ACAD Guest Speaker: Professor Keith Dobney - Podcast now available

Download a podcast of Professor Keith Dobney's presentation titled, 'From falconry to farming: new ways of exploring the "Neolithic Revolution" through the fossil vertebrate record' presented by the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA.

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Keith Dobney is visiting from the Department of Archaeology, University of Aberdeen, UK. Professor Dobney’s key research themes include the origins of agriculture, the domestication of animals, human and animal dispersal, diet and health, palaeopathology and palaeoeconomics.

In this presentation, Keith discussed the results of diverse research, carried out over the last 15 years on fossil vertebrate remains across the Old World, which is shedding new light on one of the most important bio-cultural transitions in human history - the shift from foraging to farming.

Find out more and download the podcast.
Tagged in ACAD, Events, Podcast
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