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Self-care during COVID-19

Dr Preeya Alexander at her practice

Alumna Dr Preeya Alexander (MBBS 2010) shares her top tips for managing our health and supporting our immune systems during self-isolation.

[Read more about Self-care during COVID-19]

Isolated and thinking about buying a dog? Read this first

Ana Goncalves Costa with her pets

Alumna Ana Goncalves Costa is warning us to be super vigilant when searching online for a pet because of the risk of puppy farms and fake advertisements.

[Read more about Isolated and thinking about buying a dog? Read this first]

COVID-19 The University Community Responds

An email from Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Rathjen AO to staff of the University of Adelaide on 2 April 2020.

[Read more about COVID-19 The University Community Responds]

5 Tips for Job Seekers

In light of current economic times, the job market is very competitive. Despite this, there are many companies still advertising roles and many industries that need to employ extra staff over the coming few months. Now is the time to be polishing that resume and ensuring your application lands at the top of the pile. 

Here are some of our top tips for job seekers:

[Read more about 5 Tips for Job Seekers]

Alumni in Focus: Nick Winter

Opening bowler for the Redbacks and Strikers, Nick Winter, is this month’s Alumni in Focus.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: Nick Winter]

Alumni in Focus: McKeely Denholm

McKeely Denholm (B Health Sc 2014) is our Alumni in Focus this month.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: McKeely Denholm]

Alumni in Focus: Ana Hranilovic

Ana Hranilovic

PhD in Wine Microbiology Ana Hranilovic is this month's Alumni in Focus.

[Read more about Alumni in Focus: Ana Hranilovic ]

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