News: staff news
Executive Dean's message

As semester begins, so too does the familiar buzz of activity on our campuses, following a successful O'Week that saw over 3,000 students on the grounds at North Terrace, and well-attended events at our Waite and Roseworthy campuses.
Portfolio Change Proposal paper town halls
On Tuesday 4 March, the co-Vice Chancellors sent an email outlining how alignment of our people to positions in the intended Adelaide University organisational structure will progress. This included details around when the first two Portfolio Change Proposal papers will be available – DVC Indigenous and DVC People and Culture. In accordance with the Enterprise Agreements, Town Hall meetings will be held following the release of each Change Proposal paper:
[Read more about Portfolio Change Proposal paper town halls]
ACTION REQUIRED: TFN declaration and super choice | Academic staff
The transfer of staff employment for Academic staff will take effect on 3 May (UoA) and 10 May (UniSA). Please ensure that you have completed the Tax File Number declaration and super fund choice online form for Adelaide University by 20 April.
[Read more about ACTION REQUIRED: TFN declaration and super choice | Academic staff]
Student Experience and Administration Domain Town Hall
Student Experience and Administration Domain staff will host their first Town Hall for 2025 on Monday 17 March at 2 pm. All staff are invited to hear about updates from a range of projects, including the key areas of student experience, support and administration. It will be online via Zoom. Add the Town Hall to your calendar via the interim AU intranet.
[Read more about Student Experience and Administration Domain Town Hall]
Call for Health and Safety Representative nomination for DASE
Division of Academic and Student Engagement staff can nominate for a vacancy in their health and safety representative role. Nominate using the form by Friday 28 March.
[Read more about Call for Health and Safety Representative nomination for DASE ]
Advanced troubleshooting and translating searches for systematic reviews (HMS)
If you are conducting systematic database searches for your evidence synthesis project, this presentation will focus on tips for advanced troubleshooting, and for converting your initial systematic search strategy so that it will work in a variety of databases. Thursday 13 March, 11 am to 12 pm. Online. Register.
[Read more about Advanced troubleshooting and translating searches for systematic reviews (HMS)]
New Health and Safety Representatives elected
Two new health and safety representatives have been elected to the University’s HSR network: Brooke Lorincz for the DUO/VCP workgroup, and Casey Hogan for the Roseworthy workgroup. For more information on the role of an HSR and the University’s health safety and wellbeing consultation and representation structure, click here.
[Read more about New Health and Safety Representatives elected]
Publishing open access via read and publish
Read and publish agreements allow researchers to publish open access without paying article processing charges. Learn about the benefits of publishing via read and publish, including publishers and journal titles, and the steps involved in publishing under an agreement. Tuesday 18 March, 11–11.30 am. Online. Register.
[Read more about Publishing open access via read and publish]
Review of the Master of Computer Science nested suite
Help shape the future of the Master of Computer Science nested suite. Your insights and experiences assist in reviewing program delivery and enhancing student experience. Make a submission towards the Review of the Master of Computer Science nested suite here. Submissions due Friday 21 March, 5 pm. More information.
[Read more about Review of the Master of Computer Science nested suite ]
JBI Colloquium 2025 - abstracts open now
Abstract submissions are now open for oral presentations, posters and workshops for the JBI Colloquium scheduled for Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 November in Kochi, India. Join the global conversation on building inclusive health systems. Submit your abstract by Sunday 6 April. More information.