PESTA seminar (25.09.20)
Science and the Media in the Time of COVID.
Dr Susannah Eliott (CEO, Australian Science Media Centre)
The media finds science challenging at the best of times, but with the media industry in free fall due to a massive drop in advertising during the pandemic, the situation is now even more desperate. With a mass extinction of specialist science, health and environment reporters, the remaining journalists are stretched to breaking point and often can do little more than rewrite press releases. How is balanced reporting of science fairing through this tumultuous period and how can the expert community help the media to report on science in the best possible way for the benefit of the public?
When: 25 September 2020, 4-5 PM
Where: Ira Raymond Exhibition Room, Barr Smith Library
Dr Susannah Eliott is the CEO of the Australian Science Media Centre. She has a PhD in cell biology from Macquarie University, a Graduate Diploma in Journalism from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and an honorary doctorate in science communication from the University of Adelaide. She has more than 25 years of practical experience in science communication with the interface between science and the media being her primary focus.