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Open Day volunteers wanted

Open Day 2023

Volunteers are required to assist with Open Day on Sunday 13 August. Roles available across the North Terrace campus and the AHMS Building include volunteering in the welcome tent, Maths Lawns Marquee, Q&A sessions and tours. Read more.

[Read more about Open Day volunteers wanted]

Curatorial and Museum Studies postgraduate programs review

The University is undertaking a review of the postgraduate programs in Curatorial and Museum Studies. Education Quality invites staff to make a confidential submission on matters relevant to the Terms of Reference. Written submissions should be provided to before Wednesday 2 August, 5 pm.

[Read more about Curatorial and Museum Studies postgraduate programs review]

Soil judging success

Soil success

Congratulations to the South Australian team members who recently won 1st Prize for the Team Category in the 2023 Australian Soil Judging Competition in Darwin. 

[Read more about Soil judging success]

Software purchases

A range of software packages, including subscriptions and licences to use, are available through ITDS. Other software requests must be submitted via the Software Assessment form and once approved, attached to a Requisition in ePro.

[Read more about Software purchases ]

Prescribed positions

Staff working in prescribed positions, and their supervisors, are reminded to ensure that a current Working with Children Check is held and recorded in Staff Services Online. Further information.

[Read more about Prescribed positions]

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