Login Home childcare Current: Childcare Expression of Interest Childcare Expression of Interest Please fill in the details below to register your interest. Child's details Child's full name Child's date of birth (actual/expected) Proposed booking details Campus - None -Adelaide campusWaite campus Requested booking details Including preferred days, times, start date, no. of weeks/end date/ongoing Parent 1 details Parent/guardian's full name Relationship to child Daytime phone number Second phone number Address Email Are you: a University of Adelaide staff member a University of Adelaide student studying elsewhere employed in a family crisis / child at risk other Please provide details If University of Adelaide staff/student, please specify area, if employed, please specify employer, e.g. CSIRO or PIRSA/SARDI Parent 2 details Parent/guardian's full name Relationship to child Daytime phone number Second phone number Address Email Other parent / guardian is a University of Adelaide staff member a University of Adelaide student studying elsewhere employed in a family crisis / child at risk other Please provide details If University of Adelaide staff/student, please specify area, if employed, please specify employer, e.g. CSIRO or PIRSA/SARDI Additional information How did you hear about our service? - None -Recommendation from friend/colleagueCentre websiteSocial mediaCommunity Childrens Centres SA (CCCSA) websiteGoogle search/locationOther Please specify Please provide any other details or comments