
  • Mission statement

    Adelaide University Childcare Services Inc (AUCS) is committed to providing high quality education and care services to the Adelaide and Waite Campuses of the University of Adelaide. Children are the focus of our services.

  • Philosophy

    We foster reciprocal connections between children, families and staff to create a welcoming and safe learning environment.

    We promote relationships that support children to:

    • develop a sense of belonging and community
    • respect and care for each other and the environment
    • see themselves as confident, adaptable and capable.

    We provide an environment to promote active learning and development through play. We recognise and celebrate our diverse backgrounds and the abilities that we all bring to our community.

    We respectfully acknowledge that the land we learn upon is the traditional land of the Kaurna people and we value and support the principles of a reconciled Australia.

  • Constitution

    AUCS Inc is a not-for-profit association without members, incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA). It was established in 1994, and its objects are:

    1. to conduct and manage child care and related services for the children of staff, students and other members of the University and wider community in accordance with the Association’s philosophy; and
    2. to do all things as may be incidental to the attainment of these objects.

    Rules of the Association

  • AUCS Board

    The affairs of the Association are governed by a 7-member Board.

    AUCS Board members
    Person not employed by, or student of the University, and not a parent user of an AUCS Inc Centre. Appointed by the University Council. Vivienne St John Robb (appointed November 2020)
    Two persons nominated by the University's Chief Operating Officer, one of whom must have financial expertise.

    To be advised Treasurer

    Dr Angela Knights  Secretary & Public Officer (appointed November 2023)

    One parent member from each campus, selected according to processes determined by the Board. Fiona Norrish (WCCC)
    Meg Madden (ACCC)
    Director of each Centre (ex-officio)

    Eleanor Behrens (WCCC)
    Kylie Bloffwitch (ACCC)


  • Board meetings

    The Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month. Its responsibilities are set out in Governance Policy 1-1: Responsibilities of the Board

    In essence, the Board has oversight of the governance of the Centres. However the responsibility for management and leadership of each Centre is with the Director of that Centre.

  • Lease Agreement

    AUCS Inc has a Lease Agreement with the University to manage and operate child care services in the Childrens Centres. The University provides the premises for a small rental and AUCS operates the services. As a not-for-profit entity, all AUCS income goes entirely to operating the Centres. Income is predominantly fees from parents, and AUCS strives to balance providing the best possible service with the lowest possible fees.

  • Parent Advisory Groups

    The Service Agreement requires AUCS to establish a Parent Advisory Group for each centre.

    The Parent Advisory Groups provide an opportunity for parents to be involved in the programs provided by, and, the development of the centre their children attend. They provide:

    • support to the relevant Centre Director
    • a forum for raising suggestions for improvement or matters of concern and
    • a forum for keeping parents informed of centre activities and other matters of significance to the centres.

    Usually one of the Parent Advisory Group members is a Parent Member on the Board.

    For more on Parent Advisory Groups, see WCCC PAG or ACCC PAG.

  • Contact details

    To contact the Board, write to the Secretary, AUCS Board, c/- Waite Campus Childrens Centre, Waite Campus, University of Adelaide, 5005, or email

  • Policies