Border security, restoring reefs and clues from fossils. Check out our 2015 Annual Report!

The Environment Institute Annual Report 2015 is hot off the press.

Catch up on all the hard-hitting research taking place at the institute by reading the eight research stories featured in this report.

EI 2015 Annual Report Cover


The Environment Institute brings together leading scientists and researchers in fields of biodiversity, conservation, marine biology, landscapes, climate, water and genetics.

Take some time to view the 2015 annual report to find out more about the exciting research emerging from the Environment Institute, including:

  • Border security: protecting Australia from invasive threats

  • Restoring Australia's native oyster reefs

  • Fossils reveal ancient shrublands in fiery landscape

  • How will climate change affect our marine resources?

  • Naracoorte's fossil caves: an extraordinary window into the past

  • Risky business: the future of floods in a changing climate

  • Food for thought: safeguarding our pollination services

  • Next generation DNA technology solves mysteries old and new

Other highlights include:

  • grant success

  • top publications

  • awards and commendations

  • citation statistics

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