EI Guest Speaker: Erik Sperling - Podcast now available

Download a podcast of Dr Erik Sperling's presentation titled, 'Oxygen, ecology, and the Cambrian radiation of animals' presented by the Environment Institute on Tuesday 5th June 2012.

[caption id="attachment_4026" align="alignleft" width="144"] Dr Erik Sperling (Photo from: Harvard University)[/caption]

Dr Erik Sperling is Agouron post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, USA.

His multidisciplinary work on the early evolution of animals has spanned morphology, palaeontology, geochemistry and molecular genetics. One of his major current interests is the role of environmental change, particularly fluctuations in oxygen levels, on the physiology and ecology of early animals.

Find out more and download the podcast
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