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Prof Prash Sanders presenting the HELP_AF study as late breaking trial at ESC 2019

Story from European Society Media release. See link here for full details.
[Read more about Prof Prash Sanders presenting the HELP_AF study as late breaking trial at ESC 2019]
Atrial fibrillation: Weight loss reverses heart condition in obesity sufferers
Published in the heart journal Europace, the researchers found that a 10% loss in weight along with management of associated risk factors, can reverse the progression of the disease.
[Read more about Atrial fibrillation: Weight loss reverses heart condition in obesity sufferers]
Channel 9 news story
Jessica Stanley from Channel 9 news reported on a collaborative clinical trial that 'for the first time, it found that the minimally invasive procedure was associated with a greater improvement in survival rates for atrial fibrillation patients compared to traditional treatments.'
Celine Gallagher wins ACRA Research Prize AND People’s Choice Award at ACRA 2017 conference
Celine Gallagher (RN, PhD Candidate) won the Best Research Paper Presented Award in the Research Prize Session at the 2017 annual conference of the Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association (ACRA) in Perth.
Rajiv Mahajan wins APHRS 2013 Best Abstract Award
Rajiv Mahajan continues his winning runs for 2013 with a clean sweep of every major award. He received first place for his outstanding work demonstrating reversal of the AF substrate at the Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society in Hong Kong. Well done Rajiv – a superb culmination of what will be the most outstanding PhD thesis.
[Read more about Rajiv Mahajan wins APHRS 2013 Best Abstract Award]
Sachin Nayyar wins APHRS 2013 Poster Award for Ablation
Sachin Nayyar was awarded this outstanding accolade for work on mapping ventricular tachycardia at the Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society in Hong Kong. He has recently submitted his PhD thesis on Ventricular Tachycardia Mapping under the direction of Kurt Roberts-Thomson. Well done Sachin.
[Read more about Sachin Nayyar wins APHRS 2013 Poster Award for Ablation]