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AIML Mid-Week Seminar: Can biological neurons further improve our understanding of artificial neural networks and vice versa?

In the VPNL, we record from visual neurons in the dragonfly brain. A set of these neurons respond to optic-flow, encoding the dragonfly's own motion through the world. This underlies their remarkable ability to hover nearly stationary, then rapidly patrol at over 60KM/hour. Other neurons respond to tiny targets amidst cluttered surrounds, even predicting the target's future location following an occlusion. These target-detecting neurons can implement a winner-takes-all network, allowing for the selection of a single target amidst distractors (e.g. feasting on midges in a swarm).

[Read more about AIML Mid-Week Seminar: Can biological neurons further improve our understanding of artificial neural networks and vice versa? ]

AIML Lightning Talk: Engineering Intelligent Digital Systems

The Centre for Research on Engineering Software Technologies (CREST) team has been developing a trustworthy modularised Digital Twin Platform (DTP) that can be applied to autonomous and safety-critical cyber-physical systems (CPSs), such as smart factories, smart healthcare systems, and autonomous vehicles. The CREST DTP provides simulatable models of target systems (a.k.a digital twin models) based on runtime data streamed from real target systems.

[Read more about AIML Lightning Talk: Engineering Intelligent Digital Systems]

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