Exclusion notice
When a student is excluded, they are sent an Exclusion Notice to their University email account. The notice explains the reasons why the student is excluded and provides information about how to appeal the decision.
Future studies
A student who is excluded will not be able to study at the University for 12 months, unless they want to study a program at a lower level. For example, if a student is excluded from studying a Masters, they could potentially study a Bachelor program. After the 12-month exclusion period, the student will be eligible to apply for entry into a University Program.
It is not possible for a student to continue studying in their program after they have been excluded for 12 months. However, while any appeal is ongoing, the student can remain enrolled in their courses for a subsequent study period.
If a student is excluded from their program, any existing enrolments in a future teaching period will be deleted from their record and the student is eligible to apply for a refund of fees already paid. This considers the lengthy period of time for an outcome of
an appeal to be administered.
If a student is excluded from a double degree, they may apply to transfer to a relevant single degree providing they are making satisfactory progress in the single degree program in the most recent Review Period. If the student is permitted to transfer to the
single program, a Risk 1 status will be applied to their academic program status the single degree program.
Students can seek advice from their Faculty Office.
Exclusion appeal
A student can appeal the exclusion decision within 20 business days of receiving the Exclusion Notice in accordance with the University’s Student Grievance Resolution Process on the sole ground that there has been non-compliance with this Policy (e.g. a serious defect in the Executive Dean or delegate’s decision to exclude the student from their program). This means the student cannot appeal just because they don’t like the decision. This is the only and final appeal within the University.
Student Care can provide independent advice by email studentcare@adelaide.edu.au or phone +61 8 8313 5430.