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Featured stories

Mural competition with cash prize

The Campus is Your Canvas! is a unique opportunity for students to showcase their talent, gain public recognition, add a large-scale project to their portfolio and create a lasting impact on campus for future students. 

Read more about Mural competition with cash prize

Supercharging your university experience with clubs

Our University has more clubs than you've had late-night study sessions. Today there are more than 100 different clubs available on our campuses. Hear from our students about how they've made lifelong connections and friends, work in teams, and prepare for the next step in their career.

Read more about Supercharging your university experience with clubs

Stay safe on campus (without losing your cool)

University is all about expanding your mind, meeting people who’ll either be lifelong friends or just someone you shared a regrettable karaoke night with, and most importantly staying safe. So, let’s get real about keeping things both exciting and secure, because nobody has time for nonsense. 

Read more about Stay safe on campus (without losing your cool)

Neurodiversity Peer Mentoring Program

Applications are open for volunteer mentors to assist neurodivergent mentees and provide advice around study habits, executive functioning, academic skills, and managing studying.

Read more about Neurodiversity Peer Mentoring Program

Latest news



Planned network outage on Saturday 5 April

A network outage is scheduled for Saturday 5 April from 12:30 - 3 pm. During this time, students will be unable to access University of Adelaide online systems. For details visit the Student News website.



ADAPT planned maintenance

On Saturday 22 March, ADAPT will be unavailable between 12 pm and 6 pm to allow technicians to perform maintenance.



Mural competition with cash prize

The Campus is Your Canvas! is a unique opportunity for students to showcase their talent, gain public recognition, add a large-scale project to their portfolio and create a lasting impact on campus for future students. 



Planned network outage on Saturday 5 April

A network outage is scheduled for Saturday 5 April from 12:30 - 3 pm. During this time, students will be unable to access University of Adelaide online systems. For details visit the Student News website.



‘The Guru’ returns to UniBar after student-led push

A UniBar icon is back! Untitled (The Guru), painted by Bill Cook in 1981, has been a beloved fixture for decades. Bought by the Adelaide University Union after Cook’s exhibition (opened by Don Dunstan), it became part of student life.


Upcoming events



Youth Impact Summit SA presented by the Commissioner for Children and Young People

Meet other passionate young people and changemakers. Join the fun with live bands, food trucks, info stalls, hands-on activities and much more!



Discover Postgrad Expo

Discover a diverse range of postgraduate programs tailored to suit your interests and career aspirations.



Discover Postgrad Expo

Discover a diverse range of postgraduate programs tailored to suit your interests and career aspirations.
