University at University of Edinburgh celebrations in 1884, 133
Barnden, Vina,
brilliant young student gives piano recital, 135
Barnes, J A,
contributed to project of creating detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges, 161
Barnett, Sir Louis,
first suggested foundation of Australasian college of surgeons, 178a
Barr Smith Library,
opening, 6
opening including history of university developments 1871 to 1932, 7
to open at night, 26
Governor General visits library, 44
over 70 applications for Librarian’s position, 85
Librarian appointed, 116
photograph, 179
library praised as suitable for purpose, 186s
Barr Smith Prize,
Eric Ronald Corney awarded Barr Smith Prize, 114
Barr Smith, Robert,
opening of Barr Smith Library erected in his memory, 6 , 7
Barr Smith, Thomas Elder,
paid for erection of Barr Smith Library, 6 , 7
reviewer of Australian libraries praised Barr Smith Library, 186s
photograph, 7
69th Birthday, 60
generous donor, 63
provided scholarships to St Andrew’s College, 129
Barrien, Miss B S,
awarded evening scholarship to study science, 78
Barwell, Sir Henry N,
retires as Agent General for South Australia, 74
Basedow, Dr Herbert,
obituary, 86
his collections purchased for Canberra ethnological museum, 143 , 144
Bates, Mrs Daisy,
Beard, Dr Roland,
demonstrated surgery, 178a
Beaver, Mrs H P,
at reception in Town Hall for attendees at conference, 178b
Beaver, Miss,
at reception at Town Hall for attendees at conference, 178b
Becker, Dr J H,
application for registration Medical Board of SA refused, 161
Begg, P R,
appointed dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Behan, Dr J C V,
secretary of Australian branch of Rhodes Trust, 145
Benham, Dr A,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Benham, E W,
committee member of Friends of Public Library, 34
Bentivoglio, Dr Marie,
NSW delegate to Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
photograph, 178b
spoke on value of broadcasting in education, 178b
member of group who sent resolutions to Chairman of ABC on use of wireless in education, 178b
Benzie, Alfred Charles,
awarded diploma at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Bequests, Gifts & Endowments,
Fred Johns leaves bequest for establishment of Fred Johns Scholarship for biography, 61 , 66
list of gifts, 66
ten years ago, legacy from Mrs Jane Marks for medical school, 62
various gifts, 63
M Rees George Scholarship for women only to be established, 84
summary of major bequests since foundation, 127
George Gollin provided for a gift of 20,000 as endowment for Chair of Commerce, 151
Professor Cleland gifted authoritative handbook to government, 152
gift to university revoked by codicil in will of Sir Josiah Symon, 165 , 166
donation for research work by Associated Smelters, 172
donation by Mrs Eleanor Davies Thomas, 172
Bermingham, Valmai,
played solo violin at student concert, 168
Berry, Miss F W,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
said simpler for teachers to arrange to arrange exchanges in English speaking countries than foreign ones, 178b
Besanko, Maurice Hier,
Betts, Dr L O,
demonstrated surgical technique at Seventh Annual Surgeon Conference, 178a
Bevan, Frederick,
his student performed in student concert, 168
Biaggini, Ernest Gordon,
to study in London, 58 , 66
Bickersteth, Rev Kenneth J F,
supported motion forming Friends of Public Library, 25
to be member of Oxford Society of Adelaide, 44
presented annual report, 64
resigned as Headmaster of St Peter’s College, photograph, 73
resigned from council of St Mark’s College, 83
council accepted resignation from Education Committee and Faculty of Arts, 83
meeting to be held on vacancy created by resignation, 84
farewelled, 112
Billing, Geoffrey C,
awarded Rockefeller Scholarship, 27
awarded PhD by London School of Economics, 161
photograph, short biography, 161
Bills, Allan Maynard,
to study at Oxford University, 128 , 130
photograph, short biography, 128
Biochemistry, Department of,
donation for research work by Associated Smelters, 172
Birks, Walter Gordon,
reported theft of microscope, 147
Bishop, Miss E S,
Headmistress of Girton said it would be difficult to find more time for music in light of Dr Davies’ ideas, 158
Black, Mrs Jean,
played accompaniments at student concert, 168
Black, Dr J H,
appointed clinical assistant ophthalmologist, Adelaide Hospital, 104a
Black, John McConnell,
awarded Mueller Memorial Medal at ANZAAS Conference, 40
Mueller Medal presented, 81
elected president of Royal Society of South Australia, 106
author of book dealing with flora, 152
reported on story of trip to Petermann Range, 155
Blackburn, Arthur Seaforth,
appointed City Coroner, photograph, 103b
Board of Anthropological Research,
official film and stills shown of last expedition sponsored by Board studying life and customs of natives in Mann and Tomkinson ranges, 153
to administer funds from Rockefeller Foundation for scientific study of aborigines, 91
have organised another expedition, 91
annual anthropological expedition likely to start next month, 160
film shown of work of anthropology expedition, 164
party was formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
article by Professor J B Cleland reporting on expedition, 171
Board of Pharmaceutical Studies,
annual meeting regarding qualification for diploma, 161
Boas, I H,
Chief of Division of Forest Products discussed with CSIR committee the grading of timbers, 170
Boehm, R V,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering, 78
Bodleian Library,
Bonython Hall,
work to begin soon, 72
clearing of site, 73
articles setting out objections to site for hall, 73 , 76 , 79 , 81 , 82
work begins, 87
work on hall to create jobs for many, 88
foundation stone to be laid, 110
foundation stone laid, 116
description of ceremony, 117
photographs of preparatory ground clearing, 174
illustration of proposed Bonython Hall, 184
photographs of preparatory work for hall and of foundation stone ceremony, 181a , 186a
Bonython Prize,
William Anstey Wynes awarded Bonython Prize, 118
Bonython, Mrs J Lavington,
attended Mayoral reception for delegates of conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Bonython, Sir Langdon,
Vice-president of Friends of Public Library, 34
gift to finance building of Bonython Hall, 72
building of hall creates jobs, 88
36th year as knight, 84
chair of Ridley Memorial Committee, 103
biography, 85th birthday, 106
to lay foundation stone, 110
laid foundation stone, 116
description of ceremony, Sir Langdon’s part recognised, 117
photographs, 106 , 107 , 175 , 181a
donated prize for best thesis on legal subject written at university, 118
Illustration of Hall, 184
Booth, Edward Harold,
submitted affidavit in regard to role of late Prof H G Chapmen in Royal Society of NSW, 186e
Booth, Edward Stirling,
awarded Margaret Catto scholarship to Melbourne University, 123
Bornstein, Peter,
to conduct South Australian Orchestra, 15
played in chamber music concert, 34
wants music in schools, 34
member of council of Musical Association of SA, 95
gave violin recital, 98
in chamber music recitals, 107 , 112
off to London, 114
gave concert in Grotrian Hall, 142
gave recital in Elder Hall, 144 , 145 , 146
one of his pupils performed, 151
in string quartet, 25 , 29 , 145 , 146 , 151 , 154 , 160 , 161 , 162 , 164 , 169 , 173
violin solos, 153
outlined goals of music salon, 157 , 160
performed in concert to commemorate Frederick Delius, 160 , 161
to give recitals in England, 165 , 168
played in innovative short musical interlude, 165 , 167
to assist in concert on reconstructed Elder Hall Organ, 167
appointed for two more years, 168
his student, Helen Margarey, played in students’ concert, 168
to return to teach violin for two years, 169
in recital for re-opening of Organ, 170
leaving for London, 170
to remain in England, 171
soloist at South Australian Orchestra concert, 173
to take part in concert on rebuilt organ, 175
Borth, Dr Mary,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Bosworth, Richard Charles Leslie,
researching new methods of observing infra ray, 68
awarded a science research scholarship tenable at Cambridge, 90 , 100
Botanic Garden,
controversy over proposed location of TB Clinic site on Frome Road, 186c
Botany, Study of,
appointment of Dr Joseph Garnett Wood to Chair of Botany, 156
Both, E T,
local researcher developed improved cardiograph machine, 168
Boulger, Professor Edward Vaughan,
fifty years since appointed to Hughes Chair, 70
Boundy, C A P,
won bursary for St Mark’s College, 6
Boundy, C P,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Bowering, Dr Beryl,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Braddon, Sir Henry,
gave Joseph Fisher lecture in 1925, 172 , 173
Bragg, Sir William Henry,
Bragg, Professor William Lawrence,
short biographies, 10 , 89
asked to represent university at laying of foundation stone in London, 84
Brewster-Jones, H,
commented on music of Constant Lambert, 18
to assess applications for Elder scholarships, 113
conducts examinations for Elder Scholarships, 114
awards Elder scholarships, 115
Bright, C,
committee member of Labor Club, 104
Bright, C H,
awarded evening scholarship to study law, 78
British Association for the Advancement of Science,
Adelaide staff attendees at Centenary Conference return, 1
British Medical Association,
SA Branch of BMA formed in 1879, 41
F A Maguire, Sydney surgeon to deliver annual Listerian address to branch, 85
Government acting on BMA recommendation for TB Clinic site, 186c
Britten Jones, Dr Alan Thomas,
gave demonstrations at conference of surgeons, 132
replacing Dr P S Messent in his absence, 130
Britten Jones, Dr E,
President of British Medical Association, wrote a protest about proposed TB Clinic site, 186c
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford students, 44
attended gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Bromley, Mr,
discussed causes of dry weather in SA and possible Antarctic influence, 153
Bronner, Rudolph,
on leave in Adelaide from Freiburg University, 140
to give lecture on “Influence of German nationalism on Education”, 146
summary of lecture on Nazi education, 152
attended third annual general meeting of Graduate Union, 152
lecture on Hitler’s ambitions, 154
letter to editor commenting on Bronner lecture, 155
lecture on Nazi leaders, ”Goering Strong Man of Germany”, 156
Brookman, Mrs George,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Brown, Dr Gilbert,
spoke as anaesthetist at Seventh Annual Surgeon Conference, 178a
Brown, H P,
postal director made CMG in New Year Honours, photograph, 186l
Brown, Harold Barnden,
gave expert evidence in case of stealing microscopes, 147
Brown, J A V Senior,
photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
Brown, Miss M,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Browne, C Harding,
Treasurer, Friends of Public Library, 34
Browne, Dr John Walter,
appointed honorary commissioner to report on treatment of tubercular diseases, 10
Browning-Pomeroy, Alan,
won a J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Bruce, S M,
gave Joseph Fisher lecture, 172 , 173
Bruce, Sir Wallace,
Chair of Dental Board, 1 , 2
Brummitt, Dr Robert Douglas,
Brumby, Alan,
camel handler and lease holder assisted expedition, 101
daughter of architect of university building has drawing by her father of design, 172
opening of Barr Smith Library, 6
progress in construction of university buildings, 63
description of proposed Bonython Hall, 72
letter protesting at site of Bonython Hall, 73
Johnson chemical laboratories opening, 85 , 87
university buildings praised by visiting architect, 86
demolition of powder magazine and beautification of grounds, 121
Vice chancellor provides new gates for Frome Road, 121
sixty years of progress, 127
federal government funds for new chemistry building will assist unemployed, 31
council to consider plan for new chemistry building, 33
improvements to Exhibition Building, 88 , 89a
no further improvements expected for Exhibition Building, 160
Vice Chancellor in saying Oval fence should go, suggests other buildings, 162
photograph of Barr Smith Library, 179
photographs of construction of Bonython Hall, 181a , 186a
sketch of proposed Great Hall, Bonython Hall, 184
photographs of Johnson laboratory, 182 , 184
photograph of Victoria Drive elm trees and university buildings, 186r
Bull, Dr L B,
to attend 21st ANZAAS Conference, 30
left as director of laboratory at Adelaide Hospital, photograph, 124
replaced by Professor Cleland as honorary pathologist at Adelaide Hospital, 141
resigned as lecturer in bacteriology to take up research position with CSIR, 104a , 110
Bundey Prize for English Verse,
Elizabeth Wells wins, 22
no award for 1934, 146
Burdon, R S,
to provide details re 22nd ANZAAS Conference, 6
to give paper at 22nd ANZAAS Conference, 30
to research surface tensions of liquids in physics department, 68
Burgess, Miss A,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Burnard, Mrs Alex,
sang in organ recital program played by J Horner, 17
sang in recital in Elder Hall, 146
appointed secretary of Adelaide Music Salon, 157
read minutes of inaugural meeting to propose Adelaide Music Salon, 160
appointed secretary of executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Burnard, Dr David Alexander,
appointed to staff, photograph, 71
awarded Doctorate of Music, biography and photograph, 55
reviews of Elder Conservatorium Chamber Music, 19 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 27 , 34 , 47 , 80 , 83 , 85 , 90a , 122 , 135 , 162 , 168 , 173
reviews of performances by South Australian Orchestra, 30 , 37 , 86 , 90 , 142 , 160 , 161 , 167 , 168 , 173
reviews of Elder staff concerts, 12 , 25 , 43 , 87 , 93 , 104 , 153 , 172
conservatorium program for 1934, 129
Peter Bornstein’s recital, 144
played in staff concerts, 153 , 173
held special classes in musical appreciation in school, 186g
Burnard, Dr R G,
appointed clinical assistant at Adelaide Hospital, 39
Burnell, Dr G H,
appointed assistant to surgical section at Adelaide Hospital, 39
demonstrated at conference of Royal Australasian Conference of Surgeons, 132
Burns, Dr Chester Arnold,
lecture on pyorrhea, 32 , 33
Burston, Dr S R,
on leave from hospital, going abroad, 78
his MRCP registered by Medical Board, 144
Butler, Lucy,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Butler, Mr, (Premier)
pleased to see Abe Shannon in New Year Honours, 186l
defended choice of TB Clinic site, 186c
gave reasons for Teachers' salary cut, 186p
Byrne, Lorna,
member of group who sent resolutions to Chairman of ABC on use of wireless in education from Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
C R Morris Scholarship,
awarded to Angus Jamieson and Marvyn Smith, photograph, 180
Cairns, Dr Hugh William Bell,
Rhodes Scholar for 1919, 68
in London, pioneers new techniques for brain surgery in two operations, 68 , 114
Calendar, 1882,
report on university buildings and calendar, 6
Callaghan, Dr A,
unable to attend gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Callaghan, Dr Allen R,
gave report at annual prize giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
appointed Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College, short biographies, 24 , 33 , 114
photograph, 24 , 33
Calvary Private Hospital,
operation performed, discussion afterwards as part of Seventh Annual Conference of Royal Australian College of Surgeons, 178a
Cameron, Mr,
to take part in debate arranged by Men’s Union and Labour Club, 155
spoke in support of teachers' salary cut, 186p
Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
member of committee of Friends of Public Library, 34
importance of France's agreement to accept Germany's final reparations payment, 30
to lecture in public lecture program, 85
gave lecture on “The History of the Commonwealth Constitution, Its Development and Interpretation”, 97
Campbell, Dr Thomas Draper,
to speak in 1932 public lecture program, 24
gave lecture on Aborigines ‘petering out’, 27
gave lecture on origins of the Aborigines, 28
Secretary to Board of Anthropological Research introduced lecturers reporting on expedition to central Australia, 164
provided commentary on films and stills taken on expedition, 153
appointed member of executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
annual anthropological expedition to central Australia likely to leave next month, 160
in party formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
Canberra University College,
J Q Ewens appointed Secretary of college, 186h
council submitted reasons for establishment of national residential university, 168
Carey, Clive,
appointed teacher of singing, 151
Carey, E J,
awarded evening scholarship to study public administration, 78
Carman, S H,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Carnegie Corporation,
funds investigation of US education by teachers college lecturer, 34
Australian Council for Educational Research acknowledges contribution, 44
to undertake survey of Australian libraries, 122
has appointed Ralph Munn and E R Pitt to conduct survey of Australian libraries, 144
reports from Ralph Munn, on behalf of Carnegie Corporation, 155
representative praises Adelaide’s university and public buildings, 51
to give grant to University of Tasmania for adult education, 124
offered grant to pay for research at Waite Institute, 140
Casson, Leslie Frank,
left to take PhD at Oxford, 40
Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
applications called, 110
present holder of scholarship studying and working in England, 112
awarded to Agnes Dorsch, 115
Cavanagh-Mainwaring, Dr Wentworth Rowland,
Ceremonies & Celebrations,
Dr A Grenfell Price on Citizens' Committee to plan Royal Visit, 134
invitation to staff to attend 500th Anniversary of University of Catania, Sicily, 146
council sent greetings for Centenary celebrations of Berne (Switzerland) University, 147
ceremony to confer Doctor of Laws on royal visitor, 151 , 179a
Champion de Crespigny, Nancy,
BA degree conferred in special session, 154
Champion, H W,
in New Year Honours for public service in Papua, 186l
Sir George Murray stresses importance of scholarships to university, 43
Sir Elliott Lewis of University of Tasmania speaks in Adelaide urging students to understand university’s role in politics, 11
Chapman, C E,
appointed Deputy Government Analyst, 53
Chapman, Dr Henry George,
death of director of cancer research at Sydney University, 146 , 147 , 186e
unlikely position of director of cancer research to be filled in light of death, 151
manipulation of funds, 153
controversies in regard to his affairs, 186e
Chapman, Robert Hall,
elected to Council vacancy, short biography, 86
elected Chairman, Institution of Engineers (Australia), Adelaide division, photograph, 143
Chapman, Professor Robert William,
return from Centenary Conference of British Association for Advancement of Science, 1
states engineering graduates disadvantaged in getting work because of government control of jobs, 2
argued against establishment of science centre in Canberra, 8
argued for retention of Adelaide Observatory, 11 , 12
showed Japanese Vice-Admiral around university, photograph, 16
spoke at CTA dinner, 38
success of students from engineering school, 38
hoped that before long there would be a large number of graduates in parliament, 145
proposed toast at first annual dinner of Men’s Union, 145
to give lecture on suspension bridges, 146
gave lecture on “Suspension Bridges”, 158
photographs, 2 , 16 , 175
Chapple, Frederick,
in 1883, F Chapple replaced Dr (William) Gosse as Warden of Senate, 103b
Charleston, David Morley,
death of one of state’s first senators, 186h
Chemistry, Study of,
new diploma in chemistry to be created, 63
Professor Kerr Grant highlighted construction of new chemistry building, 68
photograph of new chemistry laboratory, 182
Christian, Mr,
opposed bill to cut teachers' salary cut, 186p
Cilento, Dr Raphael West,
applied to Court for leave from attendance as a law student, 157
donated collection of New Guinea skulls and Melanesian brains to Australian Institute of Anatomy, 166
to deliver lecture at 1932 ANZAAS meeting, 26 , 30
gave Anne Mackenzie Oration on Control of Climate, 77
short biography, 116
Clarence, Francis Edward,
technician arrested for stealing of two microscopes, 146 , 147
Clark, A. W,
awarded diploma in pharmacy, 161
Clark, Alexander,
former role in music education carried on by F Gratton, 169
Clark, J D,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Clark, Mrs M A,
to receive a share in profit from sale of vineyards in Sir Josiah Symon's will, 166
Clark, Robert John, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
appointed secretary of Law Society, short biography, 142
Clarke, Laurence Eric,
appointed magistrate, 125
Clarke, R J,
appointed secretary of Law Society of South Australia, 142
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Clarkson, A E,
Vice-president of Friends of Public Library, 34
Cleland, Professor John Burton,
introduced film on expedition to Cockatoo Creek, 32
in expedition to Mt Liebig, 36
argued a scientist should be available to advise parliament on matters affected by science, 45
found Fleshy Shearwater, photograph, 53
appointed Chair of Advisory Council of Aborigines, 83
led anthropological expedition to Ernabella, 91 , 101
awarded Sir Joseph Verco Medal, 107 , 140
short biography, 140
appointed honorary pathologist, Adelaide Hospital, photograph, 141
appointed to Central Board of Health, 141
article on aborigines of Central Australia published in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South Australia, 125
provided commentary on films and stills taken on expedition, 153
in annual expedition, 167
reported on work of annual anthropological expedition to Central Australia, 171
gifted authoritative handbook belonging to series on fauna and flora of SA, 152
Cleland, Peter Fullarton,
won a John Gordon scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Close, Dr, W J,
appointed honorary assistant surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 39
reappointed honorary assistant surgeon, 141
resigned as honorary assistant surgeon, 151
Close, Mrs John,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Clubs, associations & societies,
annual business meeting and election of officers of Classical Association, 29
captain of cricket club, T L Ewens, admitted as associate of ICAA, 186h
first meeting of Labor Club, 104
Medical Students' Society held luncheon for Sir Henry Simpson Newland and Dr Bronte Smeaton, 104a
Third Annual Meeting of Graduates Union, 152
Professor H J Wilkinson appointed President of Union, 140
university sports year book to be released, 162
students from all faculties involved in intellectual societies, sport clubs, associations, 150
Professor Hancock presided at meeting of International Club, 11
Professor Duncan Hall addressed International Club, 18
Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, Professor Hytton recommends coordination of rail and motor transport at meeting, 15
Women’s Union, amendments to legacy from Sir Josiah Symon, 165
Labor Club invited students to hear Leader of Opposition speak on unemployment, 173
photograph of students being addressed by Mr Scullin at invitation of Labor Club, 174
Men’s Union Debate, 186m
Clucas, R J M,
former University Librarian died in 1930, 78
Coad, Alan,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust", 154
Coats, Claude Hampson,
awarded David Murray Scholarship, 125
Cockburn, Malcolm Turner,
Doctor of Medicine degree to be conferred, 146 , 155
Cocks, A D,
appointed dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Colebatch, Dr J H,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Colquhuon, T T,
assistant lecturer in botany inspects rabbit damage at Koonamore reserve, 26
Commane, Teresa,
played in students' concert, 151
Commerce, Study of,
prospectus available for diploma in commerce, 128
Queensland University initiates external studies for Bachelor of Commerce, 186d
annual meeting of Commerce Students Association, 11
Community relations,
Dr Harold Davies supports an interstate music festival, 11
Advertiser reports on University Open Day, 19 , 20
Conferences & seminars,
Sir William Mitchell attend annual congress of Australian Association of Psychology and Philosophy, 145 , 146
Professor G V Portus returned from ABC conference on national relay talks, 170
conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
conference of Australian College of Surgeons, 178a
Connor, Julian Dove,
Cook, K,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
Cooke, Dr William Ternant,
to attend ANZAAS Conference, 30 , 38
Coombe, A,
gained an award in public administration, 66
Copland, Professor D B,
gave Fisher lecture in 1921, 172 , 173
Copp, Detective,
gave evidence in case of stolen microscopes, 147
Corbin, Alice,
performed in student concert, 168
Corbin, Professor Horace Hugh,
letter on forestry policy in South Australia, 36
obituary, 118
Corbin, Dr J O,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Corbin, Mrs John,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Corbin, Margaret,
performed in student concert, 168
Corney, Eric Ronald,
awarded Barr Smith Prize, 114
Cornish, A E,
in party of engineering students going on tour, 167
Cottrell, E,
in party of engineering students going on tour, 167
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
Division of Animal Nutrition initiated by Professor Brailsford Robertson, 95
Sir Charles Martin finishes two years as chief of Division of Animal Nutrition, 95
meeting of Scientific Council, 168
overview of discussions at Council meeting, 170
Council, University of Adelaide,
accepted money to create Kate Weston Memorial Library, 45
donation for research work from Associated Smelters, 172
City of Adelaide Council condemns position of University Council, 81
members terms ending, 51
nominations to council, 85
election of member, 86
awarded scholarships, 115
approved list of candidates to receive degrees, 118
executive appointments, 6 , 55 , 145 , 146
Mr Justice Angas Parsons member of Council, 84 , 145
extra legacy for Davies-Thomas Scholarship, 146
conferred degree of Doctor of Medicine on Malcolm Turner Cockbourne, 146
University Council and Senate walked in procession to Government House to be presented to new Governor, 164
Coventry, F,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Cowan, Dr D R W,
protest against site chosen for TB Clinic, 186c
Cowan, William Albert,
appointment of Barr Smith Librarian, 100 , 116
photograph, 116
in group who welcomed Ralph Munn, here to survey public libraries, 155
Cowden, Kenneth Laurence Brooke,
passed sixth and final year examinations, BM and BS degrees, 25
Cowper, Norman Lethbridge,
testified in investigations regarding financial matters of late Prof H G Chapmen, 186e
Cox, Carlton Ingham,
appointed to ICI laboratories in Melbourne, 52
Cox, David Vassal,
played in students concerts, 151 , 168
played organ at recital for re-opening of Organ, 170
played in midday organ recital, 172
awarded Elder Scholarship, 115
photographs, 115 , 182
Cox, D W,
won J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
Cozens, Vida,
played in students’ concert, 168
Crabb, Shirley,
sang in Students' concert, 151
Craker, A E,
gained an awarded in public administration, 66
Crampton, Miss Hope,
at Women’s Union annual dinner, 119
Crawford, Rev Dr Lionel Payne,
Creswell Scholarship,
awarded to Winifred May Lihou, 128
captain of cricket club, T L Ewens, admitted as associate of ICAA, 186h
Cronin, Alice,
played in Students’ concert, 168
Crosbie, Mr,
ruled out amendment to Teachers' salary cut, 186p
Crouch, Reginald,
sang in Students' concert, 151
performed in Opera class production of "Faust”, 154
Cudmore, Dr A M,
appointed Chair of new Dental Board, 1 , 2
in debate over Dental Bill, Butler asks if people think Dr Cudmore faked examinations, 54
reappointed to Dental Board, 70
appointed member of Medical Board, 25
reappointed member of Medical Board, 151 , 152
Cumpston, Dr J H L,
reported progress in treating cancer at Medical Congress, Hobart, 186f
Curriculum development,
University of Adelaide’s progress, 63 , 91
Curwen's Elementary Certificate,
mentioned in discussion of teaching music in schools, 158
Cutner, Dr Philip,
biography of appointee to Institute of Anatomy, Canberra, 166
Dale, Dr John,
gave address on public health at Medical Congress, Hobart, 186f
Daniel, C L,
gave apprenticeship to first woman graduate of diploma of pharmacy, 162
Darsow, Martin,
awarded Grade 111 Theory of Music Exhibition, 51
Davey, Dr Constance Muriel,
commented on Professor Elton Mayo's research on industrial efficiency, 5
to be at annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
welcomed to conference of Institute of Public Administration, 103b
attended conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
David Murray Scholarship,
won by Eric William Gray, 4
awarded to C H Coats, 125
David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth,
speech opens 21st ANZAAS conference, 40
vice president of geology section of ANZAAS conference, 36
to publish book on geology of Australia, Adelaide geologists to help, 48
in Adelaide gathering material on Commonwealth geology, 46
article on SA fossils, 49
to publish new work next year, 62
in SA for further work on fossils, 81
given Emeritus Professorship by University of Sydney, 83
comments on Mawson expedition to craters, 124
Antarctic explorer and writer, 161
death, obituaries, 170 , 171 , 172
photographs, 40 , 83 , 170
Davidson, A C,
gave Fisher lecture on topic, “Australia’s part in international recovery”, 29
gave Fisher lecture in 1932, 172 , 173
Davidson, F G,
Librarian of Circulating Library concerned at criticism by R A Munn, 186s
Davidson, Dr James,
Head of entomological dept at Waite leading research against thrips, 29 , 45 , 104a
Davidson, Professor John,
in 1882, Rev W R Fletcher the temporary appointment as lecturer in English Literature after death of Professor Davidson, 51
Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
outlined program coming musical season, 6
challenge of ‘canned’ music, photograph, 8
his speech commented on by City organist, 9
praised former teacher, I G Reimann, 9
supports interstate music festival, 11
discusses SA orchestra program for 1932 and finance issues, 12
elected Chair of Australian Music Examinations Board, 16
organised series of chamber music concerts to mark bicentenary of Haydn’s birth, 16
letter to editor on music of Constant Lambert, 18
response to his comments on Constant Lambert, 18 , 19
brief biographies, 33 , 92 , 160
issues invitations for student operas, 34
spoke on SA Orchestra concert clashes, 41
to present associates in music for 1932 and scholars for 1933, 58
easy access to music by expert musicians discouraging children from playing, 74
gave lecture on the Faculty of Music, 78
pays tribute to Peter Bornstein, 98
stresses importance of educating emotions through music, 98
member of council of S.A. Music Teachers Association, 1906, 101
conducts examinations for Elder scholarships, 114
to assess applications for Elder Scholarships, 113
awarded Elder scholarships, 115
praised young pianist, Allan Giles, 116
fare-welled Hilda Gill and Peter Bornstein, 122
outlined program for 1934, 129
says Australian child shows aptitude for music, 131
advice to students, 133
to broadcast three talks, 133
supported scheme for founding Adelaide Music Salon, 157
campaign for teaching music in schools to matriculation level, 158 , 159
issued invitations for performance of "Faust”, 151
Australia should have national symphony orchestra, 154
praised by Percy Grainger, 164
campaign for more music study in schools, 158 , 159 , 166 , 168 , 169
SA Orchestra gave extra concert as tribute to P. Grainger and Professor Davies, 169
at luncheon in honour of organist, 172
Hilda Gill wrote to Professor Davies about her musical experience on Continent, 172
had honorary degree conferred by University of WA, 142
thanks Percy Grainger, 144
informs teachers of Australian Music Examinations Board’s decision to extend music studies in schools, 158
his proposals to change teaching of music in schools debated, 158 , 159
musical genius and its training, 186k
photographs, 12 , 129 , 160
Davies, Sir Walford,
actions of English expert quoted in teaching music in schools demonstration at Conservatorium, 168
“Ten Years Ago” wrote to support approval of appointment of Clive Carey, 151
Davies-Thomas Scholarship,
legacy to augment initial funds, 146
Davies-Thomas, Dr John,
scholarship founded in his memory by his wife, Mrs. E Davies-Thomas, 146
Davis, Harold Fosbery,
student punished for souvenir hunting in Hobart, 186r
Davis, R W,
Vice President Labor Club, 104
took part in debates of Labor Club and Men’s Union, 155 , 186m
chairman of Labor Club on university education, 172
presided at meeting where Mr Scullin spoke on unemployment, 173
Davy, Dr R,
attended Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Dawbarn, Richard B,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, 172 , 173
Dawe, R,
provided musical entertainment at Annual Dinner of Men's Union, 145
Dawes, E R,
spoke on different phases of Labor movement, 104
will propose debate topic for Labor Club and Men’s Union, 155
Dawkins, A M,
Chairman of Council of Control at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Dawkins, Lindsay Cramp,
studying structural engineering in London, 45
admitted as associate of Royal Institute of British Architects, 125
Dawkins, Mrs S L,
at meeting to proposed founding music salon, 157
elected to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Day, R S,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Dean, Brigader-General George Henry, VD,
made CBE in Honours list, 23
de Crespigny, Dr C T C,
appointed to Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 145
de Crespigny, Nancy Champion,
BA conferred ad eundem gradum, 155
Delaney, Detective Sergeant,
affairs of late Prof H G Chapman, 186a , 186c
Delmont, W G,
left for US for further research in dental science, 170
Dempster, John,
city organist responding to address by Professor E Harold Davies, claimed there was no true love of music among music teachers trained academically, 9
Dental Board of South Australia,
member of Dental Board calls for government action to improve teeth of South Australians, 186h
new membership of the reconstituted Dental Board, 1 , 2
members of former board, 1 , 2
board membership appointments, 70
member of board protests against amendments to Dental Bill, 50
board members resign after amendments to Dental Bill passed, 56
Dental Congress,
Congress President, Dr H T J Edwards, on use of Toothbrush, 102
Dental Museum to be feature of Congress, 102
Dr Edwards opposed nationalisation, 102a
dental work among children, 186h
member of Dental Board calls for government action to improve teeth of South Australians, 186h
advances in dental science, 186h
Dentistry, Faculty of,
Dean of Faculty, Dr Cudmore, chair of reconstituted Dental Board, 1 , 2
Dentistry, Study of,
debate on entry to dentistry registration for unqualified assistants by sitting an examination rather than doing a course, or even solely on years of experience 21 , 48 , 49
member of Dental Board opposes changes to Dental Bill, 50
Dental Association claims standard of training threatened, 50 , 51 , 54 , 56
advances in dental science, working with children, 186h
Dental Museum to open for Congress, 102
Devine, H B,
in 1926 supported formation of College of Australasian surgeons, 178a
Discombe, Lorna,
MA degree conferred in Council meeting, 154 , 155
Distance Education,
University of Queensland to offer courses by correspondence, 186d
Dodd, J E,
has reconstructed organ he originally built, 167 , 170
Dodwell, George Frederick,
government astronomer argues for retention of Adelaide Observatory, 3
his work at observatory, 10 , 14
observed comet, 65 , 66
supported proposal for co-operation between universities and observatories, 100
Doenau, Topsy,
piano accompanist at Midday organ recital, 172
Dollard, Miss,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Dolling, Mrs C E,
spoke on technical developments in broadcasting at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
member of subcommittee of Women’s Graduate Union which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Dorsch, Agnes,
awarded Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 115
biography, photograph, 115
Dorsch, Theodor Siegfried,
won awards at St Mark’s College, 6
supports women students’ appeal for Barr Smith Library to open in evenings, 11
selected as Rhodes Scholar, 66
biography, photograph of new Rhodes Scholar, 58 , 115
leaving for Oxford, 114
Dorsch, Dr Wilhelm Bernard,
newly registered as doctor, 121
awarded Everard Scholarship and BMA Prize, 115
biography, photograph, 115
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Dowie, Lincoln David,
biography, awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1934, 162
photograph, 162
Downer, F J,
Vice-president of Friends of Public Library, 34
Downey, Dr Michael Henry,
obituary of Superintendent of Parkside Mental Hospital, 81
Doyle, L J, LLB.,
appointed to position in Commonwealth Public Service, brief biography, 152
Dridan, J R,
engineer engaged in work on locks on River Murray, 150
Drummond, A.A.,
said he hoped members of Labor Club would assist the Socialist School of Thought, 104
Duffield, Dr Walter,
principal founder of Mt Stromlo Observatory for solar work, 159
Duhig, Dr J V,
made plea for use of pathological diagnosis, Australian Medical Congress, 186f
Duiguid, Dr C,
gave demonstrations and took part in discussions at conference for surgeons, 132
Duguid, Mrs C,
to be at annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
Dumas, Vic,
reported work of H H Finlayson in Petermann Range, 155
Dunn, J M,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
member of council of SA Music Teachers Association, 101
Dwyer, Dr,
current medical registrar at Adelaide Hospital also temporarily surgical registrar and outpatients registrar, 135
Eardley, Frederick William,
registrar goes on leave, returns, 11 , 15 , 139
gave lecture on “The Necessity of Poetry”, photograph, 38
in term vacation registry staff do routine work, photograph, 41
no need for women’s college yet, though will be one in time, 46
believes number of entries for public exams will be similar to last year, 47
three applications made for John Lorenzo Young Scholarship for research, 51
says failure in English literature in intermediate examination will not fail candidates who demonstrate adequate grasp of the language, 71
expects transfer of Jubilee Oval to university soon, 98
reports interest in Adelaide of using graduate students to give of their time to do some teaching, 110
article on university’s sixty years of progress, 127
on helping graduates find jobs, 157
back from Melbourne after visit on private business, 170
Eardley, Mrs F W,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Earl, Professor John Campbell,
Adelaide graduate elected Dean of Faculty of Science at Sydney University, 121
Eaton, J H O,
Imperial Service Order conferred in King's birthday Honours list, 148
Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand,
Professor Hytton recommends co-ordination of rail and motor transport at meeting, 15
Economics, Chair of,
appointment of Professor E O G Shann, 109 , 110
Economics, Study of
still at the clever guessing stage’, 43
Edgar, G,
handwriting expert gives evidence in case of stolen microscope, 147
Edison, Mary,
performed in students concert, 168
Edwards, C V,
moved admission of Gronway Lewis Morris to Bar, 65
Edwards, Dr Hurtle Thomas Jack,
member of new Dental Board, 1 , 2
resigned from Dental Board after amendment to Dental Bill passed, 56
Dr Edwards to attend executive meeting of Australian Dental Association, 85
succeeded on Dental Board by G A Randle, 70
President of Dental Congress, 102
on use of toothbrush, 102
against nationalisation, 102a
photograph, 102
commented on dental work among children, 186h
Elder Prize,
Miss Knight awarded Elder Prize for physiology in 1883, 78
Elder Scholarships,
for violin, awarded to Marie Sleigh, 59 , 186k
for violin, awarded to Teresa Audrey Commane, 83
awarded to Otto Fischer in 1883, 89a
applications closed, 113
examinations for scholarships being conducted, 40 candidates, 114
three scholarships awarded, 115
photograph of three winners, 182
Elder, Sir Thomas,
in 1882 gave ₤3,000 for scholarship to Royal College of Music, London, 43
in 1883 gave ten thousand pounds to establish medical school, 121 , 157
Elder's Trustee & Executor Co Ltd,
trustees and executor of Sir Josiah Symon’s Will, 165 , 166
Eldridge, E,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig, 36
Elix, R H,
presented with Pharmacy Board certificate, 161
Elliot, Keith, LLB,
admitted as practitioner, 141
received Bachelor of Laws at special Conferring of degrees, 154 , 155
Ellis, Dr Roy Gilmore,
likely to represent Australia at Dental Congress in Toronto, 18
Emery, Robert Eustice,
awarded Diploma of second class at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Emslie, H J,
secretary of Institutes Association expects Mr Munn here shortly to begin survey of SA libraries, 151
Engineering, Bachelor of,
J S Hall elected associate of Royal Institute of British Architects, 167
Two parties of engineering students going on study tours, 167
Engineering, Study of,
letter to Editor proposing on overcrowding of engineering profession, 76
if sufficient interest, a course of thirty lectures will be given in industrial engineering, 78
annual survey by students in Kuitpo Forest, 127 , 128 , 129
engineering students to go on tour, 167
Institution of Civil Engineering London recognizes Adelaide engineering courses, 168
successes of engineering students, 38
Miss E A Stoney spoke of women’s engineering work during the war, at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
England, H N, BSc,
South Australian working in NSW on soil research, 39
English, Chair of; Jury Chair of English Literature,
Mrs G A Jury endowed Jury Chair of English Literature in husband’s honour, 11 , 13
English, Study of
A M Kirkwood appointed in Dr Bald’s absence, 66
Ennis, Dr Matthew,
appointed professor of music, first president of SA Music Teachers Association, 101
1932 enrolment figures, 8
Equipment & Furniture,
description of instrument to find lost radium needles, 144
Eric Smith Scholarship,
awarded in connection with Commercial Travellers Association for recipient to study for degree, 129
Establishment, University of Adelaide,
Evans, E A,
took part in debate on Communism at Men’s Union, 144
Evening lectures,
list of subjects available by evening lectures if sufficient enrolments, 104a
Everard Scholarship,
Dr Wilhelm Bernard Dorsch awarded Everard Scholarship, 115
Evers, Mrs Alice,
received an annuity in Sir Josiah Symon’s will, 165
Ewens, John Qualtrough,
appointed legal assistant in Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, 100
appointed secretary of Canberra University College, 186h
Ewens, L T,
Vice President of Student Union comments on girls on campus for social life, 90
admitted as an associate of Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, 186h
degree and diploma examinations to begin, 11
university to consider lower fees for intermediate, leaving and leaving honours exams, 13
university rejects lower fees for intermediate, leaving, leaving honours exams, 104a
BM and BS results, 25
universities suggest special examination for graduates for public service, 41
university examinations to begin, 51
university results to be published soon, public examinations to begin soon, 53
how to pass examinations, Headmasters’ advice, 45
features of examination season, 47
public examinations begin today, 56
aspects of examinations, 57
music exhibitions awarded on examination results, 51
details of degrees and diplomas to be awarded at next commemoration, 59 , 61 , 62
articles discussing impact of examinations on school education, 62
Mr Adey cautious about interpretation of different results for boys and girls, 71
Professor McKellar Stewart says too much homework injurious for 10 to 13 year-olds, 80
public examinations for intermediate and leaving require fewer subjects, 113 , 114 , 132
awards made for results of examinations, 115
attack on medical examination system, 116
leaving and supplementary examinations start, 129
graduates to enter public service without doing an examination, 140
examiners’ comments on 1933 papers, 141
fees for dental examinations to change, 146
value of public examinations questioned, 186g
examinations and learning in medieval times, 186j
Exhibition Building,
Future of Exhibition Building, 88 , 89a , 160
Mawson leads geology students to north-east part of SA, 145
films from last anthropological expedition shown, 153
annual anthropological expedition to central Australia, 160
work of anthropology expedition, 164
exploration of Northern Australia by air, 165
party formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
Professor J B Cleland reported on journey through sand hills, 171
Fairbairn, Mr,
teacher at Adelaide College of Music, 101
Featherstone, Miss D,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
fees and total costs for medical students, 10
costs of studying Law, 103a
fees to be introduced for high school, 103a , 103b
no concession for fees for university examinations, 104a
costs of examinations in dentistry, 146
Fenner, Dr Charles Albert Edward,
returned from Conference of British Association for Advancement of Science, 1
lunched in Oxford with last three SA Rhodes scholars, 3
to attend 21st ANZAAS conference, 30
to contribute to comprehensive book on geology of Australia, 48
to cover physiography of SA, 48
to speak on possibilities of Murray-Darling Basin, 85 , 89a
should be a limit to economy in providing education, 65
retold story of H H Finlayson’s trip into interior, 155
in photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
Fenner, Frank John,
in party formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
awarded John Bagot Scholarship, 114
Fenwick, Constable L B,
Police Association supported unity of action between Association and Teachers Federation over teachers’ salary cut, 186p
Ferguson, William Rex,
awarded travelling scholarship in Forestry, 85
Fielding, L E,
in party of engineering students going on tour, 167
see also Budget; Fees
unfilled professorial chairs caused by shortage of funds, 4
visitor from England says Australian university not as badly off as others, 48
grant to University reduced from ₤80,626 to ₤60,587, 11
grant sought for research into combating thrips, 45
Dr Chapman’s manipulation of funds, 153
proposed allocation for first building for Canberra University refused, 155
concessions on Federal Land and Super Taxes, Sales Tax, and Primage, 186n
Finlayson, Dr C,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Finlayson, Henry Herbert,
to research mammals near Oodnadatta, 60 , 65
difficult expedition to the Petermann Range, 155
left to continue research on mammals in Musgrave Ranges, accompanied by his brother, F H G Finlayson, 122
Finlayson, Ronald Nickels,
committee member, Friends of Public Library, 34
university representative on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, 111
Finnis, Rev H P,
at luncheon for organist Sydney Nicholson, 172
Fisher, Harold,
won awards for St Mark’s College, 6
Fisher, Winifred,
sang in students’ concert, 168
Fitz-Herbert, Professor John Aloysius,
appointed honorary university librarian, 2 , 78
commented that Love’s thesis first recording of Worora tribal language, 103
presided at lecture by Rev J R B Love on "Mythology and Religion of the Worora Tribe of Aborigines", 170
Fletcher, Rev William Roby,
in 1882, temporarily appointed to chair of English after death of Professor Davidson, 51
1883, elected Vice Chancellor, 95
Fletcher, Dr M W,
won a scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Florey, Dr Howard Walter,
appointed Professor of Pathology at Sheffield University, 10
Forestry, Study of,
wider use of Commonwealth Forestry Bureau for research, 126
Professor Corbin's letter on forestry policy in South Australia, 36 , 126
Fowler, Laura Margaret ,
see Hope, Dr Laura Margaret
Francis, Felicia,
sang in students’ concert, 168
Fraser, Harry Lovat,
Fred Johns Scholarship,
established for writing biography of George Fife Angas, 162
Fred Johns Scholarship for Biography, 61 , 66
French, Study of,
Governor argued for more teaching of modern languages, 34
teacher supports Governor's plea but seeks changes in examination, 35
Freney, Martin Raphael,
CSIR Officer to study chemical aspects of blowflies at Leeds University, 43 , 68
Fricker, Miss V,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Friends of the Public Library of South Australia,
university staff influential in forming organisation to support Public Library, 34
Frost, Mary,
secretary of Women’s Graduate Association to propose toast at annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
spoke on problem of leisure at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
photograph, 178b
member of subcommittee of Women’s Graduate Union which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Fry, Dr Henry Kenneth,
to speak in 1932 program of public lectures, 24
member of anthropological expedition to Ernabella, 91 , 101
returned from study of natives of the south east, accompanied by last member of Coorong tribe, Milerum or Mr Clarence Long, 130
film and stills taken by him and N B Tindale shown and he provided commentary, 153
appointed official visitor to Parkside Mental Hospital, 146
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
in party formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
lecture on plight of Australian Aborigines, 28 , 29
Fryer, C F,
president of WEA celebrates end of WEA year, 109
Fuller, G R,
undertaking research in physics on ways of measuring gravity, 68
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
Funder, Dr H P,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Gaetjens, Gertrude Vera,
report on her work as Catherine Helen Spence Scholar, 112
Garland, John Manson,
appointed lecturer in economics, 1
gains Masters degree in Commerce, short biography, 116
Garland, T,
took part in debate on Communism at Mens Union, 144
Garnet Leary, Lieutenant-Colonel T,
spoke at Australian Medical Congress 1934, Hobart, on responsibility of community to maintain high levels of fitness, 186f
Garnett, Dr A C,
former WEA lecturer visiting Adelaide, 110
strange courses in bachelor degrees at US universities, 124
Gartrell, Dr Eric Frank,
appointed clinical assistant at Adelaide Hospital, 39
honorary physician at hospital in absence of Dr S R Bursson, 78
appointed honorary demonstrator in cardiology, physiology, Adelaide University, 111
Gartrell, H W,
taking party of engineering students to Tasmania, 167
Gee, Basil Redpath,
received diploma, second class at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Gell, Heather,
to give a demonstration in musical appreciation and aural training for heads of schools and music teachers, 166 , 168
report of demonstration given at Conservatorium, 168 , 169
Gender issues,
see also women; see also women students
visiting London surgeon, C F Fagge, discusses perceived prejudice against women doctors, 3
no need at present for women’s college, 46
women students have their own union building, 150
Swedish scientist Dr Caldenius inspected rocks in Adelaide Hills, 157
Geology, Study of,
project of creating detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges, 161
tenders to be let for survey of geological resources of Northern Australia by air, 165 , 167
Dr C T Madigan to publish book on Central Australia, 165
value of aerial work in Northern Australia, 166
Eric A Rudd to do postgraduate studies in geology at Harvard, 169
Sir Douglas Mawson says mining prospects in Adelaide Hills are good, 169
death of noted geologist, 170 , 171
Professor Howchin argues that South Australia once had great inland rivers, 53
Dr Madigan reports on Granite gold rush, 58 , 60
Sir Douglas Mawson to investigate meteorite craters, 124
Professor Howchin honoured by London award, 125
Swedish scientist Dr Caldenius inspected rocks in Adelaide Hills, 157
George, Miss H,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
George, Dr Mildred May,
George, David,
Cattleman meets Professor Cleland’s anthropological expedition in sand hills, 171
Gerhardt, Elena,
praises Hilda Gill’s singing, 172
German, Study of,
Governor's plea for teaching more foreign languages, 34 , 35
Gibb, Claude Dixon,
winner of Angas Engineering Scholarship in 1924, awarded Hawksley Medal in London, 8
Gibson, A J,
instrumental in uncovering Chapman’s manipulation of funds, 153 , 186e
Gibson, H S,
to give paper with R S Burdon on expansion of mercury at ANZAAS conference, 30
Gilbert, Dr H,
gave demonstration at Seventh Annual Conference of Royal Australian College of Surgeons, 178a
Giles, Allan,
brilliant boy pianist wins praise at AMEB examinations, 116
Gill, Williams, H,
appointed a member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 145
Gill, Hilda Beatrice,
to sing in SA Orchestra concert, 15
granted year’s leave of absence to study overseas, 110
praised by overseas teachers, 172
farewelled as leaves to study overseas, 112 , 122
Gill, J G,
constructing special platform in Exhibition Building for public school concerts, 160
Gilliam, Miss,
argues for requirement for matriculation for girls to be at university, 90a
Gillard, Horace James,
Sir Josiah Symon left legacy for his chauffeur, 165
Girton Girl's School,
Headmistress, Miss E S Bishop, supported teaching music to matriculation level, 158
Gloucester, Duke of,
to be awarded Doctorate of Laws, 151
Glynn, Brian McMahon, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Glynn, Dr Ralph Major
gave demonstrations at conference for surgeons, 132
Gmeiner, Clarice,
played in Commemoration of Frederick Delius Concert, 160 , 161
Godlee, Theodore,
passed sixth and final year examinations, BM and BS degrees, 25
Godson, Dr R,
appointed dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Gold, Mervin Roy,
witness in case of stealing microscopes, 147
Gollin, George,
Goodman, Sir William,
council member knighted, 13
Gordon, Sir David,
in group who welcomed Ralph Munn surveying public libraries, 155
gave Joseph Fisher lecture in 1914, 172 , 173
Goss, Noel Frederick,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
awarded League of Nations Prize for 1933 for essay, “The Attitude of the League of Nations to the Sino-Japanese Dispute, 101
awarded a bursary of twenty pounds by Royal Society of St George, 129
Gosse, N,
committee member of Labor Club, 104
Government Relations,
Federal Government not to remove taxes on books, 4 , 5 , 12 , 13
taxes on library books eased, 23
taxes remain on students’ books, 24
recruiting youth for public services, graduate opportunities, 121
Premiers’ conference to debate reducing observatories from 5 to 2, impact on university, 12
government astronomer argues for retention of Adelaide Observatory, 3
Professor R W Chapman argues graduates should seek to serve in Parliament, 145
Goyder, Patricia,
performed in Students' concert, 151
scholarship opportunity for graduates of forestry degree, 10
difficulties for graduates in obtaining employment in present economic conditions, 2
London university not to permit Adelaide graduates to enter their degrees without matriculating (1882), 6
university conference discusses graduate admissions to public service, 41
local society of Oxford graduates to be formed to assist students and graduates in their careers, 44
professions less crowded than last year, 50
University of Perth very active in seeking employment for its graduates, 52
W J Adey, Director General of Education, argues for high merit graduates to enter public service, 64 , 65
headmasters’ conference to support university drive for graduates to be admitted to public service without examinations, 84
opportunities for medical graduates, 99
students with diplomas in engineering and commercial courses finding it hard to get work, 100
amendment to Federal public service act will allow graduates to be employed without sitting public service examinations, 118 , 121 , 139 , 140
WA scheme for graduates not favoured in SA, 130
Adelaide among first universities in empire to include women among its graduates, 178b
photograph of annual commemoration luncheon given by Graduates Union, 180
Women Graduates Association, Annual Meetings, 53 , 119
women graduates entertain women students graduating in 1933, 119 , 120
employment difficulties of graduates, 186b
Graduates Union luncheon addressed by Dr F S Hone, 120
Professor R W Chapman expressed the hope that before long there would be a large number of graduates in parliament, 145
Graduation Ceremonies,
ceremonies, 63 , 64 , 102a , 120 , 155
degrees conferred in 1882, 11
degrees conferred by Council, 27
candidates on whom degrees to be conferred at graduation ceremonies, 59 , 61 , 62 , 89a , 116
degrees conferred by Senate, 90
dates for commemoration and details of ceremony, 52 , 112
more than 30 women to graduate named, 116
names of people to receive degrees, 118
Doctorate of Laws for Duke of Gloucester, 151 , 179a
photographs, 180 , 185
Graebner, Rev C F,
Headmaster, Concordia, supported teaching music to matriculation level, 158
Graebner, Philip,
won a T E Barr Smith scholarship to attend St Andrews College, 7 , 129
Grainger, Ella,
played the marimba in her husband’s arrangement of ‘Blythe Bells’, 167
Grainger, Percy,
conducted SA orchestra, 15
at recital by Harry Hutchins, 143
at meeting to propose founding Adelaide Music Salon, 157
at founding of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
to assist with concert to be held in Elder Hall in memory of Delius, 160
assisted with concert in Elder Hall, 161
praised Adelaide musicians in string quartet, 164
thanked Harold Davies and colleagues for their support, 164
Professor Davies appreciation of Percy Grainger, 144
assisted with South Australian Orchestra’s concert in Town Hall, 167 , 168
because of earlier success with Grainger, South Australian Orchestra gave extra concert, 169
Grant, Professor Kerr,
return from conference of British Association for Advancement of Science, 1 , 2 , 3
impressed by micro short-wave radio system, 2
worked with G F Dowell of Adelaide Observatory with aim of developing study of astrophysics, 3
argued for retention of Adelaide Observatory, 11
with Professor Chapman stated that if the observatory closed, some of its work would have to be taken on by university with associated costs, 12
argued lack of finance to hinder establishing science centre in Canberra, 8
commented on splitting of atom, photograph, 17
stated Einstein might be right after all, 18
unveiled monument erected by university at Karoonda to commemorate meteor strike, 22
to give lecture at ANZAAS meeting, photograph, 30
to go to Sydney for ANZAAS meeting, 36
announced possible viewing of meteor shower, 53
to organise photographic as well as observational record of meteor shower, 54
commented on work of Dr Kleeman, 54
keenly interested in sighting of comet, 65
explained cosmic rays, 41
explained ‘steel wire as record’, 46
outlined scientific challenges for the year and planned developments at university, 68
argues for a national scientific research program, 100
in search for lost radium needle, 105
commented on public examination system, school curriculum and possible introduction of fees for secondary school, 120
explanation of electronic microscope, photograph, 126
member of committee for Graduates Union for 1934, 152
encouraged E T Both in his research to improve cardiograph machine, 168
gone to Sydney for meeting of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 143
photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
in photograph of demonstration of Geiger-Muller electron tube counter working with radium needle, 186
criticism of uniformity of present school curriculum, 186g
Grant, Mrs Kerr Grant,
returned after overseas trip, 129
Gratton, Frank,
Professor E H Davies comments on Gratton’s article on music in schools, 145
conductor of school concerts, 169
Gratton, Mephan John,
awarded Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma in Applied Science, 155
Gratton, N M G,
Headmaster, Scott College, supports teaching music to matriculation level, 158
discussed public examination system, 186g
Gray, Eric William,
appointed tutor at St Marks until can take up Rhodes Scholarship, also winner of David Murray Scholarship, 4
leaves for London, 40
has obtained a first-class in Moderations, 80
made Honorary Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford, 86
Gray, J H,
won bursary for medicine at St Mark’s College, 6
Gray, Dr James Hugo,
member of anthropological expeditions to study aborigines in Central Australia, 36 , 91 , 101
Greenhough, A D,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering, 78
Greenland, Patrick Cecil,
former secretary of AUU and AUSA, appointed WEA Secretary at University of Tasmania, photograph, 140
Gregory, Professor T E G,
gave Joseph Fisher Lecture Subject for 1930, 172
Greig, Dr James,
discussed increasing height of Australian children, at Medical Congress, 186f
Grenfell Price, Dr A,
member of Graduate Union committee for 1934, 152
Grigg, Thomas,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
opposition to proposed site of Bonython Hall, 76 , 79 , 81 , 82
university to take over Jubilee Oval, 98
improvements to grounds, Victoria Drive, 114
new gates for university, 121
fences and university gates erected, 147 , 160
pair of gates presented by Sir William Mitchell to be installed, 147
university gates to be completed this week, 160
decision to sink well in Oval, 173
photograph of Mitchell Gates, 177
photographs of work in preparation for erection of Bonython Hall, 174
photograph of Victoria Drive elm trees and university buildings, 186r
proposed removal of unsightly fence at Exhibition Oval, 162 , 186i
Gyrst, E F,
Guinand, Andrew Paul,
awarded 1934 Rhodes Scholarship, 119
farewelled by gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
photographs, 119 , 165
Gunning, Dr N Stannus,
has been granted Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 160
student Gunson named as doing well in second year at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Gunson, Dr J M M,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Gurner, Doctor Colin,
appointed honorary clinical assistant to X-Ray Department of Adelaide Children's Hospital, 1
Hackett, Dr Cecil,
left with N B Tindale for three months study of natives in Musgrave Ranges, 84
to meet at Ernabella anthropological expedition, 91
worked three months in interior, 101
films and stills taken by him and N B Tindale shown, 153
Hackett, J T,
appointed clerk of Senate, 78
Hackett, Patricia,
delivers address at opening of Winthrop Hall, University of Western Australia, representing the benefactor of the Hall, Lady Moulden of Adelaide, 12
Hague, Ralph Meyrick,
Hale, H M,
member of anthropological expedition to Mt Liebig, 36
Director of Museum to make plaster casts of heads and busts of natives, 91 , 101
author of books dealing with fish, reptiles and crustaceans, 152
Hall, Madame Delmar,
teacher of students who performed in concerts, 151 , 168
Hall, J S,
undertook further study in London, elected associate of Royal Institute of British architects, 167
Hall, Winsloe,
teacher of student who performed at Conservatorium, 168
director of student opera Faust, 154
Hamilton, A L,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce, 78
Hamilton, Dr Ian Ayliffe,
appointed to the surgical section, 4
reappointed demonstrator in pathology, Adelaide University, 70
admitted as Fellow of Australian College of Surgeons, 134
appointed honorary assistant pathologist, Adelaide Hospital, 141
appointed to Adelaide Children's Hospital, 151
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
Hamilton, K T,
appointed secretary to Union, 143
Hancock, Professor William Keith,
letter to editor protesting against lack of government funds for public library, 21
spoke at meeting of International Club, 11
to speak in 1932 program of public lectures, 24
member of committee of Friends of Public Library, 25 , 34
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford students, 44
to lecture on “The War Guilt Controversy”, public lecture program 1933, 85
Professor G V Portus appointed his successor, 178
advertising for his successor, 109
left for England, 115
Hannan, A J,
Crown Solicitor appeared for Medical Board in application for medical registration, 161
Hannon, Dr T D,
appointed dental surgeon at Adelaide Hospital, 39
Hanrahan, Constable,
at prosecution of F E Clarence for stealing microscopes, 147
Hardman, Clement,
sang in students’ concert, 168
Hardy, Mabel,
stated people do not want to think, at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Hardy, Miss E P,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce, 78
Hare, Doris,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust", 154
Hargrave, Philip,
ten year old musical genius, photograph, 186k
played in dingy Exhibition Building, 160
Hargreaves, William Arthur,
has retired Director of Chemistry and Government Analyst, 53
Harris, Dr W P,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Harris, Jean,
Miss Jean Harris new Vice-Principal of Methodist Ladies College, 128
responded to Dr Davies’ proposals for teaching of music in schools, 158
Hart, Philip Wesley,
student fined for souvenir hunting in Hobart, 186r
Harty, Sir Hamilton,
suggested Australia should have a national symphony orchestra, 154
Haselgrove Prize in Viticulture,
third year won by C Pollitt, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Hassell, Miss J,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Hawker, Michael,
replaced on Flora and Fauna Board by Professor P G Wood, 119
Hay, F D,
provided musical entertainment at Annual Dinner of Men's Union, 145
Hay, L A,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce, 78
Hay, R C,
first year student, won Bronze Medal, Annual Prize Giving, Roseworthy College, 186q
Hayward, J L,
chairman of Men’s Union supports request of women to have Barr Smith library open at night, 11
Health and Safety,
special classes in first aid, 146
Healy, Mrs R,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Heath, Mrs E M,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Hebrew, Study of,
H Munz to take charge of Hebrew class, 129 , 130
Heincke, Mr,
teacher at Adelaide College of Music, 101
Heinze, Professor Bernard,
teach children musical appreciation, photograph, 86
conducted SA Orchestra, 86
attributed progress in music in SA to teaching in the schools, 169
Henderson, Emeritus Professor George Cockburn,
plans geographical survey of Tasmania to establish place of Tasman's landing, 69 , 80
photograph, 69
Henderson, Mr,
clerk of works examines progress of building Bonython Hall, 181a
Hendrickson, Lyndall,
brilliant performance by young student, 151
Hendrickson, Cynthia,
accompanist at students' concert, 151
Hewitson, Thomas,
Doctor of Laws conferred in 1922, 59
Hicks, Professor Cedric Stanton,
reported on research to be done in pharmacy and physiology by students, 68
member of anthropological expedition to Ernabella, 91
to lecture in public lecture program, 85
lecture on the problems of over-population, 90 , 91 , 101
to give address on “Some chemical regulators of vital processes”, 155
donation for research from Broken Hill Associated Smelters Ltd given in gratitude for his research together into treatment for a sick staff member of that company, 172
Hill, Mr,
photograph of Headmaster of Alberton School with some pupils, 180
Hinde, Mrs E H,
Headmistress of Riverside School advocated the Mason method of teaching during critical discussion of examination system, 186g
History, Chair of,
applications called for Chair in History, 109
Professor Portus appointed to chair of Political Science and History, 178
Hobbs, Dr A F,
appointed assistant in surgical unit, Adelaide Hospital, 39
appointed honorary assistant surgeon in place of Dr Pomeroy, 121
Hogan, Dr Philip Cornelius,
to do post-graduate work in London and Continent, 51
obtained FRCS University of Edinburgh, 78
Hogarth, David S, LLB,
appointed to Commonwealth Public Service; brief biography, 152
Holden, E W,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig, 36
Holden, Mrs E W,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Holder, Miss E,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Holder, Sydney Ernest,
awarded South Australian Scholarship by the university in 1881, 18
Holding, G B,
awarded evening scholarship to study science, 78
Holmes, Edna Lucy,
WEA tutor appointed Headmistress of St Catherine's School, Toorak, 107
Homburg, Beryl,
Conference of the Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Homburg, Mr,
enquired about cost of constructing TB Clinic, 186c
Hone, B W,
met with Dr Charles Fenner and other SA Rhodes Scholars, Oxford, 3
success at Oxford of SA Rhodes Scholar, 66
Hone, Mrs F R,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Hone, B W,
lunched with other Rhodes scholars in Oxford, 3
SA Rhodes Scholar wins honours in philosophy, politics, economics, English language and literature, is captain of Oxford Cricket team, 66
Hone, Dr Frank Sandland,
to lecture in 1932 program of public lectures, 24
supported foundation of Friends of Public Library, 34
value of school inspections in preventative medicine, 37
appointed a member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 141 , 145
addressed new graduates at luncheon, 120
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
Honey, Harry Musson Woodville,
awarded Diploma of the second class, Roseworthy College, 186q
Hooper, Frederick Harvey,
awarded Diploma of the second class, Roseworthy College, 186q
Hooper, P D,
chemist working at Waite with Professor Prescott on soil research, 39
Hooper, Peter,
sang role of Mephistopheles in performance of "Faust" in Elder Opera Class, 154
Hope, Dr Charles Henry Standish,
in India, awarded silver Kaisar-i-Hind medal, an Imperial decoration for services to the Empire, 89a
Hope, Dr Laura Margaret (nee Fowler),
in India awarded gold Kaisar-i-Hind medal, an Imperial decoration for services to the Empire, 89a
Hore-Ruthven, Sir Alexander,
governor's plea for teaching more foreign languages, 34 , 35
at commemoration ceremony, urged new graduates to bring their scientific training to address the problems of the day, 120
Horgan, Lillian Veronica,
awarded Elder Scholarship pianoforte, 115
photograph, 182
Horne, Robert Laughton Kingsford,
awarded Diploma of the second class, Roseworthy College, 186q
Horner, John,
letter asking for more organ recitals by John Horner, 3
to conduct music exams with Bernard Heinze, 44
gave organ recitals, 11 , 12 , 13 , 15 , 17 , 19 , 21 , 24 , 25 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 42 , 72 , 80 , 82 , 83 , 85 , 86 , 88 , 89a , 90 , 95 , 97 , 99 , 100 , 102a , 170 , 172
his student, Adele Wiesbusch, gave recital, 111
accompanied Mrs Alex Burnard, 146
his student, David Cox, performed, 151 , 168
to play piano in musical interlude, 165
to perform on reconstructed organ, 167
played piano in staff concerts, 153 , 160 , 173
to give concert on rebuilt organ, 169 , 175
performed on rebuilt organ, 170
present at lunch for former organist of Westminster Abbey, 172
Howard, A,
polar medal for former staff member of Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 143
Howard, Mr,
teachers' salary cut, 186p
Howchin, Professor Walter,
short biography, 1
wrote article on Old SA Rivers, 53
edited volume of Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South Australia, 125
awarded Lyell Medal, short biographies and photograph, 125 , 126 , 130
autobiography and photographs, 132 , 133
elected Honorary Member of Royal Society of NSW, 143
worked with C T Madigan to map part of Mt Lofty Ranges, 152
contributed handbook on succession of life with reference to South Australia, 152
Howell, Murray W,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
awarded a bursary of 20 pounds by Royal Society of St George, 129
Hubbe, Dr R,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Hudd, Mr,
no further improvements expected for Exhibition Building, 160
Hughes, E W,
taking party of Engineering students on tour, 167
Hughes, G K,
appointed to lectureship in chemistry at Sydney University, short biography, 151
resigned as demonstrator in chemistry, 155
Hulbert, Mavis,
sang in students' concert, 151
Hunt, Max Aubrey,
awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1932, 36 , 38
biographies, 36 , 37
photograph, 37
Hunt, Mr,
opposed cut to teachers' salary, 186p
Hunwick, Arthur Phillip,
with E H Witt has invented gauge to estimate inflow of water into reservoirs, 33
Hutchins, Harry,
young Adelaide-trained violinist appointed to staff of Albert Street Conservatorium, Melbourne, photograph, 143
Hyde, Miriam,
on route to England to take up three year scholarship at Royal College of Music, 37
Hyde, Pauline Mary,
awarded Elder Scholarship for singing, 115
photograph, 182
Ide, F B,
engineer from western water district transferred to Crystal Brook, 150
Iliffe, Michael Isaac Glover,
to work with Professor Kerr Grant to develop magnetometer for geo-physical measurements, 68
in photograph demonstrating of Geiger-Muller electron tube counter working with radium needle, 186
found lost ₤20 radium needle in Adelaide Hospital rubbish with aid of Geiger-Muller electron tube counter, 105
reported on how device constructed to find needle, photograph, 144
Indian Civil Service,
syllabus available for Indian Civil Service examinations, 140
Indigenous issues,
debate over antiquity of Jervois skull, 27
Dr D T Campbell said Aborigines disappearing, 27
Dr D T Campbell discussed where Aborigines originated, 28
Dr Kenneth H Fry claimed Aborigines doomed to extinction unless white encroachment barred, 29
Professor J B Cleland introduced film on Aboriginal life in central Australia, 32
Professor J B Cleland to lead expedition to central Australia to research lives of Aborigines, 36
Sydney University physiologists to conduct research on Aborigines, 68
N B Tindale and Dr C Hackett left for Ernabella to conduct research, 84
N B Tindale and Dr C Hackett to meet research party travelling north for research among Aborigines, 91
anthropological research group returns, 101
N B Tindale research reveals welfare needs, 101
Professor Harvey Johnston defends Aborigines, 104a
presentation on research done at Mt Liebig to be repeated, 116
Dr H K Fry and N B Tindale return from South East where have conducted research into local tribes, 130
Dr Cyril Bryan on issues of intermarriage and breeding out ‘black blood’, 138
Industrial Relations,
bricklayers and Builders Labourers organisations complain to Commissioner of Public Works on method of selecting workers government relief work, 43
Ingham, E F,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering, 78
Institute of Public Administration,
third annual conference of South Australian regional group of Institute of Public Administration, 103b
Professor L A Mander gave address on “The Changing Bases of Law and Order”, 103b
university recognised importance of public administration by introducing Diploma of Public Administration, 103b
institute offers scholarships to members and associate members wishing to attend university lectures for diploma, 128
International Federation of University Women,
Adelaide women graduates to attend Conference held in Edinburgh, 27
Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia,
L T Ewens, an Adelaide graduate, admitted, 186h
Irvine, Professor R F,
gave Joseph Fisher lecture in 1917, 172 , 173
Isaachsen, Oscar, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Isaacs, Sir Isaac, Governor-General,
visited Barr Smith Library and Waite Institute, 44
J C Duncan-Hughes Scholarship,
won by L C Lum to St Andrews College, 129
Jacobs, Dr Maxwell Ralph,
awarded a PhD for forestry research, short biography and photograph, 35
awarded PhD from Tharandt University, 36
returned after investigating timber resources in north, 100 , 109
Jay, Dr H M,
organiser of arrangements for Seventh Conference of Royal Australian College of Surgeons, 178a
Jamieson, Angus,
pupil of Alberton School won C K Morris scholarship, photograph, 180
Jarvis, H S C,
built stone pillars for University gates, 160
Jay, Dr H M,
organised arrangements for Conference of Royal Australian Conference of Surgeons, 178a
Jeffrey, George,
photograph as member of Council of School of Mines, 175
Jeffries, Mr,
Minister of Education said government would take full responsibility for teachers' salary cut, 186p
John Bagot Scholarship,
Frank J Fenner awarded John Bagot Scholarship, 114
won by J G Wood in 1920, 156
John Creswell Scholarship,
awarded to G D L Seddon, 76
awarded to Donald McGarry, 78
awarded to Winifred May Lihou, 128
John L Young Scholarship for Research,
awarded to J G Wood in 1923, 156
John, Walter Clifford,
awarded Diploma of Second Class at Roseworthy College, 186q
Johns, Fred,
obituary, 61 , 66
left money for university to establish scholarships, 66
Johns, Mrs Mary M,
wrote that her father, William McMinn was the architect of the Mitchell Building, 172
Johnson, C R,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce, 78
Johnson Laboratory,
Federal government Unemployment Relief Council provided funds for building new laboratory, 31
council to consider ground plans for laboratory, 33
laboratories to be opened in June, 85
opening, 87
photographs of new building, 182 , 184
Johnson, Dr .A,
reappointed member of Medical Board, 151
Johnson, W C,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Johnston, Dr J H,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
argued costs would prove a bar to establishment of science centre in Canberra, 8
member of expedition to Mt Liebig, 36
member of anthropological expedition to Ernabella, 91 , 101
Aborigine ‘not a lazy misfit’, 104a
university representative on board of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, 111
biography, 118
article on aborigines of Central Australia published in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South Australia, 125
discussed implications of proposal to 'breed out black blood', 138
provided commentary on films and stills of expedition, 153
acting Professor of Botany until Dr J G Wood appointed, 156
in party formed for annual anthropological expedition, 167
said dingo scalps brought in by natives were traded for flour, 164
to receive King’s bronze polar medal for expedition with Mawson, 143
Jolly, Norman William,
former Rhodes Scholar and Professor of Forestry, 37 , 112
Jones, H Brewster,
commented on Professor Davies’ statements on music, 9
Jones, Thomas Henry,
appointed lecturer in harmony in 1898, 101
Jones, T E,
director of external university courses at Queensland University outlined operations, 186d
Jose, Dr J B,
conducted operations at conference of surgeons, 132
appointed honorary medical staff at Adelaide Hospital, 145
Jose, Very Rev G H,
Adelaide Dean does not favour Sydney move to have clergy undertake tutorial classes in economics in order to improve their understanding of social problems, 153
letter to Editor on Clergy and social problems, 153
Joseph Fisher Lectures,
for 1914, by Sir David Gordon, 172
for 1917, by Professor R F Irvine, 172
for 1921, by D B Copland, 172
for 1925, by Sir Henry Copland, 172
for 1927, by S M Bruce, 30 , 172
for 1929, Professor R C Mills, 172
for 1930, by Professor T E G Gregory, 30 , 39 , 172
for 1932, by A C Davidson, “Australia’s share in international recovery”, 29 , 30 , 32 , 34
for 1934 given by L G Melville on "Gold Standards or Goods Standards”, 111 , 172 , 173
Joseph Fisher Medal,
names of those who have won the medal since 1929, 172
Journalism, Diploma in,
course available externally through Queensland University, 186
Jubilee Oval,
registrar expects transfer of Jubilee Oval to university shortly, 98
oval taken over, invites offers to remove buildings on it, 100
transforming oval, 103b , 104
gates erected near oval, 147
the Mitchell Gates construction, 177 , 177a
Judell, Vivienne, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Julius, George, Sir,
reported that as Treasurer of Australian National Research Council, the late Prof H G Chapman had caused the council serious losses, 186e
chairman of committee to help graduates find re-employment, 186b
National Research Council's Position in regards to manipulation of funds, 153
to chair meeting of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Adelaide, 168
reports of research conducted in South Australia, 170
Jury Professor of English Language and Literature,
applications called for Jury Professor, 78 , 109
appointment to be delayed for some time, 110
Jury, Charles Rischbieth,
turned down offer of Jury Chair of English, 11 , 13
teaching in English department, 66
to lecture on “Hamlet and his unconscious mind’, 85
gave extension lecture, ‘Applying Freud to Hamlet’, 95
leaving for England for two years, 128 , 130
Jury, George Arthur,
Jury, Lieutenant G R,
killed in World War 1, 11
Kate Helen Weston Memorial Library,
funds collected for memorial library in Elder Conservatorium, 45
Kayser, G J,
in party of engineering students going on tour, 167
Kearnan, R J,
defended F E Clarence in case of stolen microscopes, 147
Kekwick, Beryl,
sang at recital, 111
performed in Opera class production of "Faust", 154
sang Wagner at orchestral concert, 173
Kelly, Charles Worthington,
awarded Diploma of Second Class, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy, 186q
Kelly, John Erwin,
biography, awarded one of three Stow for Law and Andrew Scott Prize, 115
photograph, 115
Kelly, T D,
won J C Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
Kennedy, A L,
Kennedy, F J,
worked with Professor of Botany on report on research at Koonamore reserve, 155
Kennedy, Sergeant V V,
Police Association will support Teachers Federation over salary cut, 186p
Kennedy, Spruhan,
played Grieg’s Piano concerto, 160
Kenny, A L,
honorary secretary of provisional executive of Royal Australian College of Surgeons in 1926, 178a
Kessell, Stephen Lackey,
moving from Western Australia to New South Wales for forestry purposes, 121
Keyes, H J,
acting Public Librarian agreed potential value of an up-to-date technical section in the public library was desirable, 186s
King's College,
Headmaster, K W A Smith, supported teaching of music, 158
Kingsmill, Sir Walter,
graduate of Adelaide University, Senator Walter Kingsmill knighted, 67
Kirby, B,
President of Port Adelaide Institute in photograph with scholarship winners, 180
Kirkman, Kenneth Hainsworth, LLB, SM,
appointed Acting Deputy Master of Supreme Court and Acting Deputy Registrar in Admiralty, 65
acting positions confirmed, 73
Kirwood, Albert Ernest Maldon,
appointed to English Department, 66
argued basic English should be used for world language, 72
photograph, 72
Kleeman, A W,
contributed to project of creating detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges, 161
Kleemann, Dr Richard Daniel,
obituary, Sir William Bragg's Assistant at Adelaide University, 54
Knight, Rev L A,
discussed clergy taking economic tutorials in Sydney University to better understand social problems, 153
Knight, Dr Ronald Barrington,
appointed to hospital in Perth, 90a
Krantz, Dr Sydney,
passed exams for Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, London, 147
Krause, Dr Heinz,
visiting German expert praises Waite and Professor Prescott, 80
Kugelberg, Mr,
teacher at Adelaide College of Music, 101
Kumnick, Donald Kerr,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, 172 , 173
Labor Club,
leader of Opposition, Mr Scullin speaks to varsity students about problem of unemployment at invitation of Labor Club, 173
Lacey, Mr,
leader of Opposition supports Mr Stephens in his argument that a TB Clinic should not be in heart of city, 186c
decried that teachers' salary cut was being decided after 21 hours of sitting, 186p
Lade, Rev Norman,
to lead Australian Student Christian Movement Conference to be held at Holiday House, Mt Lofty, 155
Lady Symon Building,
Sir Josiah Symon appeals again Taxation Department's tax of his gift for construction of Lady Symon Building, 16 , 37
Sir Josiah Symon left money in will for Lady Symon Building, 138 , 139
amendments related to Sir Josiah Symon's legacy, 165
music performances in Lady Symon Hall, 165 , 167
photograph of Federal Opposition Leader addressing students, 174
Seventh Annual Surgeon Conference, exhibition of surgical appliances in Lady Symon Hall, 178a
first public meeting of Conference of Australian Federation of University Women held in Lady Symon Hall, 178b
Laffer, Leonard Hughes,
won a J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Lamb, Professor Horace,
to lecture on electricity and lighting (1882), 44
a distinguished South Australian scholar, 89
Lambert, J M,
Mayor of Port Adelaide photographed with pupils who won a scholarship, 180
Lang, Howard,
teachers’ salaries should not be cut, 186p
Langham, W H,
committee member, Friends of Public Library, 34
elected Vice-President of Libraries Board, 54
Larkin, R P,
presented with Pharmacy Board certificate, 161
Latin, study of,
knowledge of Latin a prerequisite for studying in medieval universities, 186j
Laughton, R A L,
taking party of Engineering students on tour, 167
Law, Faculty of,
Faculty of Law established in 1882, 51 , 78
Law Society of South Australia,
R J Clark appointed secretary of Law Society, 142
Law, Study of,
two law students’ societies exist, one for each sex, 150
Law, Miss C T,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Lea, A M,
to be replaced as entomologist at Museum, 47
League of Nations Prize,
N F Goss awarded League of Nations Prize, 101
see also evening lectures, public lectures, extension lectures
first term starting 1933, 77
first term starting 1934, 133
Legal Issues,
technician arrested for stealing of two microscopes from laboratories, 146 , 147
amendments related to Sir Josiah Symon's legacy, 165
Adelaide student punished for souvenir hunting in Hobart, 186r
Leitch, Phyllis,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust", 154
LeMessurier, Doctor F N,
appointed to advisory committee of Mareeba Babies Hospital, 145
Lemon, Arnold W,
awarded Eric Smith Scholarship, 129
Lendon, Dr A K,
admitted as Fellow of Australian College of Surgeons, 134
Leslie, Mrs C,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Lewis, Miss G E,
dental work among children, 186h
Lewis, Dr J B,
appointed ophthalmologist at Adelaide Hospital in place of Dr. Shorney, 104a
Lewis, Mrs W H,
member of subcommittee of Women’s Graduate Union which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Liberal Club,
Peter Bornstein to give farewell concert at club, 171
Liberal Club Building,
university sports year book can be obtained at Liberal Club, 162
see also Public Library of South Australia
University Men's Union supported University Women's Union in protest against closing of Barr Smith Library in evenings, 11
applications for position of University Librarian sought, 78
new university librarian appointed, 100 , 116
late Sir Samuel Way bequeathed books to university library, 141
Ralph Munn of Carnegie Corporation survey of Australian libraries to visit university library, 155
lack of up-to date books in Public Libraries, 155 , 186s
Sir Josiah Symon leaves legacy to library of Lady Symon Building but then revokes it, 165 , 166
H R Purnell points out removal of sales tax on books, magazines and periodicals will benefit universities, 186n
Lienau, C H A,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Ligertwood, G C,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
Lightfoot, G,
secretary to meeting of Council of Scientific and Industrial research, 168 , 170
Lihou, Winifred May,
awarded Creswell Scholarship, 128
Lindon, Dr Leonard Charles Edward,
conducted operations at conference of surgeons, 132
attended gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
appointed clinical lecturer in surgery, short biography, 2
gave demonstrations, lectured at Seventh Annual conference of Royal Australian College of Surgeons, 178a
Linn, Beryl Eileen, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Lipman, H J,
to attend meeting of Executive of Australian Dental Association, 85
Lipson, E F,
Lister Prize,
new rules for Lister Prize, 113
Litchfield, Kenneth Lyle,
won W J Isbister scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Long, Clarence,
Clarence Long, or Milerum, last member of Coorong Tribe, came to Adelaide with N B Tindale and Dr Fry, 130
Love, Rev James Robert Beattie,
awarded Masters degree for thesis on Worora aboriginal language, 103
lectured for Classical Association on "Mythology and Religion of the Worora Tribe of Aborigines", 170
Lowrie, Professor William,
obituary for former Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College, 93
Ludbrook, WV, MSc,
former staff member of Roseworthy Agricultural College on research study abroad, 24
Lum, Laurence Claude,
won a J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Lungley, Edith,
designer of Stained glass window in memory of Professor Robertson, 9
Lushey, Harold Merton,
Teachers College member awarded Carnegie scholarship to investigate teacher education in United States, 34 , 44
his report of his trip, 69
Lyceum Club,
gave informal reception for interstate and overseas delegates of Conference of the Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Lyons, Mr,
Prime Minister on death of noted scientist, 171
concessions on Federal Land and Super Taxes, Sales Tax, and Primage, 186n
Madeleine Rees George Memorial Prize,
SA Branch of League of Nations Union establishes scholarship for women educationists in memory of Madeleine Rees George, 84
Macbeth, Professor Alexander Killen,
appreciation of his efforts to establish a diploma of pharmacy, 161
appointed member of Flora and Fauna Board, 126
MacDonald, Keith Alexander,
Macdonald, Miss I,
Headmistress of Presbyterian Ladies College critical of non-matriculated girls being at university, 90
criticises social life of girls, argues should only be at university if matriculated, 90a
Mackay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
review of his book, Experiments in Educational Self-Government, 25
Mackay, Donald,
has different view of auriferous resources of Central Australia from those of Dr C T Madigan, 167
MacKeikan, Elizabeth,
Peter Waite's daughter leaves residue of her estate to University, 7
MacRae, George Brown,
awarded Diploma of Pharmacy, 115 , 161
photograph, 115
Madigan, Dr Cecil Thomas,
to attend ANZAAS conference, 30
refutes argument that Rhodes Scholars are altering traditions of Oxford, 36
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
cautious of prospects of developing gold mining in north, mentioned in discussion of value of aerial surveys, 167
need for detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges, 161
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
completed book on Central Australia to be published by Oxford, 165
on importance of aerial survey in geology for Northern Australia, 166 , 167
President of Men's Union at students' debate, 186m
public lecture on Egypt and the Sudan, 24
defends Rhodes Scholars, 36
appointed correspondent for SA with aim to form branch of society to reunite former Oxford students, 44
brief biography, 46
final report of Granites gold field, 58 , 60 , 92
brief biography, 106
awarded doctorate from Oxford on basis of original work, 126
appointed new Scout Commissioner, 132
photographs, 126 , 132 , 180
Maegraith, Dr Brian Gilmore,
Rhodes scholar lunched with other South Australians, Oxford, 3 , 105
awarded Beit Memorial Junior Medical Research Fellowship, 91 , 114
Magarey, D D,
Magarey, Helen,
played violin in Students’ concert, 168
Magarey, Miss K,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Maguire, F A,
Lieutenant-Colonel in Australian Medical Corps told attendees at Australian Medical Congress 1934, Hobart, that it was the duty of the community to maintain a high percentage of fit people, 186f
Mahony, Miss,
in photograph of delegates at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Maitland, James Angus,
admitted to SA Bar, 82
responsible for University sports year book, 162
Mallan, H D,
member of Dental Board, 1 , 2
reappointed to Dental Board, 70
Mander, Professor Linden Alfred,
on visit to parents from his position at University of Washington, photograph, 94
gave address on “The Changing Bases of Law and Order” to conference of Institute of Public Administration, 103b
left to return to United States, 104
provisions in Sir Josiah Symon's legacy, 165 , 166
Mareeba Babies' Hospital,
Dr F N LeMessurier appointed to advisory committee, 145
Margarey, Miss K,
SA graduate attended Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Marks, Mrs Jane,
1922 bequest to University from Mrs Jane Marks, 62
Marshall, W H,
secretary of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery Board reported the public, university and parliamentary libraries will be examined by Munn and Pitt on behalf of Carnegie Corporation, 153
Marshall, T J, BSc,
chemist at Waite working with Professor Prescott on soil research, 39
Marston, H R,
senior biological officer in Division of Animal Nutrition to lead division until replacement for Sir Charles Martin appointed, 95
Martin, Adeline Zoe,
Diploma in Pharmacy conferred, 154 , 155
first South Australian woman to win Pharmacy Diploma, 161 , 162
daughter of incapacitated soldier given apprenticeship as a pharmaceutical chemist, short biography, 162
Martin, Eric,
daughter given apprenticeship as a pharmaceutical chemist, 162
Martin, Sir Charles James,
to lecture in public lecture program for 1932, 24
retiring after continuing work of Professor Brailsford Robertson, biography, 90
has completed two years as chief of Division of Animal Nutrition, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, biography, photograph, 95
Masson, Sir David,
at meetings re Dr H G Chapman’s manipulation of funds, 153 , 186e
Mathews, Edward John Peter,
promising young violinist, photograph, 186k
Sir William Mitchell proposes separate matriculation examination for future university students, 41 , 62 , 66
protests at results, 69
changes discussed, 100
Matison, Dr E A,
ear, nose and throat specialist on leave from Parkside Mental Hospital, 78
Matters, Dr R F,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
Matters, Dr Rex,
operated in gynaecological block at Surgeons Conference, 178a
Mawson, Sir Douglas,
photographs, 40 , 59 , 69
in London Professor Debenham read Sir Douglas Mawson's paper on recent Antarctic Research Expedition, 8
elected president of next Congress of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, 40
to work with Sir Edgeworth David to prepare a comprehensive geography of Australia, 48
suggests MPs should be qualified in geography before being elected, 52
leaves for England on behalf of British, Australian, New Zealand Antarctic Expedition, 59
will show Captain Frank Hurley's film of 1929-31 expedition in London, 60
arrived in London; gave lecture to Royal Geographical Society, 69
Commonwealth officers confirm his trip to London unofficial, 70
Commonwealth to administer Antarctic territories; Mawson argues for asserting rights over Adelie land and alerts all to value of geological deposits in land already controlled, 74
suggestion that Australian Antarctic territory be called Mawsonia, 75
film of 1929-31 expedition shown in London, 77
Australia's control of Antarctic territory largely due to Mawson's work, 77
Mawson 'intellectual son' of Edgeworth David, 77
has 51st birthday, short biography, 83
completing publishing arrangements for expedition findings, 85
much of Antarctic area controlled by Australia discovered by Mawson, 88
wide recognition of his work, 89
announced a survey of Indian Ocean will be undertaken, 92
arrived at Fremantle on way to Adelaide, no planned expeditions because of lack of funds, 93
on Antarctica as source of wealth, 96
editorial on his statement on Antarctic sources of wealth, 97
on lost continent of Lemuria, 121
to investigate meteorite craters in interior, 124
polar medals to be awarded to members of 1929-31 expedition, 142 , 143
to become president of ANZAAS at 22nd Conference, 143
leads students on expedition to north-east part of SA, 145
divisional meteorologist comments on Mawson's view of Antarctic influence on weather in SA, 153
guides Swedish scientist Dr Caldenius in inspecting rocks in Adelaide Hills, 157
promotes mining prospects in Adelaide Hills, 169
Mayo, Dr Helen,
taking leave from vaccine clinic at Adelaide hospital, 78 , 126
to attend annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
president of local branch of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
spoke at conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
president of subcommittee which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Mayo, Dr J C,
appointed honorary clinical assistant to surgical section of Adelaide Hospital, 121
FRCS, Edinburgh, 1931, 144
Mayo, Professor George Elton,
South Australian appointed Professor of Industrial Research at Harvard shows workers need periods of rest, 5
appointed by university to attend 37th conference of American Academy of Political and Social Science, 70 , 71
Mayo, Dr J W,
awarded Fellowship from Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), 79
McAuliffe, John David,
graduated at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, won prizes in Dairying and Swine Husbandry, 186q
McBain, N,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
McBride, W J,
contribution to music education continued by F Gratton, 169
McBryde, Frederick Balfour,
appointed Master of Supreme Court, photograph, short biography, 56
appointed Registrar in Admiralty, 73
took oaths of office of new Governor Sir Winston Dugan, 163
McCartin, James,
sang at Students’ concert, 168
McCaughey, Sir Samuel,
left bequest to assist dependents of incapacitated soldiers, 162
McDonald, Miss L,
awarded evening scholarship to study arts, 78
McDonnell, Mrs Carlile,
committee member, Friends of Public Library, 34
McLean, Mr,
Chief Protector of Aborigines to receive report of anthropological expedition, 101
McConnell, Ursula,
leading anthropologist at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
McCoy, Dr Harold Alexander,
to replace Dr H C Nott as tutor in radiology while latter is on leave, 130
McDonald, Dr S F,
spoke on the handicapped child at Australian Medical Congress 1934, 186f
McEwin, Neil,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
McGarry, Donald,
awarded Creswell scholarship, 78
McInnes, Mr,
spoke on teachers' salary cut, 186p
McKail, Mrs.J C,
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
member of subcommittee of Women’s Graduate Union which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
McKay, Dr A A,
newly registered as doctor, 121
McKay, Dr Douglas Gordon,
appointed medical superintendent of Adelaide Children's Hospital, photograph, biography, 46
McKellar Stewart, Professor J,
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
gave public lecture, "Experience of Self", 160
gave public lecture, "The life of the Self", 161
gave public lecture, "Moral life; the Life of Practice", 162
McKinnon, L D,
presented with Pharmacy Diploma, 161
McLachlan, A.J,
moved that Ian McLachlan be admitted to Bar, 65
McLachlan, Ian, LLB,
McLaughlin, Dr Eugene,
appointed director of laboratory at Adelaide Hospital, biography, photograph, 124
McLean, L A,
won Lady Duncan scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
McMinn, William,
original University Architect, 172
McRitchie, George,
secretary of WEA promised favourable consideration if Anglican authorities wished clergy to take part in tutorial classes, 153
Mates, C H,
secretary of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
Medical Board of South Australia,
new members appointed, 25 , 121
additional diplomas registered for members, G H Solomon, FRCS, Edinburgh 1933; S R Burston, MRCP, Edinburgh, 1934; J C Mayo, FRCS, Edinburgh, 1931, 144
members reappointed, 151 , 152
Supreme Court refuses order to direct Medical Board to register Johannes Heinrich Becker as medical practitioner, 161
Medicine, Study of,
studying medicine costly, 10
advances in medical sciences, editorial, 22
Sir James Barrett suggested nurses have part of their education in university, 41
Faculty of Medicine results, 88
old powder magazine used as mortuary by medicine students, 121
medical students required to wear white sash, Fifty Years Ago, 150
controversy over placement of Tuberculosis Clinic, 186c
Australian Medical Congress held in Hobart, 1934, 186f
visiting London surgeon, C H Fagge, discusses developments in surgery, treatment of cancer and prejudice against women doctors, 3
difficulties of medical profession during Depression conditions, 186m
increasing costs of studying medicine, 10
Dr Leonard J C Mitchell discussed definitions of blindness Australian Medical Congress 1934, Hobart, 186f
Meegan, Kathleen,
member of conservatorium String Quartet, 25 , 29 , 145 , 146 , 151 , 154 , 160 , 161 , 162 , 164 , 169 , 173
Melbourne, Dr Alexander Clifford Vernon,
lecturer at University of Queensland grew up in South Australia, biography, 1
Mellowship, Joan,
performed in Students' concert, 151
Melville, Professor Leslie Galfried,
biography, now with Commonwealth Bank Board, 10
to leave for Ottawa, 24
to give Joseph Fisher Lecture, 111
gave Joseph Fisher Lecture for 1933 on “Gold Standards or Goods Standards”, 172 , 173
his position to be filled by Professor E O G Shann, 145
Melville, S T,
moved that Kevin Gerald Walsh be admitted to Bar, 65
Menz, Anna H,
new graduate to be toasted at annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
member of subcommittee of Women’s Graduate Union who organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Mercer, E H,
awarded evening scholarship to study science, 78
Messent, Esther,
local delegate to Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
member of subcommittee which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Messent, Dr Phillip Santo,
member of Dental Board, 1 , 2
reappointed to Dental Board, 70
appointed lecturer in clinical medicine, 130
influence of Antarctica on weather in S A, 153
Methodist Ladies' College,
Headmistress, Miss J M Harris, supported teaching of music to matriculation level, 158
Miethke, Miss A L,
member of Dress and Color Committee for, Royal visit, 179a
Miller, Dr F J B,
ophthalmologist conducted operations and gave demonstrations at conference of surgeons, 132 , 178a
Mills, Professor R C,
gave Joseph Fisher lecture in 1929, 172 , 173
Minell, Percival,
auditor, affairs of late Prof H G Chapmen, 186e
Mineralogy, Study of,
mining prospects in Adelaide Hills, 169
Mitchell, Rev D F,
argued theology should be university subject, 24
Mitchell, E H,
began S A Music Teachers Association in 1906 of which he was secretary, 101
Mitchell Gates,
new gates on Frome Road, 177
photographs, 177a
Mitchell, Roma, LLB,
to propose toast to health of Women’s Union at annual dinner, 119
Mitchell, Sir William,
proposed a matriculation examination tailored to university study, 41 , 62 , 66
unfilled professorial chairs caused by shortage of funds, 4
represents University of Adelaide at opening of new buildings for University of Western Australia, 10 , 12
to leave for London next month, 14
presided at meeting of Friends of Public Library, 25
left for Canada, 33
at conferring of degrees, 63 , 155
published two books, returned from overseas, 85
“Mind and the Universe”, his Gilford lectures, 89
to be vice president of Institute of Public Administration, 98
to attend Standing Advisory Committee for Australian Universities, 100
reported invitation to Carnegie Foundation to survey Australian libraries, 101
congratulated Institute of Public Administration for creating a profession, 103b
to attend annual meeting of Australian Association of Psychology and Philosophy, 145
reported on Industrial psychology as specialised study, 146
at meetings of Australian National Research Council about loss of funds, 153 , 186e
unsightly Frome Road fence, 162 , 186i
present at lunch for former organist of Westminster Abbey, 172
photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
photographed attending state tribute to Sir Josiah Symon, 177
Paid for new gates on Frome Road, 121 , 160 , 177
photographs, 177a
Mitton, Ronald Gladstone,
now Doctor of Philosophy, 1
photograph and short biography, 1
has taken up position at Clifton College, 7
Moodie, C T,
responded to toast at first annual dinner of Men’s Union, 145
secretary of Law faculty in debates, 155 , 186m
Moore, Dr A P R,
member of Dental Board, 1 , 2 , 70
opposed changes to Dental Bill, 50
resigned from Dental Board after amendments to Dental Bill passed, 56
Moore, Dr Brian Formby,
appointed to ophthalmology section, 4
Moore, H,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig to study anatomical, psychological and mental characteristics of Aboriginal tribes, 36
Moore, H P,
did not offer for re-election to Public Libraries Board, 54
Moore, M C,
Morgan, Dr Alexander Matheson,
University Representative on Fauna and Flora Board, 6
resigned from Board, 126
Morgan, Edward James Ranembe,
appointed magistrate, 125
found F E Clarence guilty of stealing microscopes, 147
Morgan, E J R, SM,
Secretary, Friends of Public Library, 34
found F E Clarence, technician, guilty of stealing microscopes, 147
Morgan-Brock, Mrs A B,
principal of Ellerslie College critical of public examinations, 62
Morphett Medal,
awarded to J D McAuliffe, 186q
Morphett, Mr,
said Mr Shannon’s proposal that increased funds for Northfield Mental Hospital be disallowed were misunderstood, 186c
Morrell, Sydney,
sang in Students' concert, 151
Morris, Dr B H,
appointed to Medical Board, 25
reappointed member of Medical Board, 151 , 152
Morris, Gronway Lewis, LLB,
Morris, Shirley Victoria, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Morriss, Miss E M,
appointed to work in English Department, 66
Moulden, Dr O M,
appointed temporary clinical assistant to surgical section, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Mount Lofty Ranges,
detailed geological map of Mount Lofty Ranges needed, 161
Moyes, Right Reverend John Stoward,
49th birthday of Bishop of Armidale, 93
Moyle, S,
headmaster of Adelaide Technical High School supports music students being relieved of some of their other studies providing this does not disadvantage them, 158
Muecke, R L S,
representing Sports Association reported that 400 of 1500 students played sport, 9
Muecke, Dr Roy le Page,
appointed to hospital in Perth, 90a
Muirhead, Dr John Robb,
Municipal Library,
criticism of lack of up-to-date books in Adelaide Public Library, 155 , 186s
Munn, R,
Director of Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, undertaking survey of Australian and New Zealand libraries on behalf of Carnegie Corporation, 144 , 153
lack of up-to date books in Public Libraries, 155
praised Institute libraries, time for survey too short, 156
photograph, 178
criticism of Adelaide Libraries, 186s
Munz, H,
to take charge of Hebrew class, 129
biography, 130
Murphy, V S,
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Murray, Miss J,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Murray, Sir George,
Chancellor says death of I G Reimann a heavy loss, 10
stresses importance of scholarships to university, photograph, 43
received Governor General when he visited Barr Smith Library, 44
short biography, photograph, 44 , 104a
sworn in as Lieutenant Governor, 58
urged graduates to take part in governing university, 64
Honour for Chief Justice, 105
reviewed year’s activities at graduation ceremony, 120
motion of sympathy for Lady Symon on her husband’s death, 142
conferred degrees, 154 , 155
as Chief Justice, refused request for registration of medical practitioner, 161
welcome to new Governor, 164
in photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
attended the King's Levee, 176b
at State tribute to Sir Josiah Symon, 177
Muscio, Mrs,
leading social worker at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
photograph, 178b
Musical Association of South Australia,
to hold music festival, 95 , 98
Members of Council arrange Music Festival, 95
Musical Productions,
student operas, 34 , 41 , 84 , 151 , 154
organ recital series, 11 , 12 , 15 , 17 , 24 , 25 , 33 , 35 , 38 , 40 , 42 , 72 , 78 , 82 , 83 , 85 , 89a , 90 , 95 , 97 , 99 , 100 , 172
staff chamber music concerts, 19 , 20 , 21 , 24 , 27 , 34 , 162 , 135 , 168
concerts by staff String Quartet, 25 , 29 , 145 , 146 , 151 , 154 , 160 , 161 , 162 , 164 , 169 , 173
students' concerts, 18 , 28 , 39 , 59 , 99 , 131 , 135 , 141 , 151 , 168
invitations issued for student performance of "Faust", 151
conservatorium staff gave unique program, 153
music salon founded, 157 , 160
Commemoration Concert of late Frederick Delius, 160 , 161
staff performance of short musical interlude, 165 , 167
reconstruction of Elder Hall Organ, 167
memorable concert of South Australian Orchestra with Percy Grainger, 167 , 168
South Australian Orchestra concerts, 142 , 169 , 173
staff concerts, 43 , 93 , 173
Music, Chair of,
subscriptions collected for chair of music in 1884, 135
Music, Study of,
City Organist, John Dempster, comments on Professor Davies’ statement that the standard of teaching music was deplorably low, 9
Maude Puddy demonstrates requirements of AMEB examinations, 27 , 89
George Pearce demonstrates requirements of AMEB examinations, 29
Professor Laver arrives from Melbourne to conduct annual examinations of Australian University Music Examinations Board, 44
money collected for Kate Helen Weston Memorial Library to be part of Conservatorium library, 45
music festival to be held, 95
Music Week, 98
mother argues musical results should not count for Intermediate and Leaving Certificates, 102a
new term begins at conservatorium, 131
school teachers asked to attend a demonstration of music appreciation and aural training at conservatorium, 166
Professor Davies’ proposal for teaching new music curriculum in schools debated, 158 , 159
performances for teachers preparing students for Australian Music Examinations, 27 , 29 , 168
conservatorium organ rebuilt, 167 , 175
Professor Davies to present associates in music for 1932 and scholars recommended for 1933, 58
conservatorium diplomas conferred, 59
exhibitions awarded, 51
Myers, Dr A M,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Nancarrow, C G,
awarded a Stow prize in law, 115
Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
appointed permanent representative of Australian Universities on Universities Bureau of the British Empire, 41
Naylor, Margaret Mary,
to attend International Federation of University Women's Conference in Edinburgh, 27
Napier, Justice,
admitted lawyers to Bar, 65
Nettle, R W,
awarded an evening scholarship to study engineering, 78
Nelson, Rita,
midday organ recital, 172
Newbery, Mrs, A K,
attended Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Newbold, Mrs J C,
attended Conference of Australian Federation of University Women and hosted interstate guest, 178b
Newland, Nancy B,
awarded a Stow prize in law, 115
Newland, Sir Henry Simpson,
expressed satisfaction with work achieved at meeting of Royal College of Surgeons, 5
resigned as member of hospital advisory committee, 10
to represent university at centenary of British Medical Association in London, 16 , 33
address to British Medical Association, 36
short biographies, 56 , 114
presided at George Alington Syme Oration, 80
Adelaide Medical Students Society honours his 25 years of service as honorary surgeon at Adelaide Hospital, 104a
Dr H R Pomroy appointed honorary surgeon in his place, 121
took part in demonstrations and discussion at conference, 132
gave presidential address to Seventh Conference of Royal College of Surgeons, 131 , 134
opposes proposed site of TB Clinic site, 186c
took chair at Seventh Annual Conference of Royal Australian College of Surgeons, 178a
Nichols, A W,
editor of Melbourne student newspaper dismissed for ‘blasphemous and disloyal expressions’, 186i
Nicholson, Dr A J,
comprehensive report on peach moth problem, 170
Nicholson, Sydney,
lunch held for former organist at Westminster Abbey, 172
Nock, T D,
among Engineering students to go on tour, 167
Noessell, Mr,
teacher at Adelaide College of Music, 101
Norgard, J D,
awarded Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy prize, 147
Northmore, Mr Justice,
Nott, Dr Harry Carew,
to be replaced as tutor in radiology by Dr H A McCoy while on leave, 130
Nurse Education,
Sir James Barrett recommends part university education for nurses, 41
O'Brien, T,
informed Dr Lilley that Professor H G Chapman was ill, 186e
O' Connor, W J,
assistant to Professor C S Hicks, Professor of Human Physiology, on expedition to Ernabella, 91 , 101
O' Connor, Dr R,
succeeds Dr J D Rice as surgical registrar at Adelaide Hospital, 141
O' Donnell, Dr J A,
appointed dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
O'Grady, Oswald James,
gave evidence re handwriting in case of stolen microscopes, 147
Old Students' Cup,
awarded to John David McAuliffe, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Oldham, Wilfred,
on more rigorous methods of historical research now being used, 74
on his thesis on convict transportation, 75
to give public lecture on ‘Convict transportation experiments, 1776-1793, 85
gave lecture on experiments that failed, 89a
response to letter to editor on convict transportation, 127
Oliphant, H G,
wrote about proposal that clergy study economic problems to better understand social problems, 153
Oliphant, H R,
in photo of demonstration of Geiger-Muller electron tube counter, 186
Oliphant, Dr Marcus Laurence Elwin,
working with Lord Rutherford in Cavendish laboratory on X-rays, 68
one of discoverers of new kind of hydrogen, ‘heavy water’, 142 , 143
Oppatt, Lloyd Arthur,
not competing in present year, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
O'Reilly, Robert Neil,
Honours degrees in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, 89a
Osborn, Professor T G B,
his successor in Chair of Botany appointed, 156
Osborn, Mrs T C B,
says schools are examination machines, 178b
member of group who send resolutions to Chairman of ABC on use of wireless in education, 178b
Packer, Miss M,
dental work among children, 186h
Packer, E Wallace,
President of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
recalls founding of first music teachers’ association, of which he was treasurer, 101
Packer, R,
Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Padman, J H,
won award at St Mark’s College, 6
Padman, William Donald,
Palmer, Linton,
interviewed in regard to affairs of late Prof H G Chapmen, 186e
Parker, Cecil David, BSc,
won a J W Sandford scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Parkside Mental Hospital,
workers unions complain to Commissioner of Public Works about selection of builders and that mental attendants were doing building work, not part of their duties, 43
Dr H K Fry appointed visitor to Parkside Mental Hospital, 146
Parsons, Harold,
guest conductor of South Australian Orchestra, 37 , 90
appointed permanent conductor of South Australian orchestra, 170
his students play in concerts, 151 , 168
stated National Orchestra fine idea but practical problems arise, 154
made permanent conductor of South Australian Orchestra, 142
granted six months leave, 156
to assist in concert on rebuilt organ, 175
played in staff concerts, 19 , 21 , 24 , 25 , 27 , 29 , 34 , 135 , 145 , 146 , 151 , 153 , 154 , 160 , 161 , 162 , 164 , 168 , 169 , 173
his students play in student concert, 168
played in South Australian Orchestra, 15 , 160 , 167
extra orchestral concert a tribute to members of orchestra, 169
played in musical innovation, 167
to play at re-opening of reconstructed organ, 167
played at re-opening of organ, 170
orchestra raised to great heights, 173
Parsons, Justice Herbert Angas,
short biographies, 20 , 84 , 145
photograph, 145
opened Johnson Chemistry Laboratory, photograph, 182
member of full court which refused application to Medical Board by Dr H J Becker, 161
admits lawyers to the Bar, 65
Partridge, W,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Partridge, W G McD,
awarded evening scholarship to study arts, 78
Patterson, Hamish Randall,
awarded Diploma of the Second Class, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Paul, Gwen,
accompanist at Students’ concerts, 151 , 168
Pauline Hayward Bursary,
awarded to N F Polkinghorne at St Mark’s College, 6
Pavy, Dr H K,
gave demonstrations and took part in discussion at conference of surgeons, 132
Pearce, George,
to demonstrate for teachers of music, standards for AMEB examinations, 27
demonstrated standards for teachers of music, 29
to be accompanist in performance by South Australian Orchestra, 15
played in staff recitals, 144 , 146 , 153 , 173
to play in commemoration concert for Frederick Delius, 160
played in commemoration concert for Delius, 161
played in concerts of South Australian Orchestra, 167 , 173
his student, Vida Cozens, played in students’ concert, 168
Pellew, Dr H E,
appointed to Adelaide Hospital as anaesthetist, 39
Pennycuick, Dr Stuart Wortley,
to lecture in 1932 public lecture program, 24
gave lecture on colloids, 31
Pentelow, Edith,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, 172 , 173
Pentreath, Rev A G G C, MA,
appointed Headmaster of St Peter's College, 105
welcomed, biography, photograph, 112
thanked Dr Davies for convening conference on teaching music in schools, 158
attended demonstrations of how to teach music in schools, 167 , 169
Perkins, Professor A J,
Director of Agriculture at Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Perkins, Horace,
his prize-winning “Chantryman” Suite played by South Australian Orchestra, 167
performed in concert, 168
Perkins, Mr,
minister for Interior announces appointment of Donald Thomson, anthropologist, to Northern Territory service, 165
urged establishment of national residential university in Canberra, 168
Pether, Constance,
soloist in South Australian Orchestra concert, 15
performed in staff concert in Elder Hall, 153
Petrie, Dr Arthur Hill Kelvin,
plant pathologist at Waite publishes article on "Uses of Nitrogen", 105
member of Waite staff, 157
Petrie, Enid,
played in South Australian Orchestra, 167
played in Students’ concert, 168
Pfitzner, Howard,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust", 154
Pharmaceutical Society of SA,
annual meeting regarding granting of diplomas, 161
Pharmacology, Study of,
Pharmacology Department undertake study of Central Australian poisonous bushes, 186r
Diploma in pharmacy to be introduced, 59 , 63
George B. MacRae wins first diploma in pharmacy awarded by university, 115
Pharmaceutical Society of SA met to award diplomas, 161
student to research poisonous plants of Central Australia, 68
Philology, Study of,
Rev J Love lectured on "Mythology and Religion of the Worora Tribe of Aborigines", 170
Philosophy, Study of,
Professor Stewart McKellar lectured on "Experience of Self", 160
Professor Stewart McKellar to give three lectures on "The Making of Selves", 160
Professor Stewart McKellar lectured on “The Life of the Self”, 161
Professor Stewart McKellar gave third lecture on "Moral life; the life of Practice", 162
Physics, Study of,
Professor Kerr Grant reported progress in ’disintegrating’ the atom and in developing X-rays, 68
photograph of Geiger-Muller electron tube counter, 186
former employee of Physics department develops improved cardiograph machine, 168
Professor Kerr Grant outlined probable research projects of M Iliffe, R S Burdon, R Bosworth, G R Fuller, 68
Physiology, Study of,
Professor C S Hicks said one student would be engaged in research on poisonous plants of Central Australia and another on diseases of the kidneys, 68
Piper, Justice
admits lawyers to Bar, 65
Pirie, Margaret,
sang at recital, 111
sang Panis Angelicus at Midday organ recital, 172
Pitt, E K,
university archivist found information on architect of university, 172
Pitt, E R,
chief librarian of Melbourne Public Library to work with R. Munn to undertake survey of Australian and New Zealand libraries for Carnegie Corporation, 144 , 153
lack of up-to date books in Public Libraries, 155
praised Institute libraries, time for survey too short, 156
photograph, 178
criticism of Adelaide Libraries, 186s
Pitt, Miss S,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Plant Physiology, Study of,
L A T Ballard won scholarship for research into plant physiology at Cambridge, 157 , 176a
D Adam appointed Plant Pathologist at Waite, 146 , 150 , 177
Playford, Mr,
moved that the house divide to vote on Teachers' salary cut, 186p
Plummer, Dr Violet,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
at Conference of the Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Police Association,
Police Association invited to affiliate with Public Officers Federation, 186p
Political Science, Study of,
Professor Portus appointed to Chair of Political Science and History, 178
Professor Portus spoke on “What is Political Science?”, 166
public lectures in modern German politics, 154
Polkinghorne, N F,
won Pauline Hayward Bursary at St Mark’s College, 6
Pollitt, C,
won third year Haselgrove prize in Viticulture, diploma second class, Annual Prize Giving, Roseworthy College, 186q
Pollitt, M,
first year, farm machinery, Annual Prize Giving, Roseworthy College, 186
Pomroy, Alan Browning,
won J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship to attend St Andrew’s College, 129
Pomroy, Dr H R,
appointed honorary surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Poole, Rev Frederick Slaney,
short biography of Canon Poole, photograph, 30
Poole, Mr Justice,
elected Warden by Senate (10 years ago), 57
Pope, H G,
gained an award in public administration, 66
Porter, Muriel,
accompanist at Students’ concerts at Conservatorium, 151 , 168
Porter, Ronald,
performed in Students' concerts, 151 , 168
Portus, Professor Garnet Vere,
appointed to Chair of Political Science and History, short biographies, 128 , 130
edited “Studies in the Australian Constitution”, 129
to give public lecture on “History - Old and New” and “What is Political Science?”, 146
report of lecture on “History – Old and New”, 151
replied to welcome by Graduate Union, 145 , 152
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
gave lecture on “What is Political Science?”, 166
returned from conference in Sydney to discuss public broadcasting in education, 170
recently appointed to the Chair of Political Science and History, 178
photographs, 128 , 130 , 178
Postgraduate Studies,
Dr D J R Summer to provide first post-graduate lecture for 1934, 151
Eric A Rudd left for Harvard University for post-graduate work, 169
Powell, Miss K,
SA graduate attended Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Powell, Miss M,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Pownall, Robert Alfred,
awarded highest distinction, gold medal and diploma of the second class, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Preece, Edgar,
local bookseller welcomed concessions on Federal Sales Tax and Primage which affected bookselling severely, 186n
Preedy, Miss W,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
to attend ANZAAS conference, 30
advised that soil survey to be carried out will greatly aid farmers, 39
has Doctor of Science conferred on him, 45 , 46
photograph, 46
described problems of nitrogen supply in Australian wheat belt at Science Congress in Vancouver, 86
photograph, 87
completed extensive soil survey of cattle areas in North Queensland, 104a
leaving on trip to England, 110 , 111 , 129
Price, Doctor Archibald Grenfell,
awarded university’s first Doctor of Literature degree, biography, 1
to go to US to research settlements in tropics, 8
Degree awarded, 15
photographs, 1 , 8 , 15 , 24 , 29
travelled to Darwin and down through Central Australia, 24 , 29
left for year’s research under Rockefeller Foundation in US, 43 , 53
reported on conference held in New York on place of universities in modern life, 70 , 72
created Companion of St Michael and St George, biography, photograph, 85 , 85a
in lecture at Columbia University compared Australia’s depression recovery program with that of President Roosevelt, 94
Letter to Editor in response to his ideas on Australia’s recovery program, 95
interviews on his views published in US, photograph, 98
in London to investigate trade opportunities with SA Agent-Genera, 102a
attacks view that northern Australia should be handed to Japan, photograph, 103
on White Australia Policy, 125
appointed to Citizens Committee to plan for Royal Visit, 134
appointed to represent university at 37th conference of American Academy of Political and Social Science, 70 , 71
Price, C W R,
won A E Hamilton scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
Price, R,
appointed demonstrator in chemistry, is David Murray scholar for research in science, 155
Priestley, R E,
Antarctic explorer and writer appointed Vice Chancellor of Melbourne University, 161
Prince Alfred College,
Headmaster, J F Ward, supported teaching of music in schools, 158 , 168
Headmaster J F Ward spoke on value of aesthetic education, 186g
Headmaster J F Ward discussed how workers may use increased leisure time, 186o
Pritchard, J J,
won award at St Mark’s College, 6
Prizes and Awards,
Pauline Hayward Bursary awarded to N F Polkinghorne at St Mark’s College, 6
F C Rymill awarded Thornber Bursary, 74
N F Goss awarded League of Nations Prize, 101
new rules for Lister prize, 113
John Erwin Kelly awarded one Stow Prize and Andrew Scott Prize, 115
Nancy B Newland awarded one Stow Prize, 115
C G Nancarrow awarded one Stow prize, 115
Dr Wilhelm Bernhard Dorsch awarded BMA prize, 115
J E Kelly awarded Andrew Scott prize and recommended for one of Stow prizes, 115
Professor J McKellar Stewart impressed by quality of public service essays submitted for Sir George Murray Prize, 103b
Sir Joseph Verco Medal presented to Professor J B Cleland, 140
proposal to create fund for travelling fellowship for university women, 178b
Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
J D Norgard awarded Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy prize, 147
F E Williams was awarded Wellcome Gold Medal, 158 , 176a
Russell Grimwade Forestry Prize available for graduates with forestry degrees, 10
Psychology, Study of,
industrial psychology a specialised subject, 146
Public Administration, Study of,
Sir George Murray, as representative of university, thanked for introduction of Diploma of Public Administration, 42
Wainwright on value of studying public administration, 42
hope for Chair of Public Administration, 43
graduates congratulated on receiving degrees in public administration, 66
Mr Adey said introduction of Diploma of Public Administration raised status of public servants, 103b
prospectus available for diploma in public administration, 128
Public Art Gallery,
legacy from Sir Josiah Symon, 165
Public Lectures,
C T Madigan to lecture on Egypt and Sudan, 24
Dr D T Campbell spoke on origin of Aborigines, 28
Dr D T Campbell said Aborigines ‘disappearing fast’, 27
public lecture program for 1933, 85
Professor H J Wilkinson on evolution of human brain, 87
Professor E H C Oliphant on Shakespeare and his critics, 99
public lecture program for 1934, 146
Professor G V Portus on “History – Old and New”, 151
Rudolph Bronner lectured on modern German politics, 152 , 154 , 156
letter to editor, commenting on Bronner’s lecture, 155
Professor R W Chapman spoke on “Suspension Bridges”, 158
Professor Stewart McKellar gave three public lectures:
“Experience of Self”, 160
"The life of the Self", 161
"The making of Selves", 162
Professor G V Portus spoke on “What is Political Science”, 166
Rev J R B Love on "Mythology and Religion of the Worora Tribe of Aborigines", 170
Public Library of South Australia,
used by university students, public library starved of funds, 21
R C Bald suggest a “Friends” group formed to help, 21 , 23
Friends of Public Library formed, 25 , 27 , 34
members of Board elected, 54
library of Sir Josiah Symon bequeathed to Public Library, 141
university representatives on Board of Governors of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, 111
photograph of Ralph Munn of Carnegie Corporation and E R Pitt, Librarian of New York Public Library, who will survey Australian libraries, 178
recommendations and response on Munn-Pitt visit, 186s
concessions on federal taxes will aid libraries, 186n
Public Officers Federation,
protest teachers’ salary cut, 186p
Public Service,
academics recommend special public service examination for graduates, 41
review of book Music and Religion. A historical and philosophical survey , 157
University Sports Year Book published for first time since 1928, 162
Puddy, Betty,
played in students’ concert, 168
Puddy, Ernest,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Puddy, Maude,
demonstrates for teachers of music requirements for AMEB examinations, 27 , 89
her students performed in students’ concert, 168
Pulleine, Dr Robert Henry,
elected to Public Library Board, 54
Pulteney Street,
proposed extension of Pulteney Street (photo), 183
Purnell, H R,
committee member, Friends of Public Library, 34
public librarian hails removal of taxes on books, periodicals and magazines, noting importance of this for university, 186n
Pybus, Willliam R,
member of council of SA Music Teachers Association, 101
Queen Adelaide Club,
entertained visiting delegates to Conference of Federation of Australian University Women, 178b
Queensland University,
external courses offered, 186d
Quesnel, Mrs Reginald,
teacher of singing, her students sang in concerts, 151 , 168
Quinton, W C,
parliamentary librarian in welcome to R Munn surveying public libraries, 155
Ralph, Brigadier-General E M,
left Adelaide after visiting relatives here, 162
Randle, G A,
appointed to Dental Board, 70
Ratcliffe, B,
in party of engineering students going on tour, 167
Ray, John,
won a T E Barr Smith scholarship to attend St Andrews College, 7 , 129
Ray, Dr William,
appointed to State Advisory Board of Censors, 18
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford scholars, 44
appointed member of Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 145
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Rebbeck, R E,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering, 78
Redmond, Mrs H,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Reed, G S,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
university dining room, 150
F W Eardley goes on leave, returns, 11 , 15 , 139
gave lecture on “The Necessity of Poetry”, 38
explains in term vacation registry staff do routine work, 41
believes number of entries for public exams will be similar to last year, 47
applications made to Registrar for John Lorenzo Young Scholarship, 51
says failure in English literature in intermediate examination will not fail candidates who demonstrate adequate grasp of the language, 71
expects transfer of Jubilee Oval to university soon, 98
writes article on university’s sixty years of progress, 127
on employment for University graduates, 157
back from Melbourne, 170
Reid, F W,
Principal explains reason for fee rise, 3
Principal of School of Mines in photograph, 175
Reimann, Dr Arnold Luehrs,
published “Thermionic Emission”, 140
Reimann, Miss H,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
Reimann, Immanuel Gotthold,
obituaries, 9 , 10
photograph, 9
founder of Adelaide College of Music, 101 , 133
Reimann, Mrs Marie,
wife writes to confirm I G Reimann sole founder of Adelaide College of Music, 133
Rennie Theatre,
new theatre in Chemistry building location for cinema shows, 150
seventh annual conference of Royal Australian College of Surgeons opened in Rennie Theatre, 178a
Dr Grenfell Price to undertake research on tropic settlement in United States, 8
Royal College of Surgeons in Australia proposes University of Canberra as solely Professor Kerr Grant says lack of money holding back world-first research, 17
advances in Medical Science, 22
doctors to study Aboriginal consumption of water, 68
setback to research, institutes failing for lack of money, 73
death of Professor Chapman, noted for cancer research, 146 , 148
work of Waite Research Institute, 149
proposed weather stations in Antarctic, 174
Research Organisations,
Waite Research Institute, 149
Commonwealth Forestry Bureau to undertake research in re-afforestation, 126
Australian Council for Educational Research, 44 , 122
Australian National Research Council, 39 , 186e
Residential Colleges,
St Andrews, 1 , 7 , 129 , 151
St Marks, 6 , 8 , 66 , 78 , 121 , 130
Retallick, C M,
Vice-president of Pharmaceutical Society attended annual meeting, 161
Reynolds, John Heywood,
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
Rhodes Scholar to be acting Master at St Marks College, 13
acting Master of St Mark’s College, 53 , 121
resigns, moves to WA, 131
biography, 41 , 66
Rhodes Scholarship,
Rhodes Scholar for 1928, R G Mitton now holds doctorate, 1 , 7
Sir Roy Lister Robinson, 1905 Rhodes Scholar, appointed Chair of British Forestry Commission, 1
L C E Lindon, former Rhodes Scholar, appointed clinical lecturer in surgery, 2
Dr B G Maegraith, B W Hone and L C Wilcher, currently Rhodes Scholars in Oxford, 3
report that Oxford University critical of Australian selection of Rhodes Scholars, 4
former Rhodes Scholar, Dr H Florey, appointed Professor of Pathology at Sheffield, 10
John Heywood Reynolds awarded Herbertson Prize at Oxford, returning home, 13 , 41 , 66
South Australia has had 29 Rhodes Scholars, 28
Rhodes Scholarship a burden to Oxford, 35 , 36
C T Madigan criticizes ‘scholarship burden to Oxford’, 36
Eric Gray, Rhodes Scholar, 1931, leaves for London, 40
T S Dorsch selected as Rhodes Scholar, 58
success of SA Rhodes Scholars, 66
Eric Gray, Rhodes Scholar for 1931, achievements, 80 , 86
applications for scholarship for 1932 received, 49 , 50
Rhodes Scholar for 1932 to be announced November 28th, 53
Dr H W B Cairns, Rhodes Scholar, 1919, restores sight by brain operation, 68
details of successes of some SA Rhodes Scholars, 66
Rhodes Scholarship Trust offers scholarship at Institute of Education, 72
Rhodes Scholars Association, biennial conference, 74 , 77
Norman Jolly, former Rhodes Scholar, 37 , 112
Dr B G Maegraith, former Rhodes Scholar, wins Beit Memorial Junior Research Fellowship, 91
R J Rudall first Rhodes Scholar to enter legislature, 92
concession won for study conditions for Rhodes Scholar medical students, 95
F E Williams, Rhodes Scholar 1915, in Adelaide briefly, 96
applications for 1933 scholarship (depart 1934) to close, list of former winners, 105
what our scholars are doing, 105
closure of applications 1933, qualities required of winner, 107
obituary for H Thomson, K C, former Rhodes Scholar, 108
distinctions for Australian Rhodes Scholars, E Gray and Dr Maegraith among them, 114
A P Guinand wins Rhodes Scholarship, photograph, short biography, 119
A P Guinand to tutor at St Marks until leaves for Oxford, 130
selection meeting held, name of winner soon to be released, 122
L C Wilcher appointed Dean, Trinity College, Melbourne, biography, 121
Australian Rhodes Review conducted by Association of Rhodes Scholars in Australia, 145
F E Williams, 1915 Rhodes Scholar, winning awards, 158 , 176a
gathering of former Rhodes Scholars to farewell A P Guinand, 165
Rice, Dr J D,
no longer surgical registrar at Adelaide Hospital, 135
succeeded by Dr O' Connor, 140
Rice, Dr V de P L,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Richards, Mr,
sought to delay cut to teacher’s salaries, 186p
protested against refusal to give increased funds to Northfield Mental Hospital, 186c
Richards, Justice,
admitted lawyers to Bar, 65
application of order directing Medical Board on behalf of Dr Becker refused, 161
Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor,
Director of Waite to be member of Australian delegation to Ottawa conference, photograph, 6 , 10 , 14 , 15
returning to Adelaide after having made inspection of British agricultural areas and research institutes, 58
article on exporting opportunities for primary produce, photograph, 70
one of SA’s distinguished sons, 89
explains Russian research into hastening crop maturity, 97
enabled visitor to examine work of Waite Institute, 149
praised L A T Ballard as a research worker, 157
attended meeting of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 168
various research projects of CSIR discussed, 170
attended meetings of Australian National Research Council to consider impact of manipulation of funds by late Professor Chapman, 153 , 186e
present at annual prize-giving at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 186q
to represent University on board of trustees of John Ridley memorial scholarship, 146
Richardson, Mrs. Arnold Edwin Victor,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide music salon, 160
Ridley Memorial Gate,
Ridley Memorial Scholarship,
Professor A E V Richardson on scholarship board, 146
Ridley, John,
memorial to Reaper inventor at showgrounds, 44
candelabrum made in his honour to go to Waite Institute, 44
Ridley Memorial Gate opened in his honour, 102a
story of his invention told by Sir Langdon Bonython, 102a , 103
Professor Richardson on board of trustees of John Ridley memorial scholarship, 146
Ritchie, Mr,
said protests against Government’s site for TB clinic would not change decision, 186c
Ritchie, George,
secretary of WEA offers support to possible Anglican request for course for clergy, 153
Riverside School,
Mrs E H Hinde, principal, in criticism of Public Examination system, 186g
Rivett, Dr A C D,
offered position of Vice Chancellor of University of Melbourne, 140 , 142
said no replacement for Sir Charles Martin as head of Division of Animal Nutrition as yet, 95
at meetings on manipulation of funds of Australian National Research Council, 153 , 186e
will be at meeting as chief executive officer, Council for Scientific and Industrial research, 168
various research projects of CSIR discussed, 170
Roach, B S,
elected President of Public Libraries Board, 54
as President of Board of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, gave an address on life of Sir Joseph Cooke Verco, 121
in group to welcome Ralph Munn, surveying public libraries, 155
Robertson, Miss E,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Robertson, Iris Esther,
to attend International Federation of University Women's Conference in Edinburgh, 27
Robertson, Professor Thornburn Brailsford,
stained glass window in his memory unveiled, 9
his work in animal nutrition carried on, 15
scientists’ tribute to famous colleague, 18
quotations on his memorial window, 37
distinguished South Australian, 89
initiated Division of Animal Nutrition, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 90 , 95
Robin, R C,
lecturer in Engineering to accompany students to annual survey camp in Kuitpo Forest, 127 , 128 , 129
Robinson, Sir Roy Lister,
1905 Rhodes scholar appointed Chair of British Forestry Commission, 1 , 17 , 18 , 66 , 112
Robinson, Sir William,
governor attended inaugural meeting of university Shakespeare Society in 1884, 155
governor able to guarantee chair of music from private donations, 1884, 169
Robjohns, Dr Collin,
appointed by London Missionary Society to Hancow after finishes study at London School of Tropical Medicine, 146
Rockefeller Foundation,
awarded funds to Australian National Research Council, 39
gave Dr A Grenfell Price year’s study in US on settlement in tropics, 43
provided funds for anthropological expedition to central Australia, 91
Rockefeller Scholarship enabled Ursula McConnell, to undertake anthropological research, 178b
granted F E Williams funds to study, 158
Roennfeldt, J W,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce, 78
Rofe, Joyce,
accompanist at Students’ concert, 151
Rogers, Dr Richard Sanders,
appointed member of Medical Board, 25
to attend ANZAAS, 30 , 36
reappointed President of Medical Board, 34 , 121
reappointed member of Medical Board, 151 , 152
appointed member of Board of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, 48
Rollison, W A,
appeared for Dr Becker in application to Medical Board of SA, 161
Roseworthy Agricultural College,
former staff member, Mr Ludbrook, studying abroad, 24
Dr A R Callaghan new Principal of Roseworthy Agricultural College, 24 , 33
death of former Roseworth head, 93
Mr Justice Angas Parsons educated at Roseworthy Agricultural College, 145
Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Round Table Christian Sociological Society,
discussion of how workers will use extra leisure, 186o
Rountree, Miss P,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Rowe, W T,
appointed Director of Chemistry and Government Analyst, 53
Royal Anthropological Institute,
F E Williams awarded for best research essay, 158 , 176a
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons,
proposed that a science centre be established in Canberra; no support for this from Adelaide professors, 8
conference to be held in Adelaide, 128
conference began, 131
demonstrations given, 132
surgeons’ great mace on view, 133
list of Adelaide guests invited to surgeons’ supper, 134 , 135
Sir Henry Simpson Newland’s presidential address at conference, 134
South Australians admitted to College, Dr I A Hamilton, Dr A K.Lendon, 134
SA candidates who passed exams in surgery, Dr J C Mayo, Dr G McKay, in ophthalmology, Dr G H B Black, 134
Seventh Annual Surgeons Conference, 178a
Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851,
Gave L A T Ballard scholarship to research plant physiology, 176a
Royal Society of South Australia,
university staff on executive, 46
Rudall, Reginald John, MP,
indicated willingness to join local society of former Oxford scholars, 44
editorial on election of former Rhodes Scholar to Legislative Council, 92
response of former Rhodes Scholar, H Thomson, to editorial and further discussion, 93
what our scholars are doing, 105
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Rudd, Eric A.,
left for Harvard University for post-graduate work, 169
Russell, Dr H H E,
appointed member of Medical Board, 25
reappointed member of Medical Board, 151 , 152
Russell Grimwade Forestry Prize,
travelling scholarship available for graduates with forestry degrees, 10
Rye, Mr,
criticism of Public Examination system, 186g
Rymill, Frances Carstairs,
awarded Thornber Bursary, 74
SA Museum,
official film and stills of last expedition studying natives, 153
Sadler, H H,
Salman, H W,
qualified for pharmacy diploma, 161
Samuel, Geoffrey,
to give lecture on ‘Virus diseases of plants with specific reference to tomato wilt’, 85
describes Waite research on tomato wilt, 92
appointed to Rothamsted Experimental Station, England, 111
short biography, photograph, 139
D B Adam appointed to replace him at Waite Institute, 146
Sanders, Mrs H,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Sandford, J Wallace,
Vice-president of Friends of Public Library, 34
Sando, Hubert,
appointed treasurer of executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Sangster, Dr D W,
demonstrated at conference of surgeons, 132
Sangster, Dr Christopher Bagot,
now a member of Royal College of Physicians, London, 126
Savage, Dr A C,
appointed honorary clinical assistant in medical section of hospital, 121
Savage, Mrs,
cellist at midday organ recital, 172
Scarfe, Mrs. T R,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Scarlett, Dr Robert Dalley,
council accepted report recommending Doctorate in Music be conferred, 130
Doctorate in Music conferred, 154 , 155
Schilsky, Charles,
taught Harry Hutchins appointed to staff of Albert Street Conservatorium, Melbourne, 143
Schneider, Dr Michael,
appointed assistant to ophthalmic section of Adelaide Hospital, 39
appointed to Parkside Mental Hospital in Dr E A Matison’s absence, 78
appointed honorary assistant ophthalmologist at Adelaide Hospital, 104a
Schnukal, Jack,
Bachelor of Engineering and Diploma in Applied Science conferred, 154
C W R Price won A E Hamilton scholarship to St Andrew’s College, 7
scholarships awarded by St Andrew’s College, 129
three applications for John Lorenzo Young Scholarship, 51
exhibitions and bursaries announced, 68
Creswell scholarships awarded, 76 , 78 , 128
SA Branch of League of Nations Union establishes scholarship for women educationists in memory of Madeleine Rees George, 84
Max Aubrey Hunt awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1932, 36 , 37 , 38
Lincoln David Dowie awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship for 1934, 162
Thomas Price Scholarship, 110
Dr Wilhelm Bernhard Dorsch awarded Everard Scholarship, 115
Agnes Dorsch awarded Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship, 115
L C Lum awarded J C Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
Arnold W Lemon awarded Eric Smith scholarship, 129
Professor A E V Richardson on Ridley Memorial Scholarship Board, 146
Professor Joseph Garnett Wood awarded John Bagot Scholarship (1922) and John L Young Scholarship for research in 1923, and research scholarship to Cambridge, 156
Fred Johns Scholarship established, 162
Angas Engineering Scholarship founded in 1888 by John Howard Angas, 162
David Murray Scholarship awarded to Eric William Gray, 4, to C H Coats, 125
Marie Sleigh awarded Elder Scholarship for violin, 59 , 186k
travelling scholarship available for graduates with forestry degrees, 10
applications closed for Elder scholarships, 113
St Andrews College scholarship winners, 7 , 129
Institute of Public Administration to offer scholarship to enable a person to attend lectures towards Diploma of Public Administration, 128
Edward Stirling Booth wins Margaret Catto Scholarship,
three applicants for John L Young Scholarship for research, one for John Lorenzo Young scholarship, 51
Cresswell Scholarship awarded to D McGarry, 78
meeting to consider applications 1933 Rhodes scholarship, 112
proposal for post-graduate scholarship at Oxford, 131
Association of Rhodes Scholars in Australia published review of their activities, 145
E P Tidemann nominated for dental scholarship to North Western University, Chicago, 146
Professor Richardson appointed to board of trustees of John Ridley Memorial scholarship, 146
William Rex Ferguson awarded travelling scholarship in Forestry, 85
two Australians awarded scholarships in USA, 84
applications invited for junior studentship in entomology, 86
four scholarships awarded for study of Diploma of Public Administration, 6
Elder scholarships awarded, 115
C L Bosworth awarded Exhibition of 1851, a science exhibition tenable at Cambridge, 90 , 100
extra legacy for Davies-Thomas scholarship, 146
value of scholarships for individuals, 43
L H G Symons won Young Scholarship, 43
John Creswell scholarship awarded to G D L Seddon, 76
three studentships offered by C S I Endowment fund, 76
L A T Ballard awarded scholarship for research into plant physiology at Cambridge, 157
photograph, 176a
government bursaries to close next week, 110
Fred Johns left money for scholarships in biography and medical research, 61 , 66
London School of Economics and Politics offering a research scholarship, 160
Geoffrey Billing was awarded a travelling scholarship, 161
Lincoln David Dowie awarded Angas Engineering Scholarship, 162
Fred Johns Scholarship for biography to be on subject of George Fife Angas to be submitted by July 31st, 1936, 162
C R Morris Scholarship awarded to Angus Jamieson, Marvyn Smith, photograph, 180
Madeleine Rees George Memorial Prize establishes scholarship for women, 84
photograph of three musical students awarded Elder scholarships, 182
School of Mines,
fee increase for mathematics, 3
members of council appointed, 55 , 121
engineering students to go on tour, 167
Fisher lecture to be given in Brookman Hall, 172
photograph of members of council, 175
death of D M Charleston, former council member, 186h
School of Mines Associate Diploma in Engineering accepted by Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 17
appointments to Council, 121
Science Association,
students involved in intellectual societies, sport clubs, etc, 150
Science, Study of,
Dr M L E Oliphant working on heavy hydrogen in Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, under direction of Lord Rutherford, 143
Scotch College,
Headmaster, N M G Gratton supports campaign for music in schools, 158 , 168
Headmaster critical of public examination system, 186g
Scott, Sir Walter,
triennial lecture program proposed for Sir Walter Scott Centenary, 44
Scullin, Mr,
Leader of Opposition addressed Labor Club on unemployment, 173
photograph of students listening to Mr Scullin, 174
critical of Federal Budget, 186n
Secondary Education,
statistics sought for numbers of students successful in public examinations, 3
governor urges more teaching of foreign languages, 34
high school students struggling to pay examination fees, 41
number and value of awards given for intermediate, leaving honours results, 49
cuts sought in examination fees, 9 , 13 , 44
complaint from parent on layout of English paper, 58
headmistress on school problems, 61
comments on examinations and headmistress’s assertions, 62 , 63
St Peter’s Headmaster on need for changes, 64
leaving examination criticised, 69
changes to intermediate examination, 71
differences in performance of boys and girls, 71
should Intermediate be abolished, 80
too many social outings for girls, 90a
applications for government bursaries to close, 110
fewer subjects needed in public examinations, 113
government economies in school staffing, introduction of fees for high school, 103a , 103b
new conditions for examinations, 132
public examination ‘howlers’, 140
weaknesses revealed in examination papers, 141
AMEB asks that music be a matriculation subject, 145
Dr Harold Davies’ new scheme for teaching music in schools, 158 , 159
teachers' salary cut, 186p
Seddon, G D L,
awarded John Creswell scholarship, 76
Segnit, Ralph,
Secretary of Royal Society reported on trip to Petermann Range by H H Finlayson, 155
Sells, Mrs (nee Iris Esther Robertson),
to attend International Federation of University Women in Edinburgh, 27
Senate, University of Adelaide,
from "The Advertiser", 1884, Senate agreed to establishment of chairs of music, anatomy and chemistry, 169
nominations to fill Senate vacancies due, 111
Sergeant, M S,
took part in Men's Union debate, 186m
Shann, Professor Edward Owen Giblin,
accepts offer of Chair of Economics at Adelaide University, 109 , 110
photograph, 109
visits Adelaide, to take up position next year, 145
submitted his resignation to University of Western Australia, 152
Shannon, Abe,
receives OBE in New Year Honours, 122
photograph and biography, 186l
Shannon, H H,
wrote on points related to debate over siting of TB Clinic, 186c
Shannon, Mr,
proposed increase of funds for Northfield Mental Hospital be disallowed, 186c
Sharman, Miss E,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Shaw, Miss A M,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Shaw, Miss K H,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Shaw, P,
editor of Melbourne student newspaper deposed for ‘blasphemous and disloyal expressions’, 186i
Sheldon, Dr Strafford,
conducted postmortem on late Prof H G Chapmen, 186e
Sheridan, Miss A F Keith,
1922 legacy to University, 62
Shetliffe, F D,
treasurer of Pharmaceutical Society at annual meeting, 161
Shinkfield, J,
soloist in South Australian Orchestra concert, 15
Shnukal, Jack,
Bachelor of Engineering, Diploma of Applied Science conferred in absentia, 155
Shoobridge, Ivan,
appointed legal assistant, Crown Law Office, New Guinea, biography, 147
Shorney, Dr Herbert Frank,
Siebert, Mrs W,
hosted a delegate from interstate for Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Silver, William,
played with a student in a Students' concert, 151
his students played in Student's concert, 168
Simpson, Mrs A M,
1922 legacy to University, 62
Simpson, Mrs Allan,
committee member, Friends of Public Library, 34
Sims, R,
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
Sinclair, Miss Jean,
in memorable Delius recital, 160 , 161
Sir Joseph Verco Medal,
presented to Professor J B Cleland, 140
Skeats, Professor E W,
at meetings of National Research Council about manipulation of funds, 153 , 186e
Skipper, S H,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
Skinner, Mostyn,
provided musical entertainment at annual dinner Men’s Union, 145
Slade, J H G,
gained an award in public administration, 66
Slee, D L,
in party of Engineering students to go on tour, 167
Sleigh, Marie,
winner of Elder Scholarship for violin, 59
young musical genius, photograph, 186k
Smeaton, Dr Bronte,
replaced Sir Henry Simpson Newland on hospital advisory committee, 10
honoured by Adelaide Medical Students Society for 25 years of service as honorary surgeon at Adelaide Hospital, 104a
Smith, F V, QC,
moved that Ralph Meyrick Hague be admitted to Bar, 65
Smith, Harold Whitmore,
death of winner of 1908 Angas Engineering Scholarship, 78
Smith, Kenneth William Algernon,
appointed Headmaster of King’s College, photograph, 104
supported Dr Davies’ proposed changes to music in schools, 158
Smith, Dr Marjorie,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Smith, Marvyn,
pupil of Alberton School won C R Morris Scholarship, photograph, 180
Smith, Richard,
played in memorable town hall concert, 167
Smith, Miss Roxy,
new graduate to be toasted at annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
Smith, J L,
appointed consulting dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Solomon, Dr George Herbert,
passed examinations for Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), 44
appointed honorary clinical assistant in surgery at hospital, 121
FRCS, Edinburgh, 144
Solomon, Helen Ethel,
Sorrell, Miss Margaret,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Hosted Miss M E Wood, Librarian, UWA, 178b
Souter, G B,
awarded evening scholarship to study engineering, 78
South Australian Music Teachers Association,
South Australian Orchestra,
Professor Davies spoke on concert clashes, 41
Harold Parsons, Conductor, has been granted six months leave, 156
third concert, 159 , 160
praised by Percy Grainger, 164
fourth concert success with Percy Grainger, 167 , 168
at fifth concert, reaches great heights, 173
South, Marty,
sang in conservatorium recital, 146
Southwood, Dr Albert Ray,
member of Dental Board, 1 , 2
effect of radium on the body, precautions needed for workers, 111
Chair of SA Central Board of Health passed MRCP London Diploma, 162
Sowden, Sir William,
reported on success of Dr W D Walker in London, 68
Spafford, Mr,
acted as principal of Roseworthy College temporarily while new principal appointed, 186q
Sparbier, H,
tympanist played at organ concerts, 167 , 170 , 172
Sparrow, Maxwell Elliott,
B Eng and Diploma in Applied Science conferred, 154 , 155
university sports year book to be issued, 162
Sports Association,
meeting of general committee decides to sink well in sports oval, 173
St Andrew's College,
examination results for members, 1
scholarships to attend awarded, 7 , 129
G K Hughes attended St Andrews College, 151
St Peter's Cathedral,
Precentor, Rev H P Finnis, at lunch for former organist of Westminster Abbey, 172
photograph of mourners leaving cathedral after State tribute to Sir Josiah Symon, 177
St Peter's College,
Headmaster, Rev Guy Pentreath, supported campaign for music in schools, 158 , 168
St Andrew's College,
examination results of students, 1
winners of scholarships, 7
annual report with examination results, 69
scholarships awarded, 119 , 129
St Mark's College,
residential bursaries, 6
new tutors in Medicine and English literature, 8
annual report, 66
filled to capacity, 78
college bursaries, 121
college awards, 130
Professor A E V Richardson appointed to board of trustees of John Ridley memorial, 146
Dr H K Fry appointed official visitor to Parkside Mental Hospital, 146
D B Adams appointed plant pathologist at Waite Institute, 146
employment conditions, 40 , 41
staff influential informing Friends of the Public Library, 34
members of staff attended the King’s levee, photograph, 176b
State Government,
granted evening studentships, 8 , 78 , 135
awards and scholarships, 110
exhibitions and bursaries, 49 , 68 , 123
established University by Act, 1874, 127
change of Cabinet, 75, 81
education policy of government, costs, 103a , 103b
appointed Andrew Ward Bowden Public Actuary, 143
reduced university grant from ₤80,626 to ₤60,587, 11
education costs, 92 , 186d
leader of Parliamentary Labor Party disapproves of scheme for graduates in Parliament, 130
Adelaide University Statute forbids academic staff to sit in Parliament or become members of a political party, 40 , 41
actions to be taken for students whom their lecturer judges unable to profit by a course of lectures, 162
set conditions for scholarship for writing biography of George Fife Angas, 162
Stephens, C G,
Tasmanian working with Professor Prescott on soil research at Waite, 39
Stephens, Charles Francis,
letter describing since graduating in 1897, 78
Stephens, Mr,
argued TB Clinic should not be in city, 186c
argued teachers had right to have salaries determined by Industrial Court, 186p
Stevens, Charles J,
president of SA Music Teachers Association in 1906, 101
Stewart, Professor John McKellar,
supports government appointment of child psychologist for delinquent children, 31
member of committee of Friends of Public Library, 34
argues for abolition of Intermediate examination, 80
Chairman of WEA joint committee, gave address on Russian education, 109
to give three lectures on The Making of Selves, 146
public lectures on The Making of Selves, 160 , 161 , 162
impressed by quality of essays submitted for Sir George Murray prize by members of public service, 103b
Stirling, Sir Lancelot,
Stoate, Theodore Norman,
held position in Western Australian Forest Department, first winner of Russell Grimwade forestry prize, 1 , 10
Stocker, E O,
cinematographer from Sydney part of anthropological expedition, 36
Stokes, Edward, BA (Adelaide), MA (Oxford),
obituary for Headmaster of Queen's College, photograph, 140
Stoney, Mrs Edith A,
British delegate spoke on cinema as dope of masses, 178b
Stott, Mr,
said government had not applied legal methods in teachers' salary cut, 186p
Stow Prize,
J E Kelly recommended for one of the three Stow and Prizes, 115
Stratmann, Dr P F,
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Stratton, C W,
awarded evening scholarship to study commerce, 78
Strehlow, Theodore Georg Heinrich,
to take up position as assistant lecturer in English, biography, 133
Sydney university research party hope to join up with Strehlow, 68
Strickland, A G,
appointed Chief horticultural officer in S A, 150
Strong, Sir Archibald Thomas,
first appointee to Jury Chair of English, 13
Dr Bald editing Memoir and Memorial volume for Professor Strong, 59
produced some of his best work here, 89
Strungk, Delphin,
played at re-opening concert of reconstructed organ, 170
Stuckey, Dr Edward Joseph,
medical missionary career since graduation, 33
Stuckey, R R,
Under-treasurer given CMG in Honours list, 23
Student Activities and Protests,
student debate, 186m
council suggests students abandon initiation ceremonies, 16
students propose to form a Labor Club, 26
initiation ceremonies, 40
lighter side of university life, 94
Student Services,
Barr Smith Library to open at night, 26
value of medical examination of students, 98
Student Statistics,
student numbers, fees and total costs for medical students, 10
400 students in Commerce Faculty, 11
Student Union,
D K Picken, Master of Ormond College, addressed Men’s Union on universities as cultural centres, 13
regulation against liquor at student union functions, 116
communists attend Men's Union debate, 144
Master of Ormond College speaks on universities as cultural centres to Men's Union, 13
of 1500 students, 400 play sport, 9
steady increase in numbers of student members and student activities since Student Union Building completed in 1929, 71
annual report for 1932 submitted, 78
K T Hamilton appointed secretary of Union, 143
legacy of five hundred pounds left to library of Women’s Union by Sir Josiah Symon, 166
Men’s Union supported Women's Union in protest against closing of Barr Smith Library in evenings, 11
Vice President, L T Ewens, says girls on campus for social life do not wield influence, 90
Student Union Building,
its importance for student associations and activities, 150
employment conditions, 50 , 186b
student life and activities, 150 , 155
Headmistress, I Macdonald, of Presbyterian Ladies College, critical of non-matriculated students attending university, 90 , 90a
Sullivan, A G,
in party of engineering students to go on tour, 167
Summer, Dr D J R,
to provide first post-graduate lecture for 1934, 151
former Rhodes Scholar, 28
at gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Sumner, Thelma Joyce,
awarded Grade 111 Practice of Music Exhibtion, 51
Surgery, Study of,
surgery demonstrations at conference of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 132 , 134
Sutherland, Caroline,
Sir Josiah Symon left legacy for Mrs Alice Evers for caring for his cousin, Caroline Sutherland, 165
Swan, F M,
member of Dental Board, 1 , 2
Sweeney, Gordon,
Mr & Mrs Sweeney to Methodist Mission in North Queensland, 43
Syme, Sir George,
one of proposers of forming College of Surgeons, 178a
Symon, Commander Oliver J,
legacies for son by Sir Josiah Symon, 165
in photograph shown carrying father’s ashes, 177
Symon, Sir Josiah,
appeals against tax of gift for construction of Lady Symon Building, 16 , 37 , 42
celebrates 86th birthday, short biography, 44
celebrates 87th birthday, short biography, 104a
Public Library accepts bequest of private Symon library, 141 , 166
death announcements, obituaries, photographs, 138 , 139
council offers sympathy to Lady Symon on husband’s death, 142
details of his will and legacies to relatives, 165 , 166
photograph of mourners leaving State funeral for Sir Josiah Symon, 177
Symons, Ivor G,
published A modern geography for Australian schools, 186d
Symons, Lloyd Alfred Grigg,
awarded Young Scholarship, 43
returns from successful study at Cambridge, 43
Tasmania, University of,
Kenneth Owen Shatwell appointed Professor of Law, 110
Tassie, Mr,
asked whether BMA approval of TB Clinic site was wholly independent, 186c
Tate Memorial Medal,
Tate, Professor Ralph,
Tate's 1882 supposition that the dugong was the apocryphal bunyip, 33
Tauber, Oscar,
publicity officer for Musical Association of SA, 95
Taunton, H C D,
appointed dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
Taylor, J K, MA, BSc,
chemist at Waite working with Professor Prescott on soil research, 39
Taylor, Dr Robert Herbert George,
returns from post-graduate dentistry studies in Toronto and Boston, 34
Taylor, Trevor Roy, LLB,
Teacher Training,
fewer or no students to be admitted to training college, 8 , 123
new students to be admitted, 51
training teachers to teach music in schools, 159
Teachers' College,
smaller number of students entering, 8
new students to be admitted, 51
government economies affect Training college, 103a
no new students to be admitted, 123
training teachers to teach music in schools, 159
Teachers' Union,
teachers' salary cut, 103a
Teakle, Mary,
awarded Grade IV Theory of Music Exhibition, 51
Theology, Study of,
Rev D F Mitchell argues that theology should be university subject, 24
Thomas, Margaret Helen,
conferring of degrees, 154 , 155
Thomas, R G,
architect of Supreme Court, 172
Thomas, Mrs E Davies Thomas,
obituary, endowed Davies-Thomas medical scholarships, 144
Thomas, R G,
worked with Professor Wood on research at Koonamore, 155
Thomas Price Scholarship,
tenable for four years study at university, 110
Thompson, Donald,
noted anthropologist appointed to work in Northern Territory, 165
Thompson, Mr,
said Government determined to cut grant for education, 186p
Thomson, Alexander McQueen,
won J G Duncan-Hughes scholarship for St Andrews College, 129
Thomson, Harry, K C,
indicated willingness to join local society for former Oxford scholars, 44
met with other Rhodes Scholars, 92
replied to editorial on Scholars or Leaders, 93
obituaries, 108 , 109
photograph, 108
his contribution to University council, 110
Thornber, Catherine Maria,
bursary established in memory of former principal of Unley Park School, 74
Thornber Bursary,
Frances Carstairs Rymill awarded Thornber Bursary, 74
Thyer, F L,
apology for gathering of Rhodes Scholars, 165
Tideman, Harold,
Tidemann, E P,
nominated for dental scholarship at North Western University, Chicago, 146
Tilly, Miss,
member of council of SA Music Teachers Association, 101
Tindale, Norman Barnett,
member of expedition to Mt Liebig, 36
left for three months study of natives in Musgrave Ranges, accompanied by Dr C Hackett, 84 , 91
reported on study of three months, 101
photograph, 101
to be met at Ernabella by anthropological expedition coming from Adelaide, 91
article describing Tantanoola Caves published in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South Australia, 125
returned from study of natives of the south east, accompanied by last member of Coorong tribe, Milerum or Mr Clarence Long, 130
discussed implications of proposal to 'breed out black blood', 138
showed and commented on films and 'stills' taken by him and Dr C Hackett and him and Dr Fry re lives and customs of natives in the Mann and Tomkinson ranges, 153
to accompany annual anthropological expedition as ethnologist and ethnological items collected by him to be retained by Museum, 160
reported on work of anthropology expedition, 164
in party formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
Todd, Sir Charles,
founder of Adelaide Observatory, 14
Tostevin, Dr A L,
appointed honorary assistant ophthalmologist at Adelaide Hospital, 104a
conducted operations and gave demonstrations at conference of surgeons, 132
Trades and Labour Council,
death of former president, 186h
Trenerry, H G,
member of Council of Musical Association of SA, 95
Truman, Miss,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Tuck, Bernard Geoffrey,
awarded evening scholarship to study law, 78
19 year old Bernard G Tuck awarded LLB, 114
Turnbull, Gordon McLeod,
won a T E Barr Smith scholarship to attend St Andrews College, 129
Turner, Dr F B,
newly registered as doctor, 121
appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital, 121
Universities, other,
Professor W E Agar defended dismissal of editors of Melbourne University student paper, 186i
Professor W E Agar at meeting of Australian National Research Council on manipulation of funds, 153
Bodleian library appeal for funds, 27
society of former Oxford students to be formed in South Australia, 44
University of Catania, Sicily, invites University of Adelaide to share in its 500th year anniversary, 146
Dr R S Wallace compares Australian and American universities, 81
director of cancer research at Sydney University died, 146 , 147 , 153 , 186e
editors of Melbourne University paper deposed, 186i
external courses at Queensland University, 186d
Kenneth Owen Shatwell appointed Professor of Law at University of Tasmania, 110
in Melbourne, increasing numbers of graduates being assisted in finding jobs by University Appointment Board, 156
University of Western Australia to re-establish Chair of Engineering and advertise other positions, 152
Sir William Mitchell to receive honorary degree of DLitt from UWA, 10 , 11
UWA professors accused of travelling away from campus on slightest excuse. If Uni not suffering, then this was evidence of over-staffing, 39
UWA professors not recalled from science conference, 40
Melbourne University using graduates to teach, 110
UWA may ask senior students to teach, 110
Miss M E Wood, University Librarian, UWA, said many wanted a women’s college for UWA and a Women’s College Fund had been established, 178b
Upton, Dr W C T,
appointed assistant to skin section, Adelaide Hospital, 39
Vaughan, John Howard,
awarded CBE in Honours list, 23
Verco, Doctor Ronald Lister,
gained Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1
Verco, Sir Joseph Cooke,
obituary, photograph, 96
attendees at funeral, 98
bequests, 101 , 102
address given on his life, 121
presentation of Sir Joseph Verco Medal, 140
Verco, Mrs Stanley,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
introduction of payment of vice chancellors debated, 16 , 116
Victoria Drive,
photograph of elm trees and university buildings, 186r
Virgo, Jean,
played in students' concert, 151
Vice Admiral Imamura of Japanese navy visits university, photograph, 16
Governor General, Sir Isaac Isaacs, visited Barr Smith Library, 44
Vogalsang, T,
in party was formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
Vollmar, Mr,
teacher at Adelaide College of Music, 101
Wainwright, John William,
likely to be new Auditor-General, 123
appointed Auditor-General, photograph, 126
given permission to continue lecturing at university, 128
Wainwright, W E,
attended meetings of National Research Council about manipulation of funds, 153 , 186e
Wait, Miss Y,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
Director Professor A E V Richardson attended Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Peter Waite's daughter, Mrs Elizabeth MacKeikan, leaves residue of her estate to University, expected to benefit Waite Institute, 7
continuing research on optimal growth of merino sheep, 15
Dr J Davidson and staff need money for research against thrips, 29
chemists on Waite staff work on soil research, 39
candelabrum presented to John Ridley in recognition of his invention of a reaper given to Waite Institute, 44
Doctorate of Science conferred on Professor Prescott of Waite, 45
visiting German expert praises Waite, 80
Geoffrey Samuel describes Waite fight against tomato wilt, 92
deputation seeks grant for thrips research, 111
Carnegie Trust offers funds to Waite, 140
Polar medal for A Howard, former member of Waite staff, 143
D B Adam appointed plant pathologist at Waite, 146 , 177
major report on research at Waite, 149
Waite staff member, L A T Ballard, awarded scholarship at Cambridge, 157 , 176a
director of Waite at meeting of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 168
Waite, Edgar,
author of books dealing with fish, reptiles and amphibia, 152
Waite, Mrs Peter,
ten year anniversary of her death by which Urrbrae Estate passed to university, 56
Walker, Hilda,
member of subcommittee which organised Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Walker, Dr William Delano,
in London, lectured on work of Rev John Flynn, 59
his successes in England reported by Sir William Sowden, 68
letter from him describing his activities in England, photograph, 126
Walkley, Allan,
appointed to staff of Waite Agricultural Institute, 90
Walkley, Gavin,
chairman of Men's Union presided at first annual dinner, 145
Wallace, Dr Frank Kenneth,
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery conferred, 154 , 155
Wallace, Professor,
V C Sydney University had file on Prof H G Chapmen but did not act, 186e
Wallman, R H,
moved that Frank Lindsay Worth be admitted to Bar, 65
Walsh, J P,
police prosecutor in case of stolen microscopes, 147
Walsh, Kevin Gerald, LLB,
Walter, O H,
Walter, Miss Hilda,
new graduate to be toasted at annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
SA graduate attended Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Want, Mrs. R.A.,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Ward, Dr Leonard Keith,
article on inflammable gases found in bore holes at Minlaton and Kangaroo Island, in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Society of South Australia, 125
photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
Ward, J F,
member of committee of University Graduate Union for 1934, 152
in discussions about teaching of music in schools, 158
attended teaching music in schools demonstration at Conservatorium, 168
discussed value of aesthetic education, 186g
discussed implications of more leisure for workers, 186o
principal of Prince Alfred College, photograph, 186o
Ward, Dr Leonard Keith,
to attend ANZAAS, 30
to contribute a chapter to Sir Edgeworth David's book, 48
pays tribute to Professor Howchin, 125
Warden, Joy,
one of Adelaide’s young musical geniuses, 186k
Warhurst, W W,
President of Pharmaceutical Society at granting of diplomas, 161
Waterhouse, Miss L,
resigned from advisory committee of Mareeba Babies Hospital, 145
Watkins, Miss E,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Watson, Professor Archibald,
Details of present activities of former Adelaide professor, photographs, 114 , 125
Watson, Catherine,
performed in Opera Class production of "Faust", 154
Watson, Miss P N,
member of Dress and Color committee for Royal visit, 179a
Watts, M E J,
awarded evening scholarship to study arts, 78
Way, Sir Samuel James,
presided at inaugural meeting of Shakespeare Society in 1884, 155
bequest of books to University, 141
Webb, Dr Arthur Liddon,
appointed Surgeon-Superintendent, Broken Hill Hospital, 84
returning to Sydney after studying bone diseases in India, 78
Wellcome Gold Medal,
F E Williams was awarded the Welcome Gold Medal, 158
Wells, Larry,
led Elder Expedition of 1891 which explored central Australia, 155
West, Reginald Arthur,
Principal of Adelaide High School elected to Council, photograph, 118
Westover, Madam Ada,
tutored promising young violinist, 186k
Wheatley, Dr Frederick William,
educational and naval career, 23
received CBE in honours list, 23
Whibley, Cyril G,
returning after 5 years’ experience in England in electrical engineering, 172 , 173
Whimpress, Thomas Abraham, LLB,
admitted as legal practitioner, 141
Whitford, Mr,
Minister of Agriculture thanked at Annual Prize Giving Roseworthy College, 186q
Whitham, Miss A B,
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Whitington, Sylvia,
played in South Australian Orchestra, 15 , 160 , 167 , 168 , 169
played in staff concerts and string quartet, 19 , 21 , 24 , 25 , 27 , 29 , 34 , 135 , 145 , 146 , 151 , 154 , 160 , 161 , 162 , 164 , 169 , 173
her students performed, 151 , 168
Wibberly, Brian,
book published in London on relation of Religion and Music reviewed, 157
Wicks, H N,
Chair of Advisory Board of Agriculture to hold public meeting to raise money for research on thrips, 29
Wigley, T J,
given certificate of Pharmacy, 161
Wilcher, Lewis Charles,
SA Rhodes scholar wins Calbertian Prize, Balliol College, 1
met with Dr Charles Fenner and other SA Rhodes scholars in Oxford, 3
appointed Dean, Trinity College Melbourne, biography 121
success, 66
Wilcox, Frank,
appointed to executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
Wildy, R A,
in party of Engineering students to go on tour, 167
Wiebusch, Adele,
student of John Horner gave recital, 111
Wilkie, L, Director of Art Gallery,
in party formed for annual anthropology expedition, 167
Wilkins, Sir Hubert,
Plans 12 weather observation stations in Antarctica to improve weather forecasting, 174
Wilkinson, Professor Herbert John,
member of committee of Graduate Union for 1934, 152
re-elected chairman of Graduate's Union, 157
to attend ANZAAS, 30
to give public lecture, 85
gave public lecture on evolution of human brain, 87 , 89a
brief biography, 121 , 140
appointed president of University union, photograph, 140
urged provision of building for Men’s Union, need for expression of leadership, 145
against intermarriage of Aborigines and whites, 138
promoted goals of proposed music salon, 157
chaired meeting which founded Adelaide Music Salon, 160
elected chair of executive committee of Adelaide Music Salon, 160
spoke of musical innovation at university, 167
present at lunch for former organist at Westminster Abbey, 172
photographed at annual commemoration lunch, 180
Wilkinson, Thomas Lancelot,
senior forestry officer in South Rhodesia, visiting family in South Australia, 57
Williams, Donald Carter, BA,
won J C Duncan-Hughes scholarship to St Andrews College, 7
won the Lady Duncan scholarship to St Andrews College, 129
won David Murray Scholarship last year, 129
Williams, Francis Edgar,
1915 Rhodes Scholar visiting Adelaide, 96
awarded Wellcome Gold Medal, 158
studying on Rockefeller Fellowship, 158
given award by Royal Anthropological Institute, 176a
photograph, 176a
Williams, H Gill,
appointed consulting dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital, 33
member university dentistry department, appointed to Adelaide Hospital advisory committee, 145
Williams, Hartley,
performed in Students’ concert, 168
Williamson, Arthur,
as Vice President of Musical Association of SA, helps plan music festival, 95
claims nucleus of teachers available for new music in schools, 159
Dr Davies responds to his comments, 159
Williamson, Kathleen,
played in Students’ concert, 168
Willsmore, Miss E,
treasurer of Musical Association of SA, 95
Willson, J H,
in party of Engineering students to go on tour, 167
Wiltshire, Mary,
played in Students’ concert, 168
Winser, Leigh,
photograph of members of Council of School of Mines, 175
Witt, Eric Hans,
with Arthur Phillip Hunwick has invented gauge to measure inflow of water into reservoirs, 33
Women Students,
registrar says no need for women's college yet, 46
annual meeting of Women Graduates Association, 53
annual dinner of Women’s Union, 119
woman graduate dies in India, 129
women graduates admitted to practice of law, 141
Womersley, Herbert,
to replace A M Lea as entomologist at Museum, 47
Wood, Dr Gordon Leslie,
was master at St Peter’s College, 151
lecture on problems of Exchange and Sterling, 112 , 113
leaving for US and England to study means of economic recovery, 168
Wood, Professor Joseph Garnett Wood,
report on rabbit damage at Koonamore reserve, 26
debated antiquity of Jervois skull, 27
reports on what sex means in plant life, 30
awarded DSc in recognition of his scientific research, 96
appointed to “Fauna and Flora Board to replace Michael Hawker, 119
submitted to council report of research at Koonamore reserve, 155
appointed Professor of Botany, 156
biography and photograph, 156
winner of John Bagot Scholarship and John L Young Scholarship, 156
to give lecture in 1932 public lecture program, 24
appointed to Chair of Botany, 156
short biography and photograph, 156
Wood, Philip,
played in Students' concerts, 151 , 168
Wood-Jones, Professor Frederic,
claims Jervois skull is modern, 27
to visit China, 74
distinguished scholar once member of university staff, 89
short biography, 126
published handbook on mammals, 152
Woodroffe, K,
Dux of second year, silver medal winner, Annual Prize Giving at Roseworthy College, 186q
Woods, Mrs Tenison, (nee Mary Kitson),
advocated Law as a profession for girls, 103
at Conference of Australian Federation of University Women, 178b
Worden, Delma Joy,
awarded Grade IV Practice of Music Exhibition, 51
Workers' Educational Association,
tutor at WEA appointed headmistress of Victorian school, 107
offers opportunities to all ages to study, get degrees, 30
President celebrates end of WEA year, thanks University for support, 109
Secretary of WEA promised consideration of request for short course for clergy, 153
Worth, Frank Lindsay, LLB,
Wotton, Harry,
appointed to Elder Conservatorium, 71 , 73
photographs, 71 , 73
sang at Peter Bornstein's recital, 144
to produce student opera, 151
sang songs by Grieg in staff concert, 153
to assist in concert on rebuilt organ, 175
Producer of Opera Class performance of "Faust", 154
sang in orchestral concert, 160
to sing in musical interlude, 165
sang in lunch time concert in Lady Symon Hall, 167
sang at re-opening of reconstructed Elder Hall Organ, 167 , 169
Mrs Alex Burnard sang in his place when he was ill, 173
Wright, Dorothy M,
winner of Joseph Fisher Medal, 172 , 173
Wright, L M,
awarded evening scholarship to study law, 78
Wynes, William Anstey,
awarded Doctor of Laws and Bonython Prize, 118
Yorkgate Library,
F G Davidson rejects criticism of Circulating Library; small demand for scientific and technical books met by Yorkgate Library in Institute building, 186s
Young Scholarship,
L H G Symons won Young Scholarship, 43
Young, Sir Walter,
managing director of Elder Smith and Co, reports on economic trends after returning from overseas, 52
attended State tribute to Sir Josiah Symon, 177
Zoology, Study of,
Professor Cleland donates rare bird, fleshy footed shearwater, to Museum, 53