New publication in Nature: Light Science & Applications

Illustration of a trapped Ln-NP (sphere) within an optical tweezers (red focused laser) forming the SRPFM.

Chris Perrella and Kishan Dholakia have published a News & Views article entitled “A material change for ultra-high precision force sensing” in the journal Nature: Light, Science & Applications.

The piece explores cutting-edge developments in the field of optical tweezers and its impact on sensing in both the physical and biological sciences.

They highlight groundbreaking research in which lanthanide-doped nanoparticles have been trapped, enabling detection of forces as small as 110 aN.

These advancements open new prospects for ultra-high precision force sensing in the physical and biological sciences, paving the way for innovative applications and deeper insights into nanoscale phenomena.

Full text:

Figure shows an illustration of a trapped sphere (lanthanide-doped nanoparticle) within optical tweezers (red focused laser) forming a super-resolved photonic force microscope.

Tagged in news and views, news & views, research, publication, physics, nature, nanotechnology, forcesensing, optical tweezers