Who to follow: a guide to the social media heroes of science

Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, social media can be a bit of a mine field. There are so many people to follow, so many pictures to like and so many tweets to retweet. We've simplified things a little for you, giving you our top picks for who to follow on Instagram and Twitter for all your environmental science needs.

For all your conservationist needs, follow these top 25 scientists on Twitter.

If you're looking for environmental scientists or groups on Twitter, these 33 accounts are worth checking out.

Inspiring pictures more your thing? Here are 10 scientriffic Instagram accounts to follow.

And if you love science in general, environmental or not, we've got 100 scientists on Twitter waiting for you.

Don't forget, you can also find the Environment Institute on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook! Get in touch, we'd love to share your research.

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