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Data wrap - jobs growth insufficient to bring down unemployment


The South Australian economy added about 1,100 jobs in March1, according to ABS Labour Force Survey data released today. However this rise was only sufficient to keep pace with growth in the working age population. As a consequence the state’s trend unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.9 per cent for the fourth consecutive month.

[Read more about Data wrap - jobs growth insufficient to bring down unemployment]

Data wrap – sluggish retail sales as job vacancies decline


In this edition of the South Australian Data Wrap we review the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases in respect of retail sales, overseas exports of goods, building approvals and job vacancies.

[Read more about Data wrap – sluggish retail sales as job vacancies decline]

Unemployment remains steady as population loss from interstate migration abates


Labour market performance, population growth, house prices, and business and consumer confidence are all featured in our latest review of South Australian economic data releases.

[Read more about Unemployment remains steady as population loss from interstate migration abates]

Social and economic costs of alcohol in the NT


The costs of alcohol to the Australian community from alcohol misuse are substantial, nowhere more so than in the Northern Territory, where per capital alcohol sales are well above the Australian average.

[Read more about Social and economic costs of alcohol in the NT]

Independent review of the South Australian GM food crop moratorium


A moratorium on the production and transportation of genetically modified (GM) food crops in South Australia has been in place since 2013, and is currently scheduled to continue to 2025.

[Read more about Independent review of the South Australian GM food crop moratorium]

Data wrap - final demand moderates amidst a cooling national economy


In the Data Wrap we review yesterday’s quarterly National Accounts which provides one of the most comprehensive insights into the recent macroeconomic performance of the state and national economies. We also consider the first retail sales estimates for 2019.

[Read more about Data wrap - final demand moderates amidst a cooling national economy]

Data wrap - more signs that building activity is easing


In this edition of the Data Wrap for South Australia we cover the latest data on building approvals and construction activity which point to easing conditions in the construction sector, while recent estimates of business investment provide some positive signs for the state economy.

[Read more about Data wrap - more signs that building activity is easing]

Data warp - another disappointing jobs market report in spite of improved business confidence


In this edition of the Data Wrap we find a silver lining in another round of disappointing labour market figures, a familiar story regarding wages growth, and positive news on business confidence in South Australia. The latest inflation outcomes for local government are also considered.

[Read more about Data warp - another disappointing jobs market report in spite of improved business confidence]

A decade on, the same story on the Murray-Darling Basin


A decade ago the eminent Australian water scientist, the late Peter Cullen, lamented the declining technical expertise in water management in government agencies while highlighting the need for good science to underpin decision-making about the nation’s water resources.

[Read more about A decade on, the same story on the Murray-Darling Basin ]

New SACES fund boosts relevant research

University of Adelaide

The SA Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) will further strengthen its contribution to public policy development in South Australia with the establishment of the Independent Research Fund (IRF).

[Read more about New SACES fund boosts relevant research]

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