UCL 2012 Graduate Research Conference

University College London (UCL) is holding its annual Graduate Research Conference in Adelaide on Thursday 6th December.

The Graduate Research Conference is your chance to find out in just ‘three minutes’ what each Masters student has uncovered while studying at UCL, Australia.

This year’s research projects include:

  • Opportunities for new entrant generation technologies in South Australia

  • A geotechnical analysis of the upper cover sequence at the Olympic Dam mine

  • Analysis of base and precious metal project finance risks in Africa

  • The relationship between petroleum project definition and contracting strategies

  • Capturing the benefits of high performance computing for investment decisions in electricity markets

  • The precautionary principle and the protection of groundwater in coal seam gas operations in Queensland

  • Government initiatives to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Is it the case that Distribution network service providers regulated under Price Cap set efficient prices?

  • Fiscal Analysis of Production Sharing Contracts in Bangladesh

Register for this event.

(please note the event capacity is limited and registrations will be accepted on first come first served basis)
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