Index to Volume 6 (1906-1911) - University Newscuttings Books
- Academic matters,
- utilitarian and technical versus cultural education in universities, 265
- growth of universities, 427
- evidence to University and Higher Education Royal Commission, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 426, 430, 446
- call for less emphasis on teaching of Latin and Greek, 127
- detrimental influence of science on literature, 59
- Dr L D Bevan and Professor Darnley Naylor propose chair of theology, 464
- teaching history and geography to inculcate imperial sentiment, 60
- language teaching, 190
- proposal for a chair of military science, 261
- botanical research, 131, 132
- support for Esperanto, 55
- Adelaide Hospital,
- scheme to set up central bacteriological and pathological laboratory, 349
- report on recommended improvements, 417
- Adelaide University Football Club,
- application to be affiliated with League rejected, 199, 310
- Adelaide University Regiment,
- Council supports proposal for formation, 352
- Adelaide University Scientific Society,
- lecture on radioactivity by Professor Bragg, 119
- report of annual general meeting, 173
- paper by H W Gartrell, 175
- Advanced School for Girls, 176
- Agriculture, Chair of, 395, 446, 447
- Agriculture, School of,
- evidence on teaching agricultural science, 395, 396, 397
- Alderman, Mr Eugene,
- Allen, James B, Bsc, 262, 413
- Amand Wright, Miss, 376
- Anatomy Building,
- dissecting room cost, 359
- Andrew Scott Memorial Prize for Latin, 188, 189, 210, 234
- Angas Engineering Exhibition,
- awarded to W A Potts, 231
- Angas Engineering Scholarship,
- awarded H W Gartrell, 175
- proposed changes to requirements, 201, 227
- R Wilson Tassie BSc leaves for Cornell University, 201
- awarded to L F Burgess, 331, 344
- awarded to Harold Whitmore Smith BSc, 83, 85, 170, 199
- Alfred Chapple MA, 124
- Angas, John Howard, 305
- Angus, Professor William, 200, 371
- Annual report, 169
- Applied Science, Bachelor of,
- cooperation with School of Mines, 49, 50, 307
- Arts Association,
- inaugural meeting, 132, 133
- second annual general meeting, 253
- annual dinner, 266
- foundation, 119
- review of year's activities, 190
- Astronomy, Chair of, 162, 164, 165, 166, 174, 192
- Athletics, 123, 187, 190, 193
- Australian Association for Advanced Science, 177, 223, 310, 330, 331, 344, 337, 368, 369, 370, 371, 374, 375
- Ayers, Sir Henry, 249, 303
- Barlow, Dr William, 40, 86, 332, 359
- Barr Smith Prize,
- awarded to G M Potts, 234
- Barr Smith, Robert, 163, 169, 217, 226, 305, 333, 345, 375
- Barr Smith, Thomas, 226
- Basedow, Dr H, 338, 458, 461, 465, 466, 474, 475, 482, 483
- Bayley, Brian Brock, BSc, 194
- Beare, Professor Hudson, 376, 378
- Benefactors, 169, 304, 305
- Benham, Miss E I, BSc, 131, 132, 169
- Bequests, gifts & endowments,
- Bevan, Dr L D, 464
- Bevan, Frederick, 47, 147, 151, 208, 453, 462
- Bonython, Sir Langdon,
- congratulates Professor Bragg on award, 47
- University and Higher Education Royal Commission, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394
- subcommittee of SA branch of Royal Geographical Society, 378, 379
- President of Council of School of Mines, 307, 308
- Botany, Chair of,
- arguments for establishment, 131, 132, 446, 447
- £500 gift from Miss Julia Stuckey, 169
- British Medical Association, South Australian Branch,
- history of South Australian branch outlined, 437
- Bragg, Mrs,
- presents prizes at intervarsity athletics, 193
- Bragg, Professor William Henry, FRS,
- resignation and departure, 178, 179, 192
- role in Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, 177
- contribution to the University of Adelaide, 163, 177, 178
- appointment to Cavendish Chair, University of Leeds, 177, 178
- first suggested use of cow paddock in park lands as University Oval, 215
- to represent University at Oxford for Darwin centenary celebrations, 249
- to represent University at Cambridge for Darwin centenary celebrations, 217
- president elect of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 223
- promoting training of researchers by collaboration with experienced supervisors, 250
- significant expansion of science at Leeds, 218
- farewell to Bragg celebrating his teaching and research, 199, 231, 233, 234
- advocates teaching astronomy, 161, 162, 165, 174, 177, 192
- on gamma radiation, 175, 187
- significant research on radioactivity, 163
- made Fellow of Royal Society, 41, 47, 56
- research as reported to University and Higher Education Royal Commission, 426
- lecture on radioactivity, 119, 163
- interviews about achievements, 163, 177, 178, 179
- demonstration of liquid air machine, 61
- president of Adelaide University Scientific Society, 173
- to represent University at Melbourne conference, 61
- supporting role in introduction of commerce, 321, 322
- lecture on radioactivity, 119
- acceptance of funds for research, 163
- Bragg, William Lawrence,
- gains scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, 337
- exam results, 148, 232
- British Science Guild, 170
- British Science Guild, South Australian Branch,
- progress in arrangements for formation of local branch, 343
- Dr E C Stirling elected president, 335, 336
- report of first year's activities, 445
- Brown, Professor W Jethro,
- named in Henderson's account of University research, 426, 430
- University representative on Board of Public Library, Museum, Art Gallery, 54, 282, 313, 314, 357
- advocates teaching of politics in schools, 438, 439
- appointed dean of Faculty of Laws for 1910, 292
- elected vice-president of University Commerce Society, 423
- advocates law reforms, 3
- announcements of extension lectures, 51, 55, 82, 83, 88, 92, 117
- summaries of extension lectures, 77, 79, 84, 93, 123
- text on "The Austinian Theory of Law", 163
- letter advocating theoretical training prior to articles, 5
- mention of work in jurisprudence, 1, 1a
- Budget,
- Royal Commission recommendations, 454, 456
- Buildings,
- see also University Building
- University's needs presented to Government, 282, 283, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 353, 396, 398, 400
- Ayers memorial tablet, 303
- second story additions to main University building to commence shortly, 383, 385
- new Ayers memorial tablet, 303
- description of plans for first floor extensions to back of main building, 376
- parliamentary debate regarding University’s need to expand, 354
- Mr Ryan speaks in parliament on poor quality of accommodation in University, 343
- query of function of unsightly wooden structure in front of Elder Conservatorium, 383
- small fire in University building, 388, 389
- cost of buildings, 306
- University's needs, 353, 354, 396
- use of phrase "Education Square" re: School of Mines, 307, 308
- University cramped for space, 298
- Burdett-Coutts Scholarship
- awarded to R L Robinson, 161
- Burgess, L F, BSc,
- Angas Engineering Scholar for 1910, 331, 344
- Burgess, Miss May, BSc,
- appointed as first female assistant at Perth Modern School, 378
- Calendar,
- for 1907, 42
- for 1909, 249
- for 1911, 385
- Caterer, Thomas Ainslie, BA,
- elected Clerk of Senate, 149, 283, 358
- first graduate in Arts, 304
- on distinguished graduates and university standards, 112, 113
- outline of career, 312
- Ceremonies & celebrations,
- reception for Reverend W Temple, 338, 339, 340
- special University graduates service, preacher Reverend W Temple, 343
- official opening of sports ground & boatshed by Governor Bosanquet, 333, 334
- account of annual science students' dinner, 361, 362
- Chancellors,
- Sir Samuel Way presents case for building grant to Government, 282, 283
- Sir Samuel Way, current Chancellor, after Hanson and Short, 305
- Chapman, Professor Robert W,
- section chairman for Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, 223
- responds to toast at annual science dinner, 361
- accompanied Royal Commission members on interstate visits, 413, 414
- extension lectures on "Modern Astronomy", 419
- appointed dean of Faculty of Science for 1910, 292
- evidence to Royal Commission, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 477, 479
- part of Australian Association for the Advancement of Science delegation, 330, 331
- advises of the need for two geologists to undertake geological survey of state, 441
- named in Henderson's account of University research, 426, 430
- elected as officer of local branch of British Science Guild, 335, 336
- gives interview on university extension and popular education, 451
- supported establishment of solar laboratory, 253
- president of Adelaide University Scientific Society, 173
- nominated to represent university on Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, 321
- appointed to foundation Chair of Engineering, 48
- read poem to meeting about School of Mines, 127
- research in mining engineering reported by Bragg, 163
- deputation for establishment of Chair of Astronomy, 165
- proposed alterations to the Angas Engineering Scholarship, 283
- Chapman, Robert Hall,
- Chapple, Alfred,
- Angas scholarship recipient on visit to Adelaide, 124
- cited as one of Bragg's distinguished students, 234
- Chapple, F, BA BSc,
- re-elected as Warden of the Senate, 149, 283, 358
- comments on selection procedures for award of scholarships, including Angas Engineering Scholarship, 201
- Chemistry, School of,
- Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain recognises University training for its exams, 23
- Christian Union,
- Churchward, Miss Stella, BSc
- appointment at Methodist Ladies College, 378
- Clark, Edward V,
- appointed lecturer in physics and electrical engineering, 292
- ‘The Canadian-American Reciprocity Treaty’ proposal, 449, 450
- elected to Faculty of Applied Science, 303
- Clark, Lionel,
- soloist with orchestra in Elder Conservatorium concert, 331
- Classical Association of South Australia,
- establishment and inaugural meeting, 180, 200
- policy on pronunciation of classical languages, 180, 200
- Cleland, Dr W L,
- Clerk of Senate,
- Thomas Ainslie Caterer, 149
- Clubs, societies and associations,
- Arts Association, 119, 190, 132, 133, 253, 266
- Athletics Club, 123
- Commerce Society, 321, 322
- Economics Society, 449, 450
- Scientific Society, 173, 175, 253
- Shakespeare Society, 191
- University Christian Union, 180, 329
- Women Students' Club, 315
- Commerce Society,
- Commerce, study of,
- donation by Joseph Fisher for promotion of study of commerce, 169
- Joseph Fisher lecture to be given by J. Currie-Elles, 180
- Institute of Accountants call for Faculty of Commerce, 40, 41
- Adelaide first to conduct diploma course in commerce, 244
- proposal for commerce lectureship or chair in memory of John Creswell, 254, 255
- commerce diploma classes at night, 305
- possibility of a degree, 305, 423
- Conferences and seminars,
- Australian representation at Federal Conference on Education in London, 70
- Professor Franklin Peterson and Mr H A Thomson here for music conference, 188, 189
- teachers' conference, 199
- Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Congress, 223, 369, 370, 371, 373, 374
- British Association for Advancement of Science to be held in Australia, 376
- Public Library Board to be represented at First Universal Races Congress, 422
- meeting of Student Christian Union in Sydney, 378
- two international conferences on education to be held in London, 383
- first Esperanto congress in Australia to be held at University, 478, 480, 481
- Conservatorium,
- Cooke, Dr William Ternent.,
- assistant lecturer at University, 262
- Bragg on his research, 163, 179
- elected officer of local branch of British Science Guild, 335, 336
- on the life of Joseph Priestley, 173
- Corbin, Horace Hugh, BSc,
- appointed Instructor in Forestry, 451, 477
- Council, University of Adelaide,
- explanation of function of Senate and Council, 465
- accepts invitation to attend congress of universities of the empire, 343
- acknowledgement of services to University by late Sir Charles Todd, 301
- Adelaide Hospital Board seeking representation, 50
- adoption of report of Royal Commission, 462
- retirement of longest serving member, Rev Dr Jefferis, 354
- Professors Henderson & Jethro Brown elected, 354
- need for further accommodation referred to Finance Committee, 85
- Sir Samuel Way gives his views on constitution, 395, 398
- Royal Commission questions Director of Education position on Council, 381, 382
- dispute between University and Music Teachers resolved, 36, 37
- Royal Commission recommends parliamentary representatives, 454, 456, 459
- Government select committee considers representation on Council, 359
- Parliamentarian advocates half of Council should be nominated by Government, 274
- nominations for vacancy created by death of Dr Paton, 48
- meeting reports, 23, 62, 63, 315, 352, 439, 452
- special meeting, 178
- Registrar has no objection to Minister for Education being ex officio member, 401, 404
- Course delivery,
- courses based on individual subjects, 304
- Courses, non-degree,
- call from Broken Hill for extension courses, 48
- Cresswell Scholarships,
- founding of scholarships in commerce in memory of John Cresswell, 465
- Cricket,
- cricket club to apply for admission into SACA, 199
- pitch laid and planted on University sports ground, 250
- proposed club, 132, 133, 199
- Currie-Elles, Mr J,
- Darling Building,
- completed in 1903, 359
- Government asked for half of the cost, 359
- David Murray Scholarship,
- awarded to G E Mayo, 406
- awarded to J L Jona, 359
- awarded to G C Ligertwood, 359
- foundation, 169
- new statute establishes conditions for annual awards, 227
- T J Browne & L S Bagster nominated on Faculty recommendations, 235
- David, Professor Edgeworth W,
- appeal for financial support for Mawson's AAE, 415, 416, 417, 418, 448, 449
- book on his part in Shackleton Antarctic expedition, 405, 406
- Royal Commission evidence on constitution of the Senate, 409, 410
- no objection to free university education, 411
- recommends award of DSc to Douglas Mawson, 292
- meeting to promote financial support for Mawson's AAE, 430
- comments on importance of meteorology and his work in Antarctica, 176
- comments on importance of meeting of British AASc in Australia, 344
- inauguration of University of Queensland, 289, 290, 291
- support for Howchin's description of Cambrian formations and glaciation in SA, 461
- Shackleton's Antarctic expedition, 256, 257, 258, 259
- awarded Mueller medal, 253
- writes from Antarctica, 171
- fund raising lecture on achievements of Shackleton Antarctic expedition, 323, 324, 325
- predicts success for forthcoming Scott Antarctic expedition, 324
- £5000 donation, 176
- lecture on San Francisco earthquake, 21
- meteorology and Antarctica, 176
- publishing research from Shackleton Antarctic expedition, 404
- Davies, Dr E Harold,
- role in controversy between music teachers and Conservatorium, 23, 25
- presided over meeting of music teachers' association, 328, 329
- Davis, Captain J K,
- acknowledges generous support from England for Mawson's AAE, 452
- in command of Mawson's AAE ship ‘Aurora’, 436, 446
- predicts Amundsen will race Scott to South Pole, 410
- Davy, Miss Ruby C E,
- qualified for degree of Bachelor of Music, 139
- de Crespigney, Dr,
- appointment as lecturer in Pathology & Histology, 412
- Degrees,
- call for University to award engineering degrees, 476, 477
- calls for degree or diploma for advanced Commercial course, 33, 34
- Premier approached re conferring of degrees in divinity, 311
- proposed statute requires Bachelor of Arts candidates to pass a foreign language, 227
- Degrees, ad eundem gradum,
- University of Queensland able to award honorary degrees, 425
- Diploma in Forestry,
- specialist instruction to train foresters, 389
- importance of conservation recognised, 389
- Distance education,
- Professor Chapman outlines attempts to broaden educational opportunities, 451
- University Centres in country and WA open educational opportunities, 304
- report on value of rural centres in opening access to University, 344
- Dobbie, A W,
- Dornwell, Edith Emily,
- first graduate in Science, 304
- Dr Davies Thomas scholarship,
- awarded to E Britten Jones and R Trudinger, 232, 233, 234
- Duffield, Dr Walter Geoffrey,
- support of establishing national solar laboratory, 252
- inaugural address at Adelaide University Science Society, 253
- election to Royal Astrronomical Society, 338
- lobbying Federal government for setting up national solar laboratory, 243, 245
- awarded DSc by Victoria University, Manchester, 201
- awarded DSc (ad eundem gradum), 232, 233, 234
- one of Bragg's distinguished students, 232, 233, 234
- awarded McKinnon Studentship, 93
- elected Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society, 170
- support for study of astronomy, 192
- Dumas, R J, BSc,
- appointed acting assistant surveyor on South East drainage scheme, 378
- Eardley, F W,
- acting Registrar to replace Charles Hodge, 423
- Economics Society,
- paper on proposed free trade agreement between Canada & USA, 449, 450
- Education Committee,
- interactions with Council, 315
- committee to manage David Murray scholarship bequest, 188
- Eitel, Dr E J,
- obituary of lecturer in German, 226
- Elder Conservatorium
- orchestral concert conducted by Herr H Heinicke, 62
- announcement of student concerts, 55
- reviews of concert by Miss Elsie Jefferis and Mr Harold Parsons, 53, 54
- reviews of first of series of student concerts for the season, 57
- adjudication fees, 126
- review of second orchestral concert, 105, 108
- staff concerts, 76, 135
- start of classes, 43
- annual concert, 113, 118, 119
- annual organ recital, 146
- moves to abandon opposition to examination scheme, 203
- bursaries awarded, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106
- call for scholarship to study organ, 301
- choral concert conducted by Frederick Bevan, 208
- classes, 171
- comment on recent concerts, 204
- comments on concerts and musical life in Europe by Mr Treharne, 127, 128
- complaints about inquiry into staff conduct, 114
- Government asked for half of the cost, 359
- review of student choral concert under Miss Guli Hack, 143
- concert given for teachers conference, 86, 87
- concert protocol, 203
- concerts, 204
- conduct of exams, 191, 198, 199
- discussions on various aspects of musical education, 316
- conference in Adelaide on music examinations, 189
- controversy over fees, outside work and elementary teaching, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137
- controversy over sales of instruments & music to students, 110, 124
- cost £18,780 pounds, 306
- appointment of two music teachers, 36
- debate on conduct of exams, 198
- debate over music trade, 107, 110, 124, 125, 129
- elementary music teaching, 191
- exam scheme, 203
- review of orchestral concert conducted by H Heinicke, 276
- final student concert for year, 151, 285
- first concert for 1908 under guidance of H S Parsons, 186
- first of series of organ recitals by Professor Ennis, 199, 210
- first staff concert, 264
- incorporation of Reimann's Adelaide College of Music, 136
- joint arrangements for music exams, 42, 129, 130
- first orchestral concert of season, 261
- call to retain services of Frederick Bevan, 462
- amendment to regulations for Mus Bac, 459, 460
- H Winsloe Hall appointed teacher of singing, 297
- exam arrangements with Royal College, 199
- musicians request higher fees, 261
- new regulations introducing four teaching terms, 368
- objections to staff acting as examiners, 194
- offers 3-year associateship, 306
- organ concerts, 204, 210
- organ recital by Dr Ennis, 201, 206
- pass list for Diploma of Associate of Music, 228
- plan for staff salaries to be linked to work carried out, 453
- Professor Ennis to deliver lecture course on Bach, 385
- Professor Ennis advocates national adoption of "normal" pitch, 138
- standardisation of musical scales in Australia, 136, 138
- protest over support for Adelaide Literary Theatre, 316
- purchase of pianos, 121
- function of wooden structure in front of Conservatorium, 383
- controversy over adjudication fees to staff, 126
- Prince of Wales on end of arrangements with Royal College, 199
- requirements for Mus Back degree changed, 252
- resignation of Frederick Bevan, 453
- reviews of staff concerts, 79, 219, 331, 350
- review of annual organ recitals by Professor Ennis, 146, 201
- review of chamber music concert, 450
- review of choral concert by students under Miss Guli Hack, 224
- review of concert by string section of orchestra, 147
- review of concert of part singing by ladies, 353
- reviews of student concerts, 231, 261, 264, 315, 446, 452, 477
- reviews of orchestral concerts, 105, 106, 107, 108, 202, 356, 440
- review of pianoforte recital by students of Mr Bryceson Treharne, 231
- role in musical education, 131
- sale of musical instruments, 124
- organ recital by Professor Ennis, 199, 200
- second student concert, 88, 92
- staff concert, 135, 137
- student choral concert, 143
- student chorus & orchestra conducted by Bevan, 266
- student concert, 151
- ladies part singing & orchestral classes, 273
- suggestions regarding concerts, 203
- takeover of Herr Reimann's college, 121
- venue for December commemoration ceremony, 362
- violin performance by Mr E Alderman, 201
- concert under auspices of Sports Association directed by Ennis, 218
- Elder Conservatorium Scholarships
- entries received, 41
- student relinquishes scholarship to take up Melbourne scholarship, 38
- additional scholarships for talented students, 378, 379
- awards from examinations for scholarships, 172
- Elder Hall,
- claimed to be a death trap, 349
- Sports Association annual ball, 192
- venue for primary public examinations, 266
- Elder Prize in Medicine,
- awarded to G H Burnell and J L Kneebon, 232, 233, 234
- Elder Scholarship,
- report on progress of Miss Clara Kleinschmidt, 378
- awards, 172
- awarded in singing to Miss G Primrose, Miss K O'Dea & Mr F H Smith, 387
- awarded in violincello to Mr H W Davies, 387
- Elder, Sir Thomas,
- details of endowments & gifts to University, 303, 302, 305
- Endowments,
- from Joseph Fisher, 138, 180, 244, 311
- gift of coin collection of Rev F W Cox, 310
- £105 subscribed for Andrew Scott Memorial Prize, 189
- £500 from Miss I A Stucky for study of Botany, 131, 132
- £2000 for scholarships from D Murray, 188
- breakdown of endowments for 1907, 169
- Barr Smith prize of £10 in Greek, 217
- gift of £500 from Robert Barr Smith, 163, 164
- donations for boat shed, 226, 231
- gifts for building of sports pavilion, 333, 334
- Council accepts offer from Orient Royal Mail Line for two passages to Europe, 261, 262
- Engineering, School of,
- evidence on teaching of engineering at Royal Commission, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 403
- courses conducted jointly with School of Mines, 48, 49, 50
- Engineering, study of,
- call for engineering degrees, 476, 477
- Ennis, Professor John Matthew,
- organ recitals, 146, 199, 200, 201, 206, 210
- credit for arranging student concert, 446
- address on proposed scheme affecting music teachers & exams, 386, 388, 390
- appointed as examiner for joint music exams, 452
- performs in staff concerts, 76, 79, 80, 135, 137
- reputed to be composing University song, 133
- special lecture course on Bach, 385
- extension lectures on "The development of the sonata", 419
- visit to Mount Gambier, 385
- advocates national adoption of "normal" pitch, 138
- proposed amendments to Music degree regulations, 149
- reply to allegations of receiving improper fees, 125
- role in award of student diplomas, 151
- appointed Dean of Faculty of Music for 1910, 292
- extension lectures on "The great composers" for country centres, 51
- played at flag lowering ceremony, 317
- trip to Western Australia, 132
- complaints against, 114
- musical competitions, 89
- invited to adjudicate musical competitions at Strathalbyn Institute, 89
- return from leave in London, 35
- Equipment,
- episcope installed by W Fuller, 207, 210
- Mawson's Antarctic expedition aeroplane, 468, 469, 470
- Establishment, University of Adelaide,
- history and progress, 304, 305
- outline of early development and establishment of professorships, 398
- Evening scholarships, 190
- Everard Scholarship,
- proposed change to statute, 227
- awarded to E Britten Jones, 359
- Examinations,
- 1309 enrolments for public exams in country centres and Exhibition Hall, 146
- 1907 primary results, 139, 140, 141, 142
- 1908 primary examinations, 194
- 1908 exam results in various subjects, 228, 229, 230
- 1910 supplementary and diploma results, 359
- 1906 examination results, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- 1908 results of Senior & Junior Public exams published by PEB, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243
- 1909 examination results, 283, 284, 285
- 1907 public results, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
- students sitting for primary public exams at various country centres and Elder Hall, 266
- primary examination papers, including 650 from WA, ready for marking, 441
- American visitor, Professor D S Jordan, raises necessity of examinations, 64
- arrangements for conduct of exams at country centres, 50, 53
- Professor William Mitchell gives evidence on entrance examinations, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400
- award of certificates in WA, 43
- BSc and BA results, 1, 1a, 2
- call for book giving requirements for new music exams, 114
- collaboration with University of Melbourne, 52, 62, 85, 86, 180, 210
- new music exams, 115
- preparation, approach, age limit & results from repeat attempts, 41
- complaints over length of time taken to publish results, 359
- conduct of music exams, 138, 198, 199
- new grade in music exams, 316
- criticism of examiners' reports, 169, 170
- University receives almost £1000 in fees, 227
- critique of student answers, 168
- mix-up with distribution of Junior exam papers, 147
- status of music exams conducted by London College, 58, 59, 60, 61
- delay in publishing results of Senior examination, 16
- Elder Conservatorium diploma exam results & prizes announced, 285
- entries closed for music exams, 266
- deficiencies in answers to questions at all levels, 379, 380
- examiners report common faults, 248, 249
- practice of WA students taking exams more than once, 47
- Grades I, II, III, IV, V practical music results, 143, 145
- honours lists from Higher Examination, 231, 292
- honours lists dominated by students from WA, 37, 38, 39, 292
- Professor Peterson from Melbourne Conservatorium on value of competitions, 126
- joint arrangements for music, 105, 129, 130
- Junior public examination results, 17, 365, 366, 367, 368
- less entries for primary examinations in SA and WA , 201
- Mr Denny, in Parliament, deplores cramming exams, 281
- music arrangements with Royal College, 199, 218
- music exam results, 189, 191, 261, 262, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 482
- music examinations conference, 189
- Music Teachers' Association resolves to bar themselves as examiners, 203
- notice of primary public exams in Elder Hall and other places, 123
- objections to music examiners, 194
- papers from Junior Public Examinations, 227
- papers from Senior Public Examinations, 231
- pass list for Diploma of Associate of Music, 228
- results for Senior examinations, 171
- plans for national musical exams in Canada, 453
- primary examination papers published, 217
- primary examinations to be held in August, 194
- primary public exams to be sat in Elder Hall and other places, 123
- local versus overseas music exams, 60, 61
- proposal to form permanent University Centre at Strathalbyn, 255
- proposal to include Sydney and Brisbane in joint music exams, 105
- public examination results, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297
- comments on comparative results from WA in senior exams, 47
- critical reports on public examination answers, 383
- report of errors in junior public examinations, 2
- speech at Port Pirie Centre by Registrar on arrangements for music exams, 342
- request for University to publish Public Examination results earlier, 228
- requirements for new music exams, 114
- resolutions of SA Music Teachers' Association on examination involvement, 205
- criticism of Royal College of Music's conduct of music exams, 138
- results, 148, 149, 151
- results for special Senior Examination, 404
- results for Agriculture and Music Theory, 78
- results for practical music exams, 351, 419
- results for degree and diploma exams, 148, 149, 150, 151
- results of law exams, 48, 171, 357, 400
- results from Diploma of Commerce exams, 231, 232, 292
- results of higher public examinations, 360
- results of music theory exams, 191, 353, 422
- results of Primary Public Examination, 221, 222, 223, 351
- results of public music exams conducted by Adelaide & Melbourne, 219, 316
- results of Senior Commercial exam, 234
- results of special Senior Examination conducted by PEB, 251
- results of University supplementary exams, 171, 252
- results of senior public examination, 17, 18, 19, 363, 364, 365
- supplementary results of 1906 Junior Examinations (under new regulations), 42
- Exhibition Building,
- Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society to move to Wayville, 421
- University expansion to site of Destitute Asylum and Jubilee Oval, 423
- Exhibitions & displays,
- exhibit from engineering testing laboratory of concrete beams, 303
- Expeditions,
- Extension lectures,
- Professor Darnley Naylor on the theatre and selected men from classical times, 490, 491
- Professor Henderson in Mt Gambier, 383, 487
- Professor Henderson on St Francis of Assisi and on Louis IX of France in Naracoorte, 490
- American visitor, Professor Jordan, on Japan, 64, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76
- Professor Henderson on Shakespeare, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82
- program to be delivered by Henderson, Chapman, Naylor and Ennis, 419
- larger halls likely to be required, 310
- arrangements for short courses in country centres, 88
- Professor Mitchell gives evidence on aims and success of extension lectures, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400
- Professor Rennie on low temperatures, 117, 118, 120
- educational value of extension lectures, 68
- fees raised, 169
- Professor Henderson at Strathalbyn, 107, 186
- Professor Naylor to deliver course of lectures, 186
- programme for 1908 in Town Hall, 169
- four courses of scheduled for winter, 63
- program by Henderson, Brown, Naylor, Chapman and Ennis, 252
- Professor Henderson on "Builders of Empire", 193, 194
- lecture at Trades Hall on meaning of liberty, 123
- lectures given in 13 towns in 1909, 304
- Professor Mawson to give course at Petersburg, 379
- Premier attends course by Professor Jethro Brown, 117
- Professor Chapman on "The evolution of worlds" in Broken Hill, 451
- Professor Darnley Naylor in Strathalbyn, 188
- Professor Henderson gives evidence on success of scheme, 426, 427, 430
- Professor Naylor on some aspects of women's rights in classic plays, 115, 116
- Professor Bragg on radioactivity, 192
- Professor Brown on meaning of liberty, 123
- Professor Henderson on 19th Century poets, 89, 127, 128, 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137
- Professor Henderson on Hamlet, 70, 71, 72, 117, 130, 146, 186, 188, 488, 489, 490
- Professor Henderson on leaders of the Middle Ages, 127, 128, 129
- Professor Henderson on leaders of the Puritan Age, 105, 106, 107, 108, 129, 130
- Professor Naylor on life in classic times, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 127, 129, 188, 191, 192, 193
- professors devote May & August vacations to lecture tours, 304
- report of 1907 courses, 144
- report on benefits for country people, 344
- lectures on modern legislation at Semaphore, 79
- Farr, Dr C Coleridge,
- appointed Professor of Physics at Canterbury College, NZ, 311
- Fees,
- Professor Jordan from America states that Stanford University is free, 384, 385
- inadequacy of University bursaries, 382
- bursary system preferable to means tested university fees, 409, 411
- fees could be abolished with provision of suffiicient government grant, 401, 402, 403, 404
- 1884 income of £884, 304
- 1909 income of £9,526, 304
- suggestion that university courses be free of fees, 274, 275
- free university education, 409, 410
- State Govt regards abolition of fees desirable but not practical, 352, 353
- Finance,
- extra £4000 annual grant to University, 462, 478, 479
- Sir Samuel Way asks for exemption from Land Tax, 396, 398, 399, 400
- half of University’s costs covered by fees, 401, 402, 403, 404
- claim to Govt for subsidy for buildings already erected, 351, 353
- Royal Commission recommends building grant of £12,000 and annual grant of £4000, 454, 456, 459
- University reveals expenditure in SA much less than elsewhere, 343
- summary of Govt expenditure on University since establishment, 338
- cost of University's requirements totals £59,800, 396, 398, 400
- endowments for 1906-1907, 169
- increased outlay of state funds on University, 145, 146
- private gifts of over £150,000, 165
- University applies to Government for building grant, 282, 283
- implications of govt funding on University independence, 282
- comparison of Govt funding of with that interstate and overseas, 282, 283
- Fink, Hon Theodore,
- comments on teacher registration and apprenticeships, 109
- Fisher Medal,
- endowed by Mr Joseph Fisher, 244
- Fisher, Howard,
- University representative at International Congress on Commercial Education in Vienna, 301
- Fisher, Joseph,
- £1000 bequest, 138, 169
- death, 169
- endowment for award of gold medal in commerce, 244
- endowments for study of commerce in University, 311
- gift for public lecture, 180
- Flecker, Dr Oscar,
- distinguished career at University, 262
- Football, 123, 172
- intervarsity game, 210
- University Football Club refused entry to South Australian National Football League, 199
- Forestry, study of,
- H H Corbin appointed to teach course in forestry, 451, 477
- Fowler, J R,
- appointed Chairman of Board of Commercial Studies for 1910, 292
- elected President of University Commerce Society, 423
- French, J Russell,
- delivers Fisher Lecture in Prince of Wales Theatre, 311, 312
- Frodsham, Dr,
- role in promoting setting up of National School of Tropical Medicine, 246, 247
- Fry, Dr H K,
- awarded Rhodes Scholarship, 235, 262
- Fuller, W,
- installed new episcope, 210
- Gartrell, H W, BA BSc, 175, 303
- Gender issues,
- bill for admission of women to practice law and be admitted to Bar, 477, 478, 479
- Geography, School of,
- gift of mineral collection from Mr A W Dobbie and Mr L W Judell, 62, 63
- Geology, Chair of,
- creation of Chairs of Agriculture, Botany and Geology, 446, 447
- geology, study of,
- evidence of glaciation in Sturt valley, 474, 475
- suitability of University to advise on appointment of Government geologist, 483
- Dr B Basedow regarding glacial phenomena, 458, 482
- Howchin's response to rejection of his description of Cambrian formations and glaciation in SA, 461
- State advertises position of Government Geologist & Assistant, 446
- University to be consulted on appointment of government geologist, 479
- Gifts,
- Glasson, J L,
- awarded 1851 Bursary, 262
- departing for UK on the "Orontes", 264
- Glasson, Leslie,
- graduate from University, awarded BA from Cambridge, 443
- Golf, 132, 133
- Goodman, W G T,
- lecture on the Waipori hydro-electric scheme in NZ, 131
- Governance,
- need to change the University Act, 398, 399, 400
- Professor Chapman recommends Education Department and University should be the sole governing bodies for educational institutions, 401, 402, 403
- importance of universities, siting and governance, 472, 473, 474
- state role in governance related to large government financial support, 377, 378
- Government bursaries,
- bursaries increased from three to ten, 273, 274
- scholarships not open to study of music, 281
- Government relations,
- advocating Education Dept manage schools, the University & School of Mines, 394
- financial support for Mawson's Antarctic Expedition required, 416, 419
- government control of University, 343
- Governor,
- reception in Elder Hall for Rev W Temple, visitor from Oxford, 338, 339, 340
- Graduates, 194, 201, 203
- number of graduates since inception, 42, 304
- annual dinner to be held in South Australian Hotel, 88
- first University graduates in Medicine and Law, 304
- ready employability of Adelaide Univ. graduates, 132, 133
- special University graduates service in St Peter's Cathedral, 343
- Graduation ceremonies,
- conduct of students of concern to Council, 3, 4
- list of degree candidates for ceremony of December 17th, 1906, 9, 13, 15
- student boycott of Elder Hall ceremony, 13, 14, 15
- in 1907, 153
- presided over by Chancellor Way in presence of Governor Le Hunte, 232, 234
- ceremony at University of Melbourne, 51
- special ceremony for award of two degrees in Prince of Wales Theatre, 316
- special ceremony for conferring three degrees, 50
- special congregation to award Honours in the Bachelor of Arts degree to J B Allen & G E Mayo, 413
- speeches by Chancellor Sir Samuel Way and Governor Sir Day Bosanquet, 362
- Grant, Acting Professor Kerr,
- speaks on physics of musical sounds, 328, 329
- acceptance of Chair of Physics, 344
- G E M Jauncey awarded bursary to undertake research under Professor Kerr Grant, 434
- Grievances,
- trainee teachers conflict with Director of Education, 322, 323
- students protest teaching on University exam days, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323
- Grounds,
- progress in developing sports ground, 252
- appeal for further funds for final work to finish University sportsground, 231
- arrangements for provision of sports grounds, 206, 216
- proposed changes to land use near University, 386
- annual maintenance grant for University grounds, 396, 398, 399, 400
- deputation to State Govt on urgent need for extensions, 351
- City Council grants lease for 6.5 acres of parklands as University sports field, 200, 207, 208
- City Council approves Sports Association application for extension to oval, 441, 445
- comments on "splendid recreation ground in park lands", 292
- reasons for retaining present central location of the University, 359
- criticism of City Council's proposal to lease park lands for oval, 215
- negotiations over purchase of Torrens House and implications for University expansion, 368, 369
- new site for Government House and expansion of University grounds, 463, 464, 469
- delegation to Government requests extra land from destitute asylum, 345, 346, 347, 348, 353
- demand for sports grounds on site of Weather Bureau, 165, 167
- accounts of lease & expenditure on development of sports ground, 333, 334
- erection of wall and fence in front of University and Hughes statue, 1, 1a
- plan for extending University grounds on to site of Jubillee Oval, 454, 456
- debate on University sporting facility requirements, 215, 216
- question of moving University to another site, 350
- lease of parklands for sports ground, 202, 207, 208
- need of University for larger campus, 343
- official opening of sports ground for inter-University lacrosse match, 332
- move of Agricultural Society grounds to Keswick, 421, 440
- North Terrace landscaping, 446
- progress report on new sports ground, 250
- possible relocation of Government House to suburbs, 467, 468
- official opening of sports ground & boatshed by Governor Bosanquet, 333, 334
- Royal Commission into University facilities and expansion of grounds, 378
- University expansion to site of Destitute Asylum and Jubilee Oval, 423
- sports committee applies to City Council for lease of park 12, 200
- use of parklands as University oval, 215
- donations to build new boat shed, 226
- University cramped for space on original site, 298, 304
- University needs discussed in parliamentary debate, 353, 354
- Hack, Guli,
- participation in Elder Hall concert, 199
- accompanist in Conservatorium concerts, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151
- reviews of student choral concert, 143, 224
- final appearance at concert, 273
- staff concerts at Elder Conservatorium, 135, 136, 137, 219
- singing in annual organ recital, 146
- Hall, H Winsloe,
- appointed teacher of singing, 297
- arrival in Adelaide, 298, 302
- review of student concert in Elder Hall, 477
- Hayward Dr W T,
- reelected to represent University on board of Adelaide Hospital, 301
- outlines history of South Australian branch of the British Medical Association, 437
- Headlam, Dr,
- views on role of universities, 152
- Heinicke, Hermann
- staff concerts at Elder Conservatorium, 135, 136, 137, 219, 264, 350
- reviews of conducting in Elder Hall concert, 108, 202, 261, 276, 331, 356
- Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
- extension lectures ‘Hamlet’, 55, 65, 66, 78, 117, 130, 146, 186, 188
- Directorship of Dept of Education, 121
- book on Sir George Grey, 150, 163, 164
- support for Australian Antarctic Expedition, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 455, 457
- extension lectures in the south east, 487, 488, 489, 490
- account of University research, 426, 430
- advocates scholarships rather than abolition of fees, 428, 429
- chairman of committee arranging extension lectures, 304
- course on poets of 19th Century, 89, 127, 129, 133, 136, 137
- elected to Board of Public Library & Art Gallery, 282, 313, 314, 357
- success of extension lecture scheme, 426, 427, 430
- extension lectures on leaders of the puritan age, 105, 108, 129
- transfer of historical correspondence to Public Library, 427, 429
- speech to Arts Association, 132, 133
- talk on Scotland and education, 150
- support for development of sporting facilities, 333, 334
- speaks at social in boathouse celebrating victory in Intervarsity, 329
- support for establishment of national solar laboratory, 275
- extension lectures on St Francis of Assisi, 68, 69, 70, 310, 383
- extension lectures on "Evolution and Human life", 419
- public lecture at meeting of AAASc, 368
- extension lectures on "Builders of Empire", 194
- reports on developments in WA, 193, 194
- civic reception in Kalgoorlie, 66, 67
- elocution competitions, 89
- invited to deliver course of extension lectures at Mount Gambier, 50
- formation of a university in Western Australia, 67
- extension lectures in Perth, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103
- Higher education,
- Hockey,
- women's intervarsity Adelaide vs Melbourne on Jubilee Oval, 206, 208
- Hodge Charles R,
- meeting in Kadina on setting up University centre, 207
- speech at Victor Harbor on new rural centre, 344
- farewell dinner for Bragg & Madsen, 231
- Registrar’s background, 132, 133, 304
- speech at Port Pire Centre, 342
- 25 years of service to the University, 265
- celebratory social in boathouse, 329
- gives evidence to Royal Commission, 401, 402, 403, 404
- granted leave of absence on health grounds, 423, 424
- tour of country centres regarding extension course scheme, 51, 52
- public meeting at Port Augusta, 202
- Hollidge, D H,
- elected to Faculty of Arts, 303
- Hoskin W W,
- Howchin, Professor Walter,
- need for geologists to undertake geological survey of state, 441
- elected as officer of local branch of British Science Guild, 335, 336
- state secretary of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 223, 337
- awarded Clarke Memorial Medal by Royal Society of NSW, 146
- important geological discoveries, 1
- response to Dr Basedow, 461
- University's role in selection of government geologists, 484, 484a
- seconded motion of congratulation to Mawson on Antarctic achievements, 262
- named in Henderson's account of University research, 426, 430
- controversy over glaciation in Sturt Valley, 458, 465, 466, 474, 475
- Dr Verco's gift of a fugurite from Oodnadatta, 412
- elected by Royal Society of SA to Board of Public Library & Art Gallery, 357
- part of AAASc delegation to PM, 330, 331
- work in local geology of Adelaide Hills, 163
- Hughes, Sir Walter Watson,
- unveiling of statue given by nephews, 1, 1a
- Imperial Education Conference, 417
- Jacobs, S J,
- appointed Chairman of Finance Committee for 1910, 292
- Jauncey, G E M,
- awarded 1851 bursary to undertake research, 359, 434
- proposes toast at annual science dinner, 361, 362
- Jefferis, Miss Elsie,
- temporary appointment at Conservatorium, 41
- John Howard Clark Scholarship,
- amendment to conditions, 344
- Council agrees to award prize for the first year, 352
- statute approved by Executive Council, 365
- awarded to S G Stevens, 232, 233, 234
- Jolley, Norman,
- first Rhodes Scholar, 25, 151, 162, 349
- in Indian Civil Service, 151, 162
- not to be replaced as Assistant Conservator of Forests, 440
- one of Bragg's distinguished students, 232, 233, 234
- to leave Civil Service for position as Director of Forestry in Queensland, 434
- Jona, Dr Judah Leon,
- awarded MBBS at Melbourne, 429
- awarded David Murray Scholarship, 359
- Jones, Doris,
- admission of women to Bar, 478
- Jones, E Britten,
- Jones, Miss Elsie,
- participant in Elder Hall concert, 200
- Jones, Professor Henry,
- distinguished visiting lecturer, 209, 210, 212
- importance of youth education, 214
- Jones, T H,
- first University graduate in Music, 304
- Jordan, Professor D S,
- Joseph Fisher Lecture,
- 1908 lecture by Mr J Currie-Elles, 180
- Jubilee Oval,
- Royal Agric & Horticultural Society to move to Wayville, 421
- Kadina,
- University Centre for exams and extension lectures, 207
- Kerr Grant, Professor,
- appointed Acting Professor of Mathematics and Physics, 226
- Kleeman , Dr Richard D,
- value of research scholarships, 188
- granted exceptional extension of 1851 Exhibition, 130
- outstanding success resulting in award of DSc, 232, 233, 234, 262
- returns to Adelaide after seven years of research in Cambridge, 474
- awarded Sudbury Hardyman Prize of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 203
- 1851 Research Scholarship in physics at Cambridge, 90
- acknowledgement of assistance in Bragg's research, 163, 179
- awarded research studentship at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 143
- DSc thesis approved and commended, 172
- recommended for physics chair in South Africa, 107
- Kleinschmidt, Miss,
- extension of scholarship recommended by Royal College of Music, 452
- Laboratories,
- University requirements for laboratories and equipment, 396, 398, 399, 400
- proposed scheme to set up central laboratory with Hospital, 349
- Lacrosse, 123
- inter-University match on new oval, 210, 332, 334
- Lamb, Professor Horace,
- publication of "Hydrodynamics", 163
- awarded the Morgan Medal of London Mathematical Society, 453
- letter to Public Library Board, 55
- Fellow of the Royal Society, 1, 1a, 177
- photograph deposited at Public Library, 54
- role in Bragg coming to Adelaide, 177
- Land holdings,
- country land granted to University to be bought back, 78, 220
- Parliamentary debate on sale of University lands, 221, 350
- price paid to University for land sold to government, 226
- lands in Tatiara district, 357
- Latin, study of,
- proposed changes to curriculum, 332
- Laura, 129
- Law Debating Society, 192
- Le Hunte, Sir George, 232, 233, 234
- Leacock, Professor Stephen,
- visitor from Magill University, 144, 145
- Lectures,
- arrangements for extension lectures in country centres, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57
- criticism of fees for extension lectures in country, 62
- extension lecture programme inaugurated at Broken Hill, 62
- series of lectures to teachers on public health, 56
- first of series of postgraduate lectures on tropical diseases, 23
- Legal matters,
- appointment of King's Counsel and other matters concerning judges, 225
- Legislation,
- bill for admission of women to be admitted to Bar, 477, 478, 479
- introduction of engineering degree in forthcoming Bill, 477
- provisions of new Education Bill, 439, 440
- Library,
- subscription for medical books and periodicals, 249
- gift of books by Miss E M Bundey, 86
- role and supervision of institute libraries, 173
- gift of journal set by Sir Charles Todd, 130
- holds 20,000 volumes, 169
- desirability of University having funds to purchase every good book, 350
- Barr Smith gifts £8000, 304
- Ligertwood, G C,
- appointed associate to Chief Justice, 471
- winner of David Murray scholarship and Stow prize, 359
- Lock, E H,
- letter from Douglas Mawson, 171
- Lowrie Scholarship in Agriculture,
- anonymous donor gives £500 recognising Roseworthy Professor William Lowrie, 461
- approval of regulations, 474
- Lowrie, Professor William,
- anonymous donor gives £500 for scholarships recognising work, 461
- Madigan, Cecil T,
- award of Rhodes scholarship, 360, 361, 362
- appointed to position in Engineer-in-Chief's office, 378
- granted leave to join Mawson's AAE, 468, 483
- 1907 exam results for Physics, 148, 149
- contributions to science & University, 231
- Madsen, Dr J P V,
- assistance in Bragg's research, 179
- co-author of paper on gamma radiation with Professor Bragg to Royal Society of SA, 175
- resignation as lecturer in electrical engineering, 226
- appointed as Russell lecturer in Sydney, 218
- secretary SA branch of Australian Association for Advancement of Science, 223
- award of DSc recommended by examiners, 150, 153
- work on radioactivity, 163
- Mathematics, School of,
- F P V Madsen appointed lecturer in Mathematics & Physics, 153
- Herbert J Priest appointed assistant lecturer, 153
- Kerr Grant and H J Priest appointed Acting Professor's of Mathematics and Physics, 226
- Mathematics, study of,
- change to regulations concerning division of pure mathematics into two subjects, 460
- Matriculation,
- use of Leaving examination in lieu of matriculation, 411
- maintaining standard of university entry, 436
- non-matriculated students allowed to enrol in subjects, 304
- Mawson, Douglas,
- academic achievements, 153
- Antarctic expedition, 163, 167, 171, 172, 188, 253
- awarded DSc by thesis, 292
- selection of minerals from Wallaroo, 262
- congratulated by Library Board, 262
- welcome for Lieutenant Shackleton to Adelaide, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259
- visit to Broken Hill re purchase of minerals, 262
- to deliver course of lectures on Antarctic exploration, 310
- work in mineralogy, 163
- appointment of expedition members, Wilde, Ninnis, Mertz, and Watkins, 436
- Shackleton expedition, 330, 331, 323, 324, 325
- Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 364, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 398, 400, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 423, 424, 426, 430, 433, 434, 440, 441, 442, 443, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 466, 475, 477, 483
- Henderson's account of University research, 430
- meeting of SA branch of Royal Geographical Society, 378, 379
- elected as officer of local branch of British Science Guild, 335, 336
- views on Amundsen's plans to reach South Pole ahead of Scott, 410
- granted leave for visit to England, 378
- plans for weather observations from Macquarie Island and Antarctica, 481
- rumour of his appointment as Government Geologist, 484, 484a
- radium deposits adjacent to Olary, 475
- talk to Commonwealth Club on Antarctica & importance of scientific study, 334
- talk to Royal Geographical Society in London, 421, 422
- Mayo, George E,
- appointed lecturer in pyschology at University of Queensland, 406, 413
- McCarthy, W J,
- appointed temporarily head of University Training College, 143
- McKinnon Studentship,
- awarded to W G Duffield, 93
- Medicine, School of,
- handling of corpses, 204
- student anatomy licences cancelled, 82
- body mutilation, 203, 204, 206
- coroner expounds on duties of doctors, 197
- cost £5,814 pounds, 306
- establishment of national School of Tropical Medicine, 31, 32, 34, 35, 63, 146, 246, 247, 297, 298
- Dr de Crespigney appointed as lecturer in Pathology and Histology, 412
- exhumations at West Terrace Cemetery, 203
- aboriginal head used as pathology specimen, 203
- importance of chemistry in medical education, 411
- laws relating to practice of medicine and surgery amended in Parliament, 231
- Meegan, John,
- soloist in Elder Conservatorium concert, 331
- Millicent, 129
- Mitchell Building,
- Ayres memorial tablet, 303, 306
- busts of Short, Elder, Hughes & Robinson, 306
- Mitchell, Professor William,
- Royal Commission evidence on entrance examinations & extension lectures, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400
- named in Henderson's account of University research, 430
- elected as officer of local branch of British Science Guild, 335, 336
- elected vice-president of University Commerce Society, 423
- publication of "Structure and Growth of the Mind", 1, 1a, 44, 54, 55, 163, 164
- represented University of Adelaide at Aberdeen University celebrations, 45
- support for introduction of Commerce course, 321, 322
- Mt Gambier, 129, 130
- Murray David,
- £2000 bequest for scholarships, 49, 169, 188
- obituary, 20, 21, 169
- £100 donation to build boat shed, 226
- Murray, George J R,
- founding of Tinline Scholarship in history, 150, 169
- acknowledgement of service to University, 172
- Music Scholarships,
- scholarships based on Grades I & II exams, 315
- Music Teacher's Association,
- Music, Bachelor of,
- regulations amended by Senate, 149
- Music, School of,
- Professor Peterson reappointed as MusBac examiner, 344
- music bursaries, 199
- Conservatorium entry examinations, 33
- call to abolish Conservatorium, 23
- Council approves teaching year of four terms, 356
- controversy over music exams, 22, 23, 24, 25
- criticism of Conservatorium by music teachers, 28
- achievements of Conservatorium and its examinations, 26, 27, 28
- scheme for examinations formulated with Melbourne University, 10
- review of final conservatorium concert for season, 2
- scheme to promote Australian musical education, 37
- Naracoorte, 129
- National School of Tropical Medicine, 31, 32, 34, 35, 63, 146, 246, 247, 297, 298
- Naylor, Professor Darnley,
- named in account of University research, 426, 430
- extension lectures in towns in the south east of the state, 490, 491
- supports foundation of a privately funded Chair of Theology, 459, 460, 462, 477
- attended opening ceremony of University of Queensland, 425
- expression of views on role of universities and colleges, 464
- extension lectures at Petersburg on "A Day in Rome 100AD", 125
- extension lectures on classic times given in Laura, 127
- speech at Arts Association dinner, 132, 133
- speech advocating chair of comparative religions, 137
- extension lectures on "Euripes the Rationalist", 419
- chaired meeting of University Christian Union, 180
- extension lectures on life in Rome at Strathalbyn, 188
- president of newly formed Classical Association of SA, 180
- speaks at social celebrating victory in Intervarsity, 329
- appointed Dean of Faculty of Arts, 292
- advocates inclusion of University football team in local competition, 172, 310
- performed in a quartet at Arts Association dinner, 266
- support for development of sporting facilities, 112, 113, 333, 334
- visit to Perth, 263
- extension lectures on Thucydides, 310
- extension lecture on theatre-going in classic times, 115, 116
- extension lectures on life in classic Rome & Greece, 9, 55, 62, 64, 105, 106, 111, 127, 129, 188, 191, 192, 193
- extension lectures on classical topics submitted for country centres, 51
- talks on weaknesses in written English, 110
- need for residential college, 137
- proposed course of lectures, 186
- report of address on Plato, 86
- Parson, Harold S,
- organ recital in Elder Hall, 199, 200
- appointment as cellist at Conservatorium, 35
- assistance with student concert, 446
- orchestral concert review, 147
- performer in staff concert, 79, 80, 135, 136, 137, 219, 264, 350
- soloist in concert given by string section of orchestra, 62, 147
- review of student concert, 477
- Paton, Rev Dr David,
- death, 36
- memorial service, 33
- obituary, 29
- Peterson, Professor Franklin,
- discusses use of normal pitch, 189
- Ormond Professor of Music, 126, 130, 131
- Physics, School of,
- F P V Madsen appointed lecturer in Maths & Physics, 153
- Kerr Grant and H J Priest appointed Acting Professor's of Maths & Physics, 226
- Priest, Herbert J,
- academic achievements & career, 453
- to depart for England to undertake research work, 446
- appointed assistant lecturer in Mathematics, 153
- appointed Acting Professor of Mathematics and Physics, 226
- Primary education,
- new Education Bill, 355
- compulsory free primary education until age of 14, 356
- Prince of Wales Building, completed in1902, 359
- University asks Government for half of cost, 359
- cost £11,055, 306
- Prizes and awards,
- see also scholarships
- Andrew Scott Memorial Prize for Latin, 188, 189, 210, 234
- annual prize for Greek donated by Mr R.Barr Smith, 217
- Joseph Leslie Glasson awarded science research scholarship, 235, 264
- Dorothea Forster Black wins junior Tennyson Medal, 16
- W. Howchin awarded Clarke Memorial Medal, 146
- G.E.M. Jauncey awarded bursary, 359, 434
- W.G. Duffield awarded McKinnon studentship, 93
- Professions,
- teachers on sick leave due to overwork, 198
- training and role of school teachers, 85, 185, 186
- Professors,
- lists of first and current professors, 304
- Public examinations,
- numbers sitting from 1884 compared with 1909, 304
- Public lectures,
- lectures by Dr Thomas Hodgkin FRS, 267, 268, 269
- Joseph Fisher Lecture on influence of commerce on civilization, 180, 181, 182
- Joseph Fisher Lecture on banking, 311, 312
- Professor Leacock on British Empire of 20th century, 144, 145
- Shackleton gives illustrated talk on Antarctic expedition, 257, 258, 259, 260
- Public Library Board,
- University representatives, 282
- Quorn,
- request for University centre, 187
- Ray, Dr William,
- to represent University at international congress on hygiene in Brussels, 343
- doing research at Oxford, 162
- speaks to Royal Society of SA on research and cure of disease, 352
- elected to Philip Walker studentship in pathology, 302
- appointed as assistant bacteriologist at Lister Institute in London, 477
- Registrar,
- Regulations,
- relating to BSc, Elder Conservatorium & commerce diploma, 365
- Reimann Herr G,
- sale of his music, 124
- appointed as examiner for joint music exams, 452
- performance in staff concerts, 76, 79, 80, 264
- incorporation of Reimann's Adelaide College of Music into Conservatorium, 121, 136
- participation in final conservatorium concert, 2
- Reimann, Hilda,
- performed in student concert, 446
- awarded scholarship for violin study, 251
- Reimann's Adelaide College of Music,
- incorporation into Elder Conservatorium, 136
- Rennie, Professor Edward H,
- extension lectures on low temperatures, 55, 62, 117, 118, 120, 125
- advice to government on need for geologists to undertake geological survey, 441
- Bragg acknowledges collaboration in current research, 163, 179
- elected officer of local branch of British Science Guild, 335, 336
- part of delegation to PM for funds for BAASc to meet in Australia, 330, 331
- proposes toast at annual science dinner, 361, 362
- speaker at farewell dinner for Bragg & Madsen, 231
- research on radioactivity, 163
- member of board investigating need for technical education, 307
- admits to errors in junior public examinations, 2
- pall bearer at funeral of Dr David Paton, 30
- attended lecture in Sydney by Professor Jordan from America, 61
- Research,
- establishment of a national solar laboratory, 182, 243, 252, 275
- importance of pure research, 373
- call for Oxford to develop postgraduate research along lines promoted by Bragg, 250
- delegation to government appeals for extension of Flinders Chase reserve, 430, 432
- new magnetic survey of oceans, 426
- difficulties of undertaking research at University, 177
- practical value of New Zealand research scholarship scheme, 188, 189
- government funds for flora and fauna reserve on Kangaroo Island, 440
- importance of Australia as centre for solar research, 220
- importance of scientific discovery, 335, 338
- international support for proposed federal observatory, 245
- Bragg’s research achievements at University, 163
- investigations into presence of radium I glass, 322
- lack of research in Australian science, 369
- mutilation of body for medical specimen, 204, 206
- main business of a university according to visiting lecturer, Professor Henry Jones, 210
- Mawson's talk to Royal Geographical Society in London on scientific purposes of AAE, 421, 422
- British Science Guild advocates support for science technology, 170
- offers of support for solar observatory in Adelaide, 214, 215
- achievements from Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition, 405, 406
- Professor Henderson gives evidence to Royal Commission on research at University, 426
- reports on various current Antarctic expeditions, 407, 408, 415
- plans for two scientific expeditions into outback WA, 350
- use of electricity in agriculture overseas, 200
- importance of scientific research to agriculture, 371
- achievements of professors since foundation of University, 1, 1a
- medical papers presented to SA branch of British Medical Association, 437
- need for two geologists to undertake geological survey of state, 441
- University achievements, 163
- liquid air machine to assist research of Bragg and Rennie on radium, 61
- Residential colleges,
- parliamentary debate on their desirability, 350
- Reynell Walter R,
- third Rhodes Scholar, 162
- Rhodes scholar at Oxford, 187
- honours in physiology, 245
- Rhodes Scholarship,
- annual dinner of Rhodes Trust in Oxford, 361, 362
- awarded to Cecil Thomas Madigan, 360, 361
- awarded to Dr H K Fry, 235
- awarded to Harry Thomson, 292, 344, 452
- awarded to Dr William Ray, 39, 40
- awarded to Norman Jolly, 25, 26, 152, 434
- maturity of scholars, 187
- objection raised to selection of a graduate, 42
- awarded to R L Robinson, 151
- scholars in Oxford, 187
- statement for 1906, 25, 26
- successes of first two scholars, 151
- £300 not sufficient at Oxford, 91
- closing date for applications, 162
- terms of scholarship, 22
- annual report detailing statistics and honours, 161
- applications closed, 23
- evidence at Royal Commission, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400
- awarded to Reginald John Rudall, 170
- colonial Scholars outclassing American at Oxford, 40
- roles of sports & learning for scholars, 327
- comments by former scholar Behan, 327, 328
- poor academic results of southern African students, 327
- scholars' performance in athletics, 187
- Madigan granted leave to join Mawson's AAE, 483
- call for SA Rhodes Scholarships to be discontinued, 274
- statistics on scholars at Oxford and their achievements, 245
- report from the Times on achievements of Scholars after three years awards, 19, 20
- report from Rhodes Trust for 1908-1909, 302
- scholars prominent in Oxford-Cambridge sporting competitions, 56
- interview with Victorian Scholar, 90, 91, 92
- Richardson, A E V,
- outline of qualifications & career, 435, 436
- Rifle shooting,
- fifth inter-university match to be held at Port Adelaide, 451
- Robertson, Dr Thorburn Brailsford,
- Robin, P A,
- Dr of Literature conferred at University of London, 344
- Robinson, R L,
- distinctions at Oxford, 151
- awarded Burdett-Coutts Scholarship, 161, 162
- Robinson, W C F,
- role in establishing School of Music, 305
- Roby Fletcher Prize,
- awarded to A Akhurst and J L Rossiter, 232, 234
- Roseworthy Agricultural College, affiliated with University, 306
- Rouse, Miss Ruth, 180
- Rowing,
- Adelaide crew easily intervarsity on the Yarra, 326, 327
- landing stage from River Torrens near new University boatshed, 252
- intervarsity boat race, 192
- plans for new University boat shed, 226, 227, 250
- social held to celebrate victory in intervarsity, 329
- Royal Astronomical Society, 170
- Royal Society, 187
- Royal Society of London, 93
- Royal Society of SA,
- proposed relocation of valuable garden, 116
- epidiascope available for use by University, 173
- paper on gamma radiation presented by Professor W H Bragg, 175
- Rudall, Reginald John,
- awarded Rhodes Scholarship, 170, 274
- Rural centres,
- thirty four centres providing access to University, 343, 344, 401, 402, 403, 404
- benefits to country children, 328
- establishment at Port Augusta, 202
- Mount Gambier centre, 385, 386, 388, 426
- meeting at Normanville, 324
- meeting at Petersburg, 379
- Kadina Centre established, 216
- meeting to form new centre at Blumberg, 265
- South Australian Scholarship,
- list of holders from 1879 to 1886, 378
- South Australian School of Mines,
- Council endorses further cooperation between institutions, 352
- Education Bill, 355, 356
- evidence on overlap and cooperation with University, 388, 390, 392, 393, 394, 401, 402, 403
- call for central exams for schools giving technical education, 57, 58
- Mr J P Wood appointed as lecturer, 326, 343
- name and role of institution, 172, 176
- support for role in Moonta, 173
- establishment and development, 307, 308
- School of Mines Student Association,
- poetry reading by Professor Chapman, 127
- Salaries, 282, 283
- Salmond, Professor John W,
- work in jurisprudence, 1, 1a
- published work on law, 163, 164
- Scholarships,
- 1851 Research Scholarship in physics, 90
- 1908 evening scholarships awarded, 190
- additional scholarships for talented students at the Conservatorium, 378, 379
- terms of evening scholarships, 22
- bequest of £2000 from David Murray, 188
- changes in music scholarship awards, 189
- increase in number and remuneration of government scholarships, 425
- changes to scholarship selection procedures, 204
- undesirability of awards not based directly on ability, 201
- lack of opportunities for brilliant boys to attend university, 266
- summary of University scholarships available, 344
- Tinlane Scholarship, 150, 169
- bursaries at all levels, 381, 382
- Schools,
- workload of young teachers, 56, 57
- improvements to school facilities, 59
- teachers conference held in Adelaide, 84, 87
- Schultz, Dr A J,
- appointed as superintendent of Teacher Training College, 252
- elected to Faculty of Arts, 303
- Science (Agriculture), Bachelor of,
- taught jointly between University and Roseworthy College, 306
- Science, School of,
- well established with four professors and six lecturers, 231
- desirability of study of Botany, 125
- Scientific Society, 205
- AGM chaired by president, Professor Bragg, 173
- paper by H W Gartrell on "Travels in America", 175
- inaugural address by Dr W G Duffield, 253
- Scott, BA, Andrew,
- annual prize for Latin in his memory, 147, 210
- at inaugural Arts Association dinner, 132, 133
- obituary, 139, 144
- A S Memorial Shield perpetual trophy, 210
- head of Teacher Training College, 169
- memorial, 210
- Scott, Dr R M,
- lecture on "Thermit Welding", 205
- Secondary education,
- annual report from Dept of Education presented to Parliament, 436, 437, 438
- Advanced School for Girls, 176
- role of School of Mines, 176
- proposed state secondary education, 176
- evidence at Royal Commission, 386, 387, 412
- comparison with American education, 384, 385
- opposition to Education Department control of schools, 391
- importance of increasing number of secondary schools, 411
- increases in compulsory school attendance, 388
- state high schools opening opportunities for University attendance, 380
- provisions of new Education Bill, 355, 356, 439, 440
- details of new schools, 325, 326
- teaching of politics in schools, 438, 439
- NSW state secondary education, 406, 409
- technical education and country technical schools, 392, 394
- Continuation School entrance exams, 181
- call for state run night schools, 179
- co-education discussed at imperial Education Conference, 417
- annual report from Director of Education, 435
- first step in promoting education for all, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281
- technical schools and training of apprentices, 401, 402, 403
- night continuation classes in the country, 425, 426
- effects of introduction of state high schools with modest fees, 200, 201
- St Peter's College, 200, 201
- standards of teaching, 206
- standards of teaching relevant to requirements of University, 206
- technical schools and university, 433, 434
- Senate, University,
- absence of quorum leads to lapsed meeting, 464
- life tenure for members and professors, 409, 410, 411
- changes to University regulations, 341, 342, 343
- role relating to statutes and regulations, 465
- interactions with Council, 315
- report of meeting, 149
- election of Warden and Clerk, 283, 358
- report of meeting, 474
- election of Frederic Chapple as Warden, 1, 1a
- Shackleton, Sir Ernest,
- support for Mawson's Australian Antarctic Expedition, 400, 415, 418, 433, 448, 449
- views on Amundsen's plans to reach South Pole, 407, 408, 410
- expedition incurred a debt of £35,000, 422
- Shakespeare Society,
- inaugural meeting and office bearers, 191
- Smith, Harold Whitmore,
- Angas Engineering Scholar at Cornell, 170, 194, 199
- Social functions,
- annual dinner to be held at South Australian Hotel, 110, 112, 113, 114
- Soward, G K,
- architect for sports pavilion, 333, 334
- Space management,
- need for space for University to expand, 298
- Sport,
- inter-university sports, 56, 123, 187, 190, 191, 212, 451
- athletics, 56, 123, 187, 190
- lacrosse, 123, 334
- new oval and boathouse, 250, 332, 333, 334
- rowing, 187, 192, 326, 327, 329
- provision of sports grounds, 206, 216, 292
- extension of the sports ground, 441
- City Council park lease, 200, 202
- role of sport for Rhodes scholars, 327
- importance of sporting activities for students, 333, 334
- demand for grounds on site of Weather Bureau, 165, 167
- rifle shooting, 451
- football, 123, 172
- intervarsity at Adelaide Oval, 192, 193
- award of new 'blue', 190
- need for cricket ground, 132, 133
- silver trophy for intervarsity meetings, 191
- extension to University Oval approved, 445
- need for facilities, 127
- Sports Association,
- annual ball in Elder Hall, 192
- concert in Elder Conservatorium, 218
- rules revised relating to new sports ground, 218
- St Peter's College, 200, 201
- Staff,
- University caretaker, Mr S J Ellis, 309
- teaching at Conservatorium, 42
- requirement for academic staff development, 396, 398, 399, 400
- State Government,
- grant of extra £4000 to University, 462
- amendment to Act to include five members of Parliament on Council, 462
- Education Bill, 439, 440, 441, 444, 445
- University requests for expansion to be investigated, 352, 353
- arts, museum & library board to include University representative, 276, 277
- new site for Government House and expansion of University grounds, 463, 464
- formation of select committee to consider requests from University, 353
- desirability of State control of University, 353
- enquiry into extending usefulness of University, 344
- University's role in selection of government geologists, 484, 484a
- recommendations of Royal Commission, 459
- provision of £5000 for Mawson's expedition, 448, 449, 450
- Government expenditure on University, 338
- current parliamentary actions regarding University in speeches, 362
- debate on education policy, 278, 279, 281
- Royal Commission to enquire into University facilities and expansion of grounds, 378
- scope of Royal Commission to be broadened, 459
- select committee considering government representation on University Council, 359
- select committee investigating access to University by deserving students, 359
- select committee recommends payment of full cost of extension to main building, 359
- reasons for opposing Education Department control, 391
- to employ graduates with new Diploma in Pharmacy, 389
- first progress report of select committee on higher education, 359
- to advertise position of government geologist, 440, 441
- Statistics,
- comparison figures with other universities, 345, 346, 348, 351
- growth of University over twenty years, 282, 283
- University statistics since inception, 303, 304
- Statutes,
- amended regulations passed by Executive Council, 55
- Council approves changes to statutes, 227
- Senate and Council roles relating to statutes and regulations, 465
- Stevens, Fred,
- lecture on ‘The Tempest’, 191
- Stirling, Dr Edward,
- named in Henderson's account of University research, 426, 430
- contribution to SA branch of British Medical Association, 437
- research activities & achievements, 163
- member of delegation to PM for funds for BAASc., 330, 331
- photograph as Director of South Australian Museum, 313
- address on importance of scientific research to national welfare, 337
- advises on need for two geologists to undertake geological survey of state, 441
- argues for diversity among universities, 290, 291
- presents case to Government for building grant, 282, 283
- leave of absence and expression of sympathy in his illness, 344
- elected President of branch of British Science Guild, 335, 337
- importance of research in universities, 290, 291
- at inauguration of University of Queensland, 290, 292
- presents gift to Charles Hodge on departure for England, 424
- response to North Terrace landscaping, 446
- supports study of botany, 125, 126
- Cambridge University honours him with DSc, 250
- Fellow of Royal Society of London, 1, 1a, 41, 42, 177, 250
- appointment as Dean of Faculty of Medicines, 292
- presented cast of Diprotodon to Cambridge University, 39
- Stow Prize,
- awarded to Mr M M Bray, 148
- awarded to T J Browne and G C Ligertwood, 232, 233, 234
- won by G C Ligertwood, 359
- Stuckey, Miss Julia,
- gift of £500 towards Chair of Botany, 131, 132, 169
- Student Christian Union,
- Dr Karl Kumm speaks in Adelaide, 475
- meeting in Sydney, 377
- Student services,
- need for eating place at University, 343
- Student statistics, 169
- for 1906, 42
- student numbers since inception, 303, 304
- Student Union,
- formation of students' council, 190
- Students,
- appeal for concessional railway fares for country students, 22, 129
- formation of students' council, 190
- students' prosh day procession, 15, 16, 19, 20
- students working in vacations to help finance studies, 384, 385
- omission of commemoration address due to student boisterousness, 282
- extensive use made of Public Library, 313, 314
- vacation survey work to be available for engineering students, 437
- celebration at Theatre Royal, 153
- number studying physics, 177
- admission of women lawyers to the Bar in South Australia, 478
- protest at non-union students used as shearing hands, 251
- unconventional qualities of Australian undergraduates, 424
- parade in city, evening concert and humorous pranks, 15
- students working as fruit pickers mentioned with industrial trouble at Renmark, 251
- Syman, Sir Josiah, 280, 281
- Symons, Dr,
- representative at International Medical Congress in Budapest, 249
- Tassie, Mr R Wilson,
- Angas Engineering Scholar, 201
- Tate Medal,
- awarded to H W Gartrell, 175
- Tate Museum,
- Dr Verco's gift of a fugurite from Oodnadatta, 412
- Tate, Professor Ralph,
- teaching of Botany, 125, 126
- work in botany, geology and conchology, 163
- Howchin's communications in the year prior to his death, 461
- controversy with Howchin over glacial phenomena, 458
- herbarium, 131, 132
- scientific papers, 1, 1a
- Teacher training,
- annual reports from Dept of Education, 325, 326, 436, 437, 438
- conflict between students & Education Department, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323
- personal qualities and influence on teachers and teaching, 144
- practice teaching on days of University exams, 323
- Union support for grievances of students at (University) Training College, 326
- University provides complete academic training free of charge, 306
- Teacher Training College, 139
- conflict between students & Education Dept over work requirements, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323
- death of Principal, 143, 169
- relationship with University, 132, 133
- tribute from Education Gazette, 144
- Technical education,
- Education Department responsible for country Schools of Mines, 355, 356
- Technology,
- proposed use of wireless in Antarctica, 377
- importance of science in education, 352, 353
- Temple, Rev W,
- lecture on World Student Christian Federation, 343
- reception in Elder Hall hosted by Chancellor Way, 338, 339, 340
- lecture in success of WEA in England, 341, 342
- Theological Students Association,
- support for Chair of Theology, 459, 460
- Theology, Study of,
- Thomson, Harry,
- 1910 Rhodes Scholar, 292
- departs for England, 344
- progress report from Oxford, 452
- Tinlane Scholarship,
- founded by Sir George Murray, 150, 169
- proposed statute, 171
- awarded to A C V Melbourne, 232, 233, 234
- first award of history scholarship, 231
- Todd, Sir Charles,
- obituary, 298, 299, 300, 301
- father-in-law of Professor William Bragg, 41
- Fellow of the Royal Society, 177
- gift of journal set to library, 130
- resignation as Government Astronomer, 20
- Treharne, Bryceson,
- staff concerts at Elder Conservatorium, 135, 137, 219, 350
- explains Conservatorium's role in musical education, 131
- trip to Europe, 127, 128
- review of pianoforte recital by his students, 231
- University Women's Mission,
- annual meeting of Adelaide branch, 180
- Universal Races Congress,
- review of proceedings, 458
- Universities, other,
- University of Queensland, 45, 46, 249, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 309, 310, 317, 351, 359, 390, 413, 425
- Oxford University, 55, 56, 250
- appointment of Professor H Payne to Engineering at Melbourne University, 327
- Auckland University College, 170
- role and growth of universities, 426
- Sydney University, 105, 201, 224, 380, 409, 410
- Stanford University, 384, 385
- Cambridge University, 90, 203, 217
- promotion of provision of information between universities, 409
- Cornell University, 170, 199, 201
- University of Leeds, 177, 218
- University of Western Australia, 43, 204, 207, 249, 263, 351, 377, 378, 379, 393, 429, 471, 472, 474
- University of California, 328
- anniversary of founding of St Andrew's University, 440
- University of London, 400
- Melbourne University, 103, 104, 180, 206, 265, 413, 420
- new universities planned in India & Hong Kong, 383
- advantages for academics overseas compared with Australia, 177
- Oxford-Cambridge boat race and athletics results, 56
- Melbourne Conservatorium, 60, 61, 420
- proposal to make university education, 263
- proposed student exchange between MacGill University and Cheshire, 478
- American university system, 61
- Sydney Teachers' Training College, 181
- University Act,
- motion to introduce bill to amend University Act, 476
- University Building,
- second story additions, 383, 385
- request to Government to subsidise extensions, 359
- tenders called for extensive additions, 374
- University Colleges,
- University Oval,
- arrangements for lease of parklands, 216, 218
- University Rural Centres,
- University Women's Mission,
- annual meeting of Adelaide branch, 180
- Verco, Dr J C,
- gift of fugurite from Oodnadatta to Tate Museum, 412
- Vice-Chancellors, 304
- Visitors,
- Dr Karl Kumm, 475
- Professor John Cox, 424
- Alfred Chapple, Angus Engineering Scholar, 124
- Revrend W Temple, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343
- Professor Henry Jones, 199, 201, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214
- Dr Headlam, 152
- Dr Thomas Hodgkin FRS, 267, 268, 269
- Lieutenant Ernest Shackelton, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260
- Mr E E Morrison, Scottish agricologist, 363
- Mr J Russell French delivers Joseph Fisher lecture, 311, 312
- Mr Thomson from Melbourne, 188, 189
- Mr W A Laver, Melbourne University music examiner, 351
- Professor Franklin Peterson, Ormond Professor of Music, 126, 188, 189
- Professor Jordan, 152
- Professor Watt, Sydney, 302
- public servants from Queensland inspecting University & School of Mines, 351
- Ward, John Frederick,
- Warden of Senate,
- Watson, Professor Archibald,
- advocates appointment of specialist anaesthetist, 186
- contributions to SA branch of British Medical Association, 437
- much respected but unpublished research, 163
- criticism of obtaining head for study by medical students, 203
- departure on extended holiday interstate & America, 379
- unauthorized exhumations at West Terrace, 210
- body mutilation, 204, 206
- explanation of cause of human infection with hydatids, 60, 61
- Way, Sir Samuel,
- unveiling of Hughes statue, 1, 1a
- Shackleton’s lecture, 260
- congratulations from Sydney Lord Mayor on Antarctic expedition, 253
- sole living person who was on original University committee, 400
- Royal Commission evidence, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400
- thanks Royal Commission for £4000 grant, 478, 479
- welcomes delegates to Esperanto Congress, 480, 481
- deputation for establishment of Chair of Astronomy, 164, 165, 166, 167
- expression of appreciation of contribution of Bragg, 177
- hosts University reception for Oxford visitor, Revd W Temple, 338, 339, 340
- leads delegation to Premier on University's needs for expansion, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 353
- example of successful man lacking university education, 280, 281
- evidence relating to proposal to introduce engineering degree, 479
- Workers Education Association [WEA],
- University accepting invitation to join International Federation of WEA, 412
- Oxford visitr, Rev W Temple, describes success of WEA evening courses, 338, 339, 340
- Whitington, Miss Sylvia,
- leader of orchestra for concert in Elder Conservatorium, 331
- review of student concert, 477
- Williamson, A B,
- organ solo in Conservatorium concerts, 147, 151
- Wilton, J R,
- awarded Mathison Prize at Trinity College, 107
- brilliant graduate at Cambridge, 194
- Fifth Wrangler in Mathematical Tripos at Cambridge, 162
- cited as one of Bragg's distinguished students, 232, 233, 234
- success in England mentioned in Parliament, 274
- appointed Maths Lecturer at Sheffield University, 266
- Women,
- call for higher salaries for women teachers at teachers conference, 87
- Sydney University reforms include allowing women as professors, 224
- remarks by Professor Henry Jones on University education ignores women students, 210
- new sports pavilion provides one dressing room for woman, 333, 334
- rare mention of women as well as men students by Professor Naylor, 113
- Women Students' Club,
- report of first term social, 315
- Woolnough, Dr,
- World Student Christian Federation,
- visit of Rev W Temple to give series of lectures, 338
- Young, Mr F W,
- elected to Council following death of Todd, 315