DNA Sequencing: Dr Mike Bunce podcast now available

The podcast for the presentation by Dr Mike Bunce is now available for download.mikebunce

The Environment Institute, the Ecology, Evolution and Landscape Science group and the Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity presented Dr Mike Bunce, ARC future Fellow from the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at Murdoch University, on Thursday 30 May 2013.

The presentation Next generation amplicon sequencing to characterise fossil, faecal, food and forensic samples discussed next-generation DNA sequencing.

Mike's research interests revolve around using ancient DNA to study evolutionary processes and using ancient DNA profiles to investigate past biodiversity. He has worked on a diverse variety of projects with the common theme of extracting and amplifying degraded DNA; these include studies of New Zealand’s extinct birds and obtaining DNA profiles from ice/sediment cores. The lab research is focused around using ancient DNA as a tool to profile past biodiversity and extinction events. Mike says 'Conservation and restoration of biodiversity is best achieved if we understand the past composition and function of the ecosystems we are trying to restore'.

Listen to the presentation
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