Labour & Demography

Labour and demographic trends, including changes in employment, unemployment and participation rates as well as population and projected population by age.

Labour market



  • Population change, South Australia

      2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
    Components of Population Change (Persons)      
    Natural increase +4,818 +5,360 +4,061 +2,856 +3,353
    Net overseas migration +14,938 -2,839 +14,322 +29,310 +23,273
    Net interstate migration -1,253 +4,851 +231 -409 -1,569
    Total net population change +22,960 +12,246 +18,614 +31,757 +25,057
    Estimated Resident Population (end of year)      
    Persons 1,790,355 1,802,601 1,821,215 1,852,972 1,878,029

    Source: ABS, Australian Demographic Statistics, Cat. No. 3101.0. Calculations by SACES.

  • Projected population by series* South Australia, 2022 to 2071

    Projected population by series

    Note: * The population projection series are influenced by different assumptions related to fertility, life expectancy for males and females at birth, net overseas migration, and net interstate migration. The "high" series typically incorporates higher values for these components, such as increased life expectancy and fertility rates. However, it is important to note that the "high" and "low" series do not correspond directly to the maximum or minimum possible population outcomes. For instance, in the case of South Australia, the "high" series assumes the most substantial negative interstate migration (since South Australia typically experiences negative interstate migration). For the assumptions underlying each series, refer to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

    Source: ABS, Population Projections, Australia, 2022 (base) - 2071.