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Seminar: Interactions between climate change and biological invasions - Franck Courchamp

[Read more about Seminar: Interactions between climate change and biological invasions - Franck Courchamp]

"Elephant in the room" no more, models show even one-child policy is no quick fix

[Read more about "Elephant in the room" no more, models show even one-child policy is no quick fix]

Life story of the nautilus, ancient teeth, local climate change solutions. The Environment Institute Annual Report 2013.

[Read more about Life story of the nautilus, ancient teeth, local climate change solutions. The Environment Institute Annual Report 2013.]

Luminescence dating allows more accurate age assignment of Sierra de Atapuerca samples.

[Read more about Luminescence dating allows more accurate age assignment of Sierra de Atapuerca samples.]

10 exciting new PhD projects in environmental sciences

[Read more about 10 exciting new PhD projects in environmental sciences]

Hot tip: how to give the land a break after a fire

[Read more about Hot tip: how to give the land a break after a fire]

eScience. Nautilus: The Australian living fossil under threat

"Irony is rare in science, and unknown in nature; it is a purely human concept. Yet there is a sad ironic twist to the likely future fate of the cephalopod nautilus, a shelled mollusc that is the last remnant of an ancestral order stretching back 500 million years, and who's exquisite, iconic and endlessly copied shape has not changed for more than 115 million years."

[Read more about eScience. Nautilus: The Australian living fossil under threat]

"Alien" fossils found on Kangaroo Island have been identified as human relatives

[Read more about "Alien" fossils found on Kangaroo Island have been identified as human relatives]

A Hypothetical Forum: Fast Forward to 2050 - Water Scenarios for South Australia’s future

[Read more about A Hypothetical Forum: Fast Forward to 2050 - Water Scenarios for South Australia’s future]

Media Release: Ancient fossils confirmed among our strangest cousins

[Read more about Media Release: Ancient fossils confirmed among our strangest cousins]

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