Space Bookings

There are six spaces available in Hub Central to be booked for events or activities that directly relate to students.

Main Hall

Main Hall

A designated space is available on the main floor area on Level 4. This is a high foot traffic area and suitable for events where a strong visible presence in the hub is beneficial, e.g. exhibitions.

Mezzanine space


The Mezzanine is a space designed for functions, however it is also shared with students. It is not available for exclusive hire before 5 pm, and only available for exclusive hire after 5 pm for events of more than 100 people. Alcohol may be consumed in this space. A data projector, screen, microphone and speaker system, and lectern may be available for use.

Outdoor concreted space at the entrance to Hub Central

Western Courtyard

The Western Courtyard is located off the main hall on the western side. It is a high foot traffic outdoor space, noting you may be exposed to weather conditions.

Elder Courtyard

Elder Courtyard

Elder Courtyard is located between Hub Central and Elder Hall. It is an outdoor space which may be exposed to weather conditions. A bollard perimeter is required in order to serve alcohol in the Elder Courtyard. 

Eastern Courtyard

Eastern Courtyard

The Eastern Courtyard is located adjacent to the student kitchen and has BBQ facilities available. It is an outdoor space which may be exposed to weather conditions. Alcohol may be consumed in this space.

Co-op space


The co-op space is available for booking from 4:30 to 7 pm, Monday to Friday. Full day or longer bookings may be arranged by negotiation for appropriate events. Please note this space cannot be booked for exclusive use.

  • Guide to booking rooms and outdoor spaces on campus

    Students must book spaces through the relevant booking system and cannot occupy space without approval. Spaces which are not identified as available to be booked (e.g. Campus driveways, walkways and other public egress points) are unavailable for any activity without approval.

    More information, and a breakdown of who to contact for the various areas available on campus, can be found on the infrastructure website here.

  • General information

    Spaces in Hub Central can be booked by University faculties, schools and departments; YouX and YouX affiliated Clubs and Associations; the University Sports Association and AU Sports Clubs.

    Approval for evening, weekend, and public holiday bookings is at the discretion of the Hub Space Events Team.

    Requests must be made by a current University of Adelaide student or staff member.

    Hub space is not available to external parties unless there is a clear and immediate benefit to students on campus. Non-student related bookings will only be considered during the mid-year and end-of-year holidays.

    The provision of food and beverage is generally not permitted, however club fundraising and bake sales are encouraged.

    Displaying posters and leaflets is not allowed in Hub Central (consider the use of free digital signage to promote your event) and electioneering of any type is not permitted - although is acceptable on campus in areas such as the Barr Smith Lawns.

    The Western, Eastern and Elder courtyards are external areas and do not provide shelter from weather conditions. If the weather isn't favourable on the day of your booking, we are unable to guarantee that we could move your event indoors.

    Full Terms and Conditions

    Space booking requests can take up to 7 business days to process during peak periods and are processed in the order that we receive them. Please ensure that all requests are submitted in advance, to avoid any inconvenience.

    Please contact us if you have any questions.

  • Displays and exhibitions

    Displays and exhibitions of an educational or cultural nature can generally be left in place for a period from one day up to three weeks. Each display or exhibition should have a clearly defined theme and be prepared and displayed to professional standards.

    The name of the department or organisation presenting the display or exhibition should be evident as part of the display and in associated publicity. Hub Central has 24 hour access and any materials displayed should either be in secure cases or securely tethered.

    The mounting and dismantling of displays and exhibitions is the responsibility of the hirer and should not disrupt the normal use of the Hub of surrounding buildings.

  • Alcohol

    Alcohol may be consumed in the Mezzanine, Eastern Courtyard and Elder Courtyard.

    If alcohol is to be served in the Elder Courtyard, a bollard perimeter is required.

    Hub Central is covered by the University of Adelaide's general liquor licence.

    All event organisers hosting a function involving alcohol on University grounds must comply with the requirements around alcohol on campus.

    Any event involving alcohol must include University Security, at the cost of the hirer, with ratios as follows:

    1-99 attendees = 1 security guard
    100-199 attendees = 2 security guards
    200+ attendees = 3 security guards.

  • Catering

    The University of Adelaide has a variety of food and beverage outlets on campus, many of which provide an excellent catering service. Visit the campus catering website for information and contact details.

    External caterers may also be used however please be aware that there are no kitchen or storage facilities available for their use and cooking within Hub Central is not permitted.

    It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure all catering equipment, glasses, plates, etc are removed from the space after the booking. This also applies to night time events - food and drink must be removed/disposed of appropriately at the end of the event.

  • Music at events

    Hub Central is primarily a student study space, so excessively noisy events are not generally suitable. However, we are keen to promote events that display achievement of students or celebrate the cultural diversity of the University community. Short musical/dance/ceremony type events may be considered during lunch periods. If you are keen on organising this sort of event we encourage you to contact us before you make a booking.

    If your event involves music, even if the event is free to the public, you will almost always require a licence. Visit OneMusic Australia for further information.

  • Items for loan

    The following may be available for loan with your hub space booking:

    • Trestle tables
    • A-frames

    For Mezzanine bookings only:

    • Microphone (requires approval) and speaker system
    • Data projector
    • Lectern

Contact us Book a hub space

Additional Spaces

Two training rooms are available for booking of non-timetabled information sessions. During teaching weeks, training rooms are only available for activities relating to students enrolled at the University of Adelaide.

These rooms are closed and locked when not in use, please visit Ask Adelaide prior to your booking to to have the room opened.

Book a training room