Experts in Sustainable Development: 'Cents and Sustainability' - Is there still a first mover advantage for South Australia?'

RSVP - Click here to register your attendance. By Friday 8 November.

Date: November 14th 2013
Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Venue: The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Napier G04, Napier Building, Ground Floor. Speaker: Charlie Hargroves, Sustainability Development Fellow (ECIC University of Adelaide), Senior Research Fellow (Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute), and co-founder of The Natural Edge Project.

The sustainability wave is well and truly upon us and many are now asking if there is still a first mover advantage that can justify efforts needed to overcome the lingering challenges and barriers. In this talk Charlie will draw on a series of books co-authored with The Natural Edge Project (including ‘Cents and Sustainability’ that was ranked the 5th top sustainability book in 2010 by Cambridge University), along with over a decade of industry and government action research, to highlight areas were such advantage exists for South Australia. Recently appointed as a member of the Club of Rome, and recipient of the University of Adelaide James McWha Award for Excellence in 2013 for his contribution to the field of sustainable development, Charlie has a great depth of understanding of the operational nature of sustainability and is committed to South Australia’s future.

“As an emerging international thought leader in sustainable development with over a decade of experience, a session with Charlie Hargroves should not be missed!” David Singleton, Chair, Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia

The presentation will be followed immediately by

Linkage Green Drinks

Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Venue: The University of Adelaide
Ground Floor, Nexus 10
10 Pulteney Street

This networking part of the event is focused on developing linkages with industry and government agencies in South Australia. A theme of the event will be to conceive possible projects for the ARC-Linkage 2014 round, along with other collaborative opportunities.

This session will be lightly facilitated by Charlie and Fiona Kerr to encourage you to meet new people that are passionate and active in the same area of sustainability that you are.

The ECIC is proud to provide refreshments for the Green Drinks and it will be held in the impressive foyer of the Nexus 10 Building on the corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street.


Charlie is a Sustainable Development Fellow with the ECIC and specialises in carbon structural adjustment. After graduating from the University of Adelaide in 2000, and spending two years as a practicing civil/structural design engineer, Charlie co-founded 'The Natural Edge Project' (TNEP), an internationally recognised team of action research academics based at various universities across Australia including the University of Adelaide, Curtin University, QUT, and the ANU. Charlie has led the TNEP team to deliver five international books on sustainable development (selling over 80,000 copies in four languages) in collaboration with some of the world's leaders in sustainability, such as Gro Brundtland, Ernst von Weisacker, Amory Lovins, Rajendra Pachauri, and Peter Newman. The first book won the Australian Banksia Award for Environmental Leadership, Education and Training in 2005, and the two most recent books were ranked among the 'Top 40 Sustainability Books' in the world in 2010 by the Cambridge Sustainability Leaders Program. Charlie is due to complete his PhD on carbon structural adjustment in early 2014, supervised by Professor Peter Newman
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