Energy Futures Seminar 2 - Podcasts Now Available

Yesterday's Energy Futures seminar on carbon management is now available - listen to the PODCAST

Presentations are also available as individual podcasts here.

The second seminar in the Energy Futures series “Carbon Management - Policy and Regulatory Frameworks” was held last night at the University of Adelaide. The three guest speakers were: Prof. Christopher Findlay (School of Economics, UofA), Dr Henry Ergas (Deloittes Economics) and Catherine Way (Renewables SA).

The seminar focussed on the economics of setting up policy or regulation that affects the development and adoption of new energy technology. In the debate on climate change many measures have been proposed from the emissions trading scheme to a tax and various regulatory measures and subsidies. Presenters examined how they might work, what their effects on emissions might be and how they influence technological change. Also discussed was how revenue raised from arrangements like the ETS might be applied to investment in new technology.

This seminar series is being hosted by the Centre for Energy Technology and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Click here to find out more about this seminar series.

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