Student experience - Jenal Dhar

Student Experience - Jenal Dhar

Jenal Dhar undertook a short term exchange to the European Business School as part of her Masters of Business Administration. She spent two weeks in Wiesbaden and one week in Berlin, Germany. 

While in Germany, Jenal took subjects that focused on topics such as the European Financial Landscape, Corporate Decision Making, and Business and Leadership in Europe.

“You often choose to participate in activities that you usually wouldn’t have done if you were alone because you are part of a bigger group. The combined knowledge and variety of experiences of those who are there with you adds to the entire experience.”


Jenal Dhar chairs

When speaking of some of the highlights of her exchange, Jenal reflected on her time travelling to Amsterdam and France.
“Unlike Australia, you drive for four hours and you see the languages on the signs changing and you realise you are in a different country. Apart from that, travelling with classmates for site visits to the Audi Factory or start-up companies to learn about innovation left me with beautiful memories of the trip. I met one of the most brilliant minds in the field of Strategic Management, who has provided me with a lot of advice and useful pointers.”

Jenal learnt how easy it is to bond with people from different countries and backgrounds.
“When I went to Germany, I flew with a couple of batch-mates, who I knew and had seen around in the Faculty. Once there, we met and gelled well with our other classmates. Our daily commute to the University, site visits, group discussions, class work, pre-exam discussions, group lunches and dinners actually brought us all very close.”


Jenal Dhar tower

Jenal is currently an IT Manager, which she chose because she loves management and has experience in Computer Science thanks to her degree. In the next six months, she hopes to learn more and set the foundation for her start-up. She hopes to visit Scandinavian countries in her future travels.

“The biggest reason you should study overseas is because it gives you an opportunity to see the world and absorb new culture. It gives you a chance for personal development as you study and learn differently. You develop a better understanding of other cultures and business, and expand your network. Being acquainted to different cultures and working styles gives your resume that competitive advantage and is great for employability.”

Are you an MBA student interested in pursuing an exchange like Jenal? Students should speak directly with their Business School advisor regarding eligibility. Current partner universities available to be considered for an MBA exchange include Aalto University, the European Business SchoolKedge Business School, and Leipzig Graduate School of Management.

Tagged in MBA, student experience, Germany, Exchange, European Business School