Sustainability Malaysia Study Tour

Travel to Malaysia in July and tackle sustainability issues on a global scale.
This brand new study tour, led by Dr Sajad Fayezi, Adelaide Business School, offers students the opportunity to explore how businesses in the agricultural sector are addressing sustainability in the palm oil supply chain.
Malaysia is a major global palm oil producer. Across the country, palm cultivation covers close to 4.49 million hectares and provides a source of livelihood to more than 1 million locals.
Palm oil production is, however, fraught with sustainability issues, environmental risks and poor working conditions.
During this study tour, students will grapple with these issues and risks in seminars, fieldwork, site visits and workshops with key business stakeholders, academics and students, Malaysian government officials and NGOs.
This study tour is relevant to undergraduates enrolled in a broad range of programs including Business, Commerce and Project Management.
Thanks to the Australian Government New Colombo Plan, grants of $3,000 AUD are available to eligible domestic students to subsidise the program cost.
Read more and apply via our website before the 10 April 2023 deadline.