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Bushfires and weather hurt SA tourism activity, while coronavirus dampens the outlook

Eighty per cent of South Australian tourism businesses were impacted by the recent summer bushfires, with a slight majority (51 per cent) reporting they have been impacted to a moderate or significant extent, the December 2019 quarter edition of the SA Tourism Barometer report shows.
Data Wrap - labour conditions still weak despite fall in unemployment

In this edition of the SA Data Wrap: a fall in unemployment hides ongoing labour market weakness; still no improvement in wage growth; and overseas arrivals data indicates inbound tourism held up well in December prior to the expected impact of bushfires.
[Read more about Data Wrap - labour conditions still weak despite fall in unemployment]
Data Wrap - some positive signs for new housing activity, but retail sales disappoint

In today’s Data Wrap we review several indicators that are relevant to the building sector, including lending activity, building approvals and office vacancy rates, and consider the latest retail sales data.