Fostering Sustainable Behaviour: Introductory Workshop Adelaide

Bicycle Network Victoria are hosting a workshop by Dr Doug McKenzie-Mohr on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th March in Adelaide.

This introductory community-based social marketing workshop will be of interest to those working to promote waste reduction, water and energy efficiency, modal transportation changes, watershed protection, and other sustainable behaviour changes. Those who work to promote behavioural changes that promote health, such as active lifestyles, will also benefit from attending. The workshop will:

  • Teach you how to identify the barriers holding your program back

  • Provide you with behaviour change tools

  • Show you how to pilot and evaluate your program to make it successful!

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Dr. McKenzie‐Mohr is an environmental psychologist, who has been incorporating scientific knowledge of behaviour change into the design and delivery of community programs for over 20 years. He is the founder of community‐based social marketing ‐‐ an approach to delivering environmental behavioural change programs that is used worldwide. He has provided training internationally for over 50,000 environmental program planners. Find out more about Dr McKenzie-Mohr

Download the pdf Flyer for more information and for details on how to register.

Visit the Bicycle Network Victoria website to find out more.
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