Key Instrumentation

The Uncrewed Research Aircraft Facility laboratory on the North Terrace Campus is host to a suite of state-of-the-art equipment, utilised for all services and practical training.

  • Multirotor platforms

    DJI Matrice 350/300 RTK

    The DJI Matrice 350 RTK provides high level capability for a wide range of projects provided by URAF. The interchangeable sensors, along with dual mounts and gimbal attachments, allows many combinations of high resolution RGB, LiDAR, Multispectral and Thermal imagery to be collected. This drone can accommodate heavier payloads, and the powerful batteries can provide extended flight times. The RTK module allows for high precision GPS data with the capability to ensure stable data collection even in strong winds.

    DJI Matrice 600 Pro RTK

    The DJI Matrice 600 Pro RTK is a highly capable heavy lift drone, used to accommodate heavier sensors which can expand research potentials. The 6 propeller design allows stable flights during strong winds, and the smart batteries allow for long flight times. This drone is compatible with multiple DJI sensors and Gimbals, however has the ability to accommodate custom heavier payloads. The DJI Matrice 600 Pro RTK also comes with RTK capabilities, ensuring data is captured with high spatial accuracy.

    DJI Inspire 2

    The DJI Inspire 2 is a light weight, professional user friendly drone. It supports three interchangeable RGB sensors, including the DJI Zenmuse X7, and has a battery life to support up to 25 minutes of flying.

    DJI Mavic 3E

    The DJI Mavic 3E is a light-weight user friendly drone. It has a fixed gimballed RGB camera sensor, able to capture imagery at 20MP. The additional RTK Module allows real time centimetre accurate corrections to the drone, allowing more precise mission flights and data acquisition.

    DJI Phantom 4 Pro

    The DJI Phantom 4 Pro is a compact, lightweight, user-friendly drone. It has a gimballed RGB camera sensor, able to capture imagery at 20MP. The lightweight unit allows flight times of up to 30 minutes. It can be used for general photogrammetry RGB missions and generating a DEM/DTM of a site of interest.

    Fixed-Wing Platforms

    Fixed-wing drones resemble aeroplanes and fly in long transects, using the wings for lift rather than vertical rotors. They can capture data over much larger study sites in shorter periods of time, increased further by their extended flight times. The URAF have used the Parrot Disco FPV and HBS FX61 flying wing fixed-wing platforms.

    Powered-lift / VTOL Platforms

    Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) or Powered-Lift platforms allow the extended flight times and large site areas of the Fixed-Wing platforms without the need for a large cleared area for drone take off and landing. The propellers typically hinge 90o for take off, then when in flight, the propellers will return to their horizontal position for fixed-wind like flight. The drone then lands the same way with propellers hinging 90o again. The URAF have the Trinity Pro VTOL which can house a variety of sensors.

  • Sensor systems

    GeoSLAM ZEB Horizon LiDAR

    The GeoSLAM Zeb Horizon LiDAR is a powerful LiDAR sensor, able to capture up to 300,000 points per second. This sensor is highly versatile, with the ability to mount it on a heavy lift drone or vehicle, or attach it to a backpack and use it handheld. Highly accurate point clouds generated with the LiDAR sensor can be used to generate terrain and surface models.

    Resonon Pika L hyperspectral line scanner

    The Resonon Pika L Hyperspectral sensor is a compact VNIR sensor covering the Visible and Near Infrared spectral range, usable both for airborne data capture and laboratory collection. The use of the Ronin MX gimbal allows stable data collection of the 900 spatial pixels and 281 spectral pixels per line scan. The high spectral resolution can be used to detect subtle spectral differences in a variety of cover types.

    Micasense RedEdge-P Multispectral

    The Micasense RedEdge-P is a 6 band multispectral sensor, comprising of Blue, Green, Red, RedEdge, and Near Infrared bands, as well as a high resolution Panchromatic band. Combined with the Micasense Calibration Panel and downwelling light sensor, the RedEdge-P can collect 6 band geotagged imagery which can be post-processed into reflectance values. The Micasense RedEdge-P can be mounted on both the M350/M300 as well as the Trinity Pro VTOL Drone for a wide range of studies.

    Xenics Gobi 640 GigE Detector

    The Gobi 640 GigE Detector is a compact thermal imager, based off an uncooled microbolometer detector. It can detect subtle changes in temperature as low as 0.05oC with the ability to apply temperature calibrations in post processing.

    DJI Zenmuse P1

    The DJI Zenmuse P1 is a high resolution 45MP full frame RGB camera. The global mechanical shuttle makes it an optimal camera for surveying, with the compatibility with the DJI Matrice 350RTK allowing longer flight times and large study sites. The P1 camera supports three interchangeable fixed lenses, including 24mm, 35mm and 50mm, providing GSD values ranging from 2.20 cm/px (24mm lens at 120m) up to 0.11cm (50mm lens at 12m).

    DJI Zenmuse X7

    The DJI Zenmuse X7 is a 24MP RGB camera compatible with the DJI Inspire 2 drone. It is compatible with four interchangeable fixed lenses, including 16mm, 24mm, 35mm and 50mm, providing GSD values ranging from 2.94 cm/px (16mm lens at 12m) to 0.09 cm/px (50mm lens at 120m).

    DJI Zenmuse L1 and DJI Zenmuse L2 LiDAR sensors

    The DJI Zenmuse L1 and DJI Zenmuse L2 LiDAR sensors collect elevation data in a point cloud using high precision lidar, with the addition of a high accuracy IMU system, and an RGB mapping camera to colourise the point cloud. With up to 5 returns on the L2, a full reconstruction of densely covered vegetation can be obtained.

    DJI Zenmuse XT2

    The DJI Zenmuse XT2 is a compact thermal sensor utilising the FLIR Tau 2 module combined with an RGB camera. The integration of both sensors allows RGB and thermal images to be captured for landscape surveying, as well as utilising a live feed to get real time information.

    Sony ILX-LR1

    The Sony ILX-LR1 is a newly released high resolution RGB camera, capturing imagery at 61MP. This camera is compatible with a wide range of E-mount lenses meaning ultra high-resolution as well as wide angle imagery can be captured. This sensor is compatible with both the Matrice 350 RTK and VTOL drones meaning its high resolution image capture can be used for a wide range of applications.

  • Field services

    Emlid Reach RS2/RS3

    The Emlid reach RS2 and RS3 modules are high precision RTK GNSS recievers, able to survey in points with sub-centimetre accuracy. The emlid can be used in conjunction with the DJI RTK Basestation to provide high accuracy position values for drone flights. It can also be used in the field to collect highly accurate GPS values for areas of interest (i.e. fixed GCP’s, trial plot boundaries etc.).

    DJI D-RTK 2 Basestation

    The DJI D-RTK 2 mobile station is a high precision GNSS receiver, that provides real-time corrections, improving positional accuracy to centimetre-level. The receiver uses corrections from local fixed base stations and applies them to the drone during flights.

    Propeller AeroPoints 2

    Propeller Aeropoints are smart ground control points which can be used with any drone and sensor. They are evenly distributed around a study site, and record their own GPS location during missions. With the Propeller global base station network, values are automatically corrected and can be used for post-processing during image processing.

    Hexagon Network

    Provided by HxGN SmartNet.

  • Laboratory hardware

    • State-of-the-art drone workshop
    • 3D printer
    • Higher Performance Computers
  • Laboratory services

    • Agisoft Metashape
    • Pix4DMapper Pro
    • Adobe Creative Cloud
    • ArcGIS
    • ERDAS
    • QGIS
    • GeoSLAM
    • Connect Resonon
    • Spectronon Pro