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Invasion Science & Wildlife Ecology Group accolades at the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions 'Balanced Research Program'.
Congratulations to Dr Pablo Garcia Diaz, Adam Toomes and Katherine Hill who were acknowledged at last Friday's Centre for Invasive Species Solutions 'Balanced Research Program' celebrations in the Australian Academy of Science's Shine Dome in Canberra.
3MT People's Choice and Student's Choice Winner!
Congratulations to Isobel Hume, who was both the People's Choice and also Student's Choice awards winner in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) final!
[Read more about 3MT People's Choice and Student's Choice Winner!]
Future Fellowship announcement
Congratulations to Environment Institute's Associate Professor Alec Zuo, who was awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship for his project 'Quantifying the economic and social impacts of drought in rural Australia' in the recently announced round.
Trees for Good Project: Budding scientists barking up the right tree
There’s not much that kids love more than digging holes in dirt. And last week, a group of students from Alberton Primary School got their hands dirty planting their own trees with the launch of an exciting new project.
[Read more about Trees for Good Project: Budding scientists barking up the right tree]
Upcoming Three Minute Thesis final
Good luck to School of Agriculture, Food and Wine PhD Candidate Isobel Hume, who is a Three Minute Thesis (3MT) finalist and will present her research on 'Urban Food Security' at tomorrow's 3MT Final!
Tropical and desert grasses may migrate further south
The maximum summer temperature and the amount of rainfall in summer are the two climate factors that determine the type of native grass that grows in a region, Australian researchers have found in a recent study.
[Read more about Tropical and desert grasses may migrate further south]
Housing design for older South Aussies under the spotlight
University of Adelaide researchers will investigate the quality of housing for older South Australians to improve their wellbeing and resilience to extreme weather.
[Read more about Housing design for older South Aussies under the spotlight]
Protecting Adelaide's Urban Trees
Growing Adelaide’s tree canopy has been in the news in recent months, and reports have revealed that we are losing trees at an alarming rate, with potentially devastating consequences for the liveability of our city. To support a review of South Australia's tree protection laws, the South Australian Attorney General's Department, Planning and Land Use Services, commissioned the Environment Institute to investigate urban tree protection laws across Australia, and make recommendations as to how South Australia's laws could be strengthened to save more trees.
Come and see us at the Royal Adelaide Show!
The current climate crisis makes us aware of the need to be resilient to ensure self-sustainment of the global economy and supply chain, particularly our food supply chain.
[Read more about Come and see us at the Royal Adelaide Show!]
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