Student experience - Riley Bennett

Riley Bennett was a participant in the pilot iteration of the Agriculture Professional Practicum. Riley received a $3,000 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant to support his experience.
Student experience - Katherine Clayton

Katherine Clayton undertook the Indonesian Language Short Course at Satya Wacana University in Salatiga during the summer university break.
Student experience - Katherine Keane

Katherine Keane is a New Colombo Plan mobility grant recipient who undertook the Development Studies Immersion Program at Gadjah Mada University.
Student experience - Krystal Buckle

The weird and the wonderful: 10 things to love about Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Q&A - Krystal Buckle
Krystal Buckle undertook the ACICIS Flexible Language Immersion Program (FLIP) at Gadjah Mada University. Krystal's experience was supported by a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant.
Student experience - Tom Brown

In 2015, Tom spent five months on exchange in Indonesia. He undertook the Development Studies Immersion Program through the Australian Consortium for In Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS). This program involved two months of intensive Indonesian language study and development workshops, a two month community development placement, and a research essay.