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Templeton Adam Smith Tercentenary Fellowship
Professor Lisa Hill has been made a Templeton Adam Smith Tercentenary Fellow, one of eight worldwide. Their work will be directed at a global audience who will connect the University of Glasgow with worldwide venues to celebrate Smith around the world.
[Read more about Templeton Adam Smith Tercentenary Fellowship]
Mark and Grade Schemes changes
The Withdraw Fail (WF) grade will no longer contribute to the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation but will remain a Fail grade for the purposes of Academic Progress (these changes take effect from 1 January 2024).
Innovation in Oral Care award
Associate Professor Peter Zilm (Adelaide Dental School) was recently awarded the Innovation in Oral Care award from the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) for research investigating the development of intelligent nanoparticles for the treatment of dental caries.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Trade and Environment grant
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, IIT's Centre of Excellence in Trade and Environment is offering a grant awarded on a competitive basis for research papers exploring the linkages between trade and environment. Grantees will be eligible for a payment of up to $7,500. More information.
[Read more about Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Trade and Environment grant]
Program SELT survey
This year's Program Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (Program SELT) survey will be available for completion from Monday 28 August to Sunday 17 September. More information.
Reasonable Adjustments for Students requiring Disability Support
The revised Reasonable Adjustments to Learning, Teaching and Assessment for Students requiring Disability Support Policy was approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President on 7 August 2023, becoming effective immediately.
[Read more about Reasonable Adjustments for Students requiring Disability Support]
Introduction to LimeSurvey and CANVASS
ACSPRI will host a free webinar demonstrating the set up and execution of an evaluation questionnaire. It shows how to use LimeSurvey for the first time, and gives some hints at the advanced functionality available for more experienced users. Wednesday 13 September, 12.30 – 1.30 pm. Online.
Images of Learning and Teaching competition
Changes to the submission requirements for the Images of Learning and Teaching competition have been made recognising the widespread use of smartphones for classroom photography. Capture the spirit of education through the lens of your smartphone. Submissions close on Friday 1 September.
[Read more about Images of Learning and Teaching competition ]
Travel Policy and Procedures
The Travel & Entertainment Policy and Procedures has been reviewed including an amended title, and is now available for consultation via the draft policies webpage until COB Friday 25 August.
DRI Website launch
The Division of Research and Innovation has launched a new website bringing together all divisional online support resources for researchers. This includes information on research project support (pre-award, post-award, project initiation and management), commercialisation, working with partners, ethics, and research systems and tools.