River Murray Public Meeting: Beyond The Draft Plan - Where To From Here?

Environment Institute member David Paton will be speaking at a public meeting on the Murray Darling Basin Authority’s Draft Plan. The meeting, presented by Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Senator Bob Brown, will discuss the implications of the draft plan and survival of the river system.

Speakers include:

  • Senator Bob Brown, Leaders of the Australian Greens

  • Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Australian Greens Water Spokesperson

  • Peter Owen, The Wilderness Society

  • Assoc. Professor David Paton, Adelaide University

  • Professor Diane Bell, Lower Lakes Campaigner/Conservation Council SA

  • Arlene Harriss-Buchan, Australian Conservation Foundation

When: 5:45 for 6pm Start, Tuesday February 21

Where: The Bradley Forum, UniSA City West Campus

Please RSVP by Friday 17 February to Ali Neyle at ali.neyle@aph.gov.au or by calling 08 8227 0425 .

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