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Develop your skills in leadership and networking with Humanitarian Affairs, Asia

Students with an interest in sustainable development projects have an opportunity to meet and network with their international peers at the University Scholars Leadership Symposium.

[Read more about Develop your skills in leadership and networking with Humanitarian Affairs, Asia]

SmartSheet: free access for students

If you are involved in project management, a UofA Club, or would like to gain some knowledge and experience in ways to monitor and manage different projects via online platforms, SmartSheet can help you.

[Read more about SmartSheet: free access for students]

Lumen magazine: the sustainability issue

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The latest issue of Lumen – the University of Adelaide’s major magazine – is out now. This special sustainability issue will examine human impact on our planet, and what our University is doing to help. From the food we eat, to what we drink, the movies we watch, and the pets we own. It highlights significant research and introduces special new features – including reviews, new writing, music, a colourful display of vibrant life on campus, and also a chance for readers to win a prize. It celebrates the work and achievements of students, alumni and staff in Australia and around the world.

[Read more about Lumen magazine: the sustainability issue]

Propel your personal and career growth with cultural intelligence

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What if I told you that all it takes is five weeks to get you started interacting confidently with people from diverse cultural backgrounds? The Global IQ Connect Program can get you there. It’s an extra-curricular program designed to help you learn about the important role culture plays in our behaviour and thinking, and navigating cultural diversity.

[Read more about Propel your personal and career growth with cultural intelligence]

Exam prep tips

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The countdown to exams has begun. Whether you’ve got multiple choice, short answer, essay or open book type of exams, your confidence will depend on how well you have prepared. So, to make sure you’re ready to handle the road ahead, hear from Chloe, second-year student in a Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Arts, with her top tips for managing stress during exam time.

[Read more about Exam prep tips]

Participate in "jaw dropping" South Australian research

This is a paid research participant invitation. We will be hosting a series of events at AHMS building level 4 and will be collecting jaw movement data.

[Read more about Participate in "jaw dropping" South Australian research]

Exam Workshop

Want to learn some tips and tricks to manage exam stress? In this session, you will hear a rundown on what to expect during exam time and resources to help you prepare. Student volunteers will also share their own exam experiences.

[Read more about Exam Workshop]

Study Tour: New York, New York

This Summer, step into the world of business and communication in New York’s FiDi (Financial District).

[Read more about Study Tour: New York, New York]

Call for Papers

Submit an Abstract for Acoustics 2023 Sydney, the 185th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America joint with the Australian Acoustical Society, the Western Pacific Commission for Acoustics, and the Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference 2023 at the International Convention Centre, Sydney, 4-8 Dec.

[Read more about Call for Papers]

Join AUSF in the Push-Up Challenge!

In June, Adelaide University Sport and Fitness is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. You can create a team in this Community, join a team or support someone who is taking part.

[Read more about Join AUSF in the Push-Up Challenge!]