Building blue infrastructure in South Australia through restoration of native shellfish reefs

The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Science Conference showcases the science underpinning environmental decision making, policy and management in South Australia, featuring some of our phenomenal Environment Institute researchers.

Dr Heidi Alleway presents a seminar on the restoration of native shellfish reefs. South Australia was once home to an extensive oyster fishing industry, with oyster reefs hugging much of the state's coastline. The industry was so successful, that some areas of the state reported catching up to 100,000 oysters every week!

However, at the turn of the 20th century, the scale of oyster fishing steeply declined and memories of the industry and reefs were soon forgotten.

Dr Alleway traces back the timeline of oyster fishing in South Australia and provides us with hope for a revived industry. The restoration of oyster reefs has enormous economical, social and ecological benefits. Watch her NRM presentation, entitled "Building blue infrastructure in South Australia through restoration of native shellfish reefs" to learn more:
Tagged in Conference, Environment Institute
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