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Experimental evidence for density-dependent responses to mortality of snake-necked turtles

[Read more about Experimental evidence for density-dependent responses to mortality of snake-necked turtles]

Characterisation of microsatellite loci in the habitat-forming kelp, Ecklonia radiata (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales)

[Read more about Characterisation of microsatellite loci in the habitat-forming kelp, Ecklonia radiata (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales)]

Assessing the diversity and abundances of larvae and juveniles of coral reef fish: a synthesis of six sampling techniques

[Read more about Assessing the diversity and abundances of larvae and juveniles of coral reef fish: a synthesis of six sampling techniques]

Independent colonization and extensive cryptic speciation of freshwater amphipods in the isolated groundwater springs of Australia's Great Artesian Basin

[Read more about Independent colonization and extensive cryptic speciation of freshwater amphipods in the isolated groundwater springs of Australia's Great Artesian Basin]

Looks can deceive: Molecular phylogeny of a family of flatworm ectoparasites (Monogenea: Capsalidae) does not reflect current morphological classification

[Read more about Looks can deceive: Molecular phylogeny of a family of flatworm ectoparasites (Monogenea: Capsalidae) does not reflect current morphological classification]

Aerial survey as a tool to estimate whale shark abundance trends

[Read more about Aerial survey as a tool to estimate whale shark abundance trends]

Phylogenetic uncertainty and molecular clock calibrations: A case study of legless lizards (Pygopodidae, Gekkota)

[Read more about Phylogenetic uncertainty and molecular clock calibrations: A case study of legless lizards (Pygopodidae, Gekkota)]

Genetic Analysis of a Chromosomal Hybrid Zone in the Australian Morabine Grasshoppers (Vandiemenella, Viatica Species Group)

[Read more about Genetic Analysis of a Chromosomal Hybrid Zone in the Australian Morabine Grasshoppers (Vandiemenella, Viatica Species Group)]

First record of the woodwasp family Xiphydriidae from Tasmania with a description of a new species and host record

[Read more about First record of the woodwasp family Xiphydriidae from Tasmania with a description of a new species and host record]

Dunstan Environment Dialogues

[Read more about Dunstan Environment Dialogues]

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