Holger Maier research team commended by Bushfire CRC

Holger maierA research project by our very own Professor Holger Maier has been commended for its outstanding outcomes. The project is funded by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre (BNH CRC), a partnership between Australia and New Zealand's fire and emergency service authorities, land management agencies and non-government organisations. The aim of the BNH CRC is to identify the causes, consequences and mitigation strategies of natural disasters.

Prof Maier leads a project on decision support systems for natural hazard management. His team has developed tools to identify the economic, environmental and social impacts of various disaster mitigation strategies. The end-users of such tools, which include the State Government, Country Fire Authority and various government departments, has noted the uniqueness and high value of this project.

The high quality of the project outcomes has been recognised as one of the top 4, out of 37, projects that are coordinated by the BNH CRC. The project is an outstanding example of quality, culture and teamwork between researchers and end-users.

Congratulations to Prof Maier and his team for such outstanding work.

Tagged in Environment Institute, Natural Hazard Risk Reduction, News
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