Unleashing the power of trees for healthier communities

Jon Dee head and should image

The Environment Institute and Green Adelaide are thrilled to be hosting a Public Lecture by Jon Dee. The evening will be an exciting event focused on harnessing the incredible potential of trees to create healthier communities followed by an engaging Q&A panel discussion.

Trees are continuously undervalued in urban environments. Trees support community wellbeing, increase biodiversity and habitat, cool the environment and provide an aesthetically pleasing environment. Yet their enormous impact is often underappreciated. However things are changing and these unassuming stalwarts of our streets, parks and wild spaces are getting the recognition they deserve through community tree planting projects.

Jon Dee, co-founder of National Tree Day and One Tree Per Child, cautions that cities and towns must dramatically increase their tree cover and protect existing trees and habitat. Dee takes us on a journey through his successful tree initiatives that have planted tens of millions of trees, and along the way created safer and healthier communities. Come along and hear how you can join the push to create greener communities that improve health and wellbeing for humans and wildlife alike.

Through this engaging presentation and expert panel discussions, you’ll gain valuable insights into the latest research and innovative strategies for maximising the impact of trees in our cities.

The Q&A panel session will be facilitated by Professor Andrew Lowe, Interim Director, Environment Institute and will include Jon Dee, Dr Sheryn Pitman (Green Adelaide) and Professor Veronica Soebarto (UoA).

This in-person lecture will be very popular so early registration to attend is advised.

Speaker biography

Every time an Australian switches on a light, washes their clothes, takes a shower or goes shopping, Jon Dee has reduced the environmental impact of their life.

Jon initiated the ‘Ban The Bulb’ campaign that led to Australia phasing out incandescent globes – a move that’s saved Australians billions of dollars in energy bills. He organised the phasing out of phosphates in laundry detergents and initiated the campaign that led to the phaseout of plastic microbeads in personal care products.

In 2002, Jon launched the first national Australian campaign to ban plastic checkout bags. He co-organised Australia’s first plastic bag ban in Coles Bay Tasmania and helped to roll out the plastic bag ban in South Australia.

He also co-founded the Planet Ark and DoSomething charities and together with Olivia Newton-John, Jon co-founded National Tree Day and One Tree Per Child. As the initiator of RE100 in Australia, Jon signed up many major companies to commit to go 100% renewable with their electricity use.

Q&A Panel

Facilitator – Professor Andrew Lowe, Interim Director, Environment Institute

Professor Veronica Soebarto, Sustainable Urban and Regional Landscapes Research Theme Leader, Environment Institute

Dr Sheryn Pitman,  Green Adelaide

Tagged in Green Adelaide, sustainable urban and regional landscapes, biodiversity conservation, Environment Institute, Jon Dee