Faculty and Advisors
Contact the appropriate person to discuss your overseas study options.
Your Faculty's Student Success Team can advise you regarding:
- What kind of study experience is the best fit for your degree
- If the course or program you're planning to undertake will be eligible for credit
- Which semester or semester break is the best time for you to go
- The status of your credit processing
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics (including Diploma in Languages)
Visit the Student Success Study Overseas page.
If you require more assistance, visit:
Student Support - Nexus 10
Level 1, Marjoribanks Wing, Nexus 10, Pulteney St
Email: askable@adelaide.edu.au -
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Visit the Student Success Study Overseas page.
Faculty of Health Sciences
All Undergraduate Health Science and Psychology programs
Helen Mayo North, Ground Floor
Email: askhealthsc@adelaide.edu.auBachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (DE and Selective Placements)
Clinical Placement Team
Level 3, AHMS Building, North Terrace
Email: cpteam@adelaide.edu.au -
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Visit the Student Success Study Overseas page.
If you require more assistance, visit:
Faculty of SET Student Success Team
Level 1, Ingkarni Wardli Building
Email: askset@adelaide.edu.au