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Dr Tahlia Perry is a finalist in 2021 SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards
Congratulations to Dr Tahlia Perry who has been announced as a finalist in PhD Research Excellence in the 2021 SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards.
[Read more about Dr Tahlia Perry is a finalist in 2021 SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards]
New citizen science project creates a buzz in the classroom.
A new citizen science project, Insect Investigators, led by the South Australian Museum and involving the University of Adelaide Environment Institute's Dr Erinn Fagan-Jeffries, will connect school students with scientists to document their local insect biodiversity and discover insects in their area.
[Read more about New citizen science project creates a buzz in the classroom.]
Developing DNA for timber supply chain verification
Researchers at the University of Adelaide in partnership with InterpreData and DoubleHelix Tracking Technologies, Singapore, have been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Commonwealth Government’s Global Innovation Linkages Program to develop scientific origin verification tools for global timber supply chains.
[Read more about Developing DNA for timber supply chain verification]
Tall Poppy winners announced for 2021
Five University of Adelaide researchers have won 2021 South Australian Young Tall Poppy Science Awards.
Echidna CSI finalist in the 2021 Eureka Prize
The University of Adelaide’s Echidna Conservation Science Initiative (EchidnaCSI) is a finalist in the Australian Museum’s 2021 Eureka Prizes.
[Read more about Echidna CSI finalist in the 2021 Eureka Prize]
Professor Alan Collins receives ARC Linkage Grant
The University of Adelaide has been awarded $1,965,291 in linkage grants by the Australian Research Council to undertake research that will bring benefits in the meat, hemp, mining and performing arts industries.
[Read more about Professor Alan Collins receives ARC Linkage Grant]
Associate Professor Melissa Nursey-Bray awarded Future Fellowship
Five University of Adelaide researchers have collectively been awarded more than $4.5 million from the Federal Government to advance their work.
[Read more about Associate Professor Melissa Nursey-Bray awarded Future Fellowship]
Unregulated reptile trade in US has major influence on Australians’ desire for illegal reptiles
The transnational smuggling of live animals poses a threat to Australia’s biodiversity, conservation, environmental biosecurity, animal welfare, and human health and wellbeing.
SA's top 50 influential people in the environment sector
As the nation's leader in waste management, renewable energy and climate change action, South Australia's most prominent individuals in the environment sector have been named by The Advertiser.
[Read more about SA's top 50 influential people in the environment sector]
Researchers respond to the IPCC's report that human activity is undeniably heating the planet.
The world’s leading climate scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC, have warned that the prospect of limiting global warming to 1.5C will be out of reach within 12 years at current rates of greenhouse gas emissions.
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