Highlights from PDU2- we've got your keynote lectures

The Palaeo Down Under 2 Conference is done and dusted, but for those of you that couldn't make it, the keynote lectures are ready to watch.

The conference was kicked off by Professor Mary L. Droser from the University of California, with her talk entitled "Catching the second Ediacara wave".


The second keynote lecture was presented by Professor Maoyan Zhu from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, in a talk entitled "From Snowball Earth to the Cambrian Explosion: recent research advances from China".


Also worth a watch is the third keynote lecture by Associate Professor James S. Crampton from Victoria University with his talk entitled "Extinction in Palaeozoic zooplankton".


Digital dinosaurs emerged at the fourth keynote lecture by Dr. Scott Hocknull from Griffiths University with his talk "From dig to digital dinosaurs".


And last, but certainly not least, the final keynote lecture was delivered by Professor Mike Archer from the University of New South Wales with his talk "Gains, gaps and gags".


Tagged in Conference, Environment Institute
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