
Top 5 recent papers

  1. Jureidini J, McHenry L B. The illusion of evidence based medicine. BMJ  2022;  376 :o702 doi:10.1136/bmj.o702 (Altmetrics 5,317).
  2. Jureidini J, Moncrieff J, Klau J, Aboustate N, Raven M (2023). Treatment guesses in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study: Accuracy, unblinding and influence on outcomes. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/00048674231218623 (Altmetrics 66).
  3. Klau J, Gonzalez-Chica D, Raven M, Jureidini J (2023). Antipsychotic prescribing patterns in children and adolescents attending Australian general practice in 2011 and 2017JCPP Advances, e12208. (Altmetrics 64).
  4. O’Rourke P, Jureidini J, Bentovim D. The Maternal Looking Guide: a perinatal clinical tool to support the emerging mother-infant relationship’, Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/02646838.2021.1991566. 
  5. Le Noury J, Nardo, JM, Healy D, Jureidini J, Raven M, Tufanaru C, Abi-Jaoude E. Restoring Study 329: efficacy and harms of paroxetine and imipramine in treatment of major depression in adolescence . BMJ 2015;351:4320. (Altmetrics 1,461).

    Altmetrics scores last updated 03 March 2024.

Work by the CEMH:

Jureidini J, McHenry L. The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine. Exposing the crisis of credibility in clinical research. Wakefield Press, 2020.

Available through Wakefield Press and on Kindle.


Default depression book cover

Smith, A. Default Depression. Wakefield Press, 2023.

Available through Wakefield Press.


Evlauative Language in Sports Book Cover

Walsh J, Caldwell D & Jureidini J. Evaluative Language in Sports: Crowds, Coaches, and Commentators. Routledge, 2024.

Available through Routledge and on Kindle.


Work by our colleagues:

Whitely, M. Over-prescribing Madness: What's driving Australia's mental illness epidemic. Wilkinson Publishing. 2021.

Available through Wilkinson Publishing and Kindle.

Pigott HE, Kim T, Xu C, et al. What are the treatment remission, response and extent of improvement rates after up to four trials of antidepressant therapies in real-world depressed patients? A reanalysis of the STAR*D study’s patient-level data with fidelity to the original research protocol. BMJ Open. 2023;13:e063095. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063095

Open access, available at BMJ Open.

All CEMH publications