Reminder: Goyder Institute Water Forum is this week!

Come along this week to the University of Adelaide to hear some of our Environment Institute members speak!

Don't miss the first two keynote speakers on Tuesday:
Advisory Board Chair and CEO of DEWNR Sandy Pitcher will give the first keynote,
followed by a keynote by new member and mammal discovery expert Professor Kris Helgen.
Professor Michelle Waycott speaks on the topic of Coastal Carbon Opportunities in South Australia at 4.20pm to round off the day.

On Wednesday, Associate Professor Seth Westra talks on Climate resilience analysis framework and tools at 11am.
Dr Jonathan Tyler presents on Low frequency patterns of drought and flood in south-eastern Australia and Dr John Tibby discusses Using diatoms to assist in setting water quality guidelines in South Australian streams.

Both these talks are at 2.40pm.

See the full program here
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