WORKSHOP: Threatened flora translocation 3rd May 2019

The 'threatened flora translocation workshop' aims to improve the conservation of South Australia’s threatened plant species by inspiring and equipping practitioners to use best practice when establishing or maintaining self-sustaining populations through translocation.

Date: Friday 3rd May 2019
Time: 9.00 – 4.00 pm, catered
Venue: Ingkarni Wardli Conference Room, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli Building, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide

This event is ideal for:

  • On-ground staff and volunteers from organisations such as Trees for Life

  • Landholder Assistance Program organisations (e.g. MMLAP, GWLAP), NGOs (Friends of Parks groups, Landcare groups, Native Orchid Society of SA, Nature Glenelg Trust, Nature Foundation SA)

  • Regional on-ground staff (NRM District Officers / Rangers)

  • Research staff and students from The University of Adelaide and Biology Society of SA

  • Landholders

  • Broader public

This event will be held in conjunction with The University of Adelaide (Environment Institute), Natural Resources SA Murray-Darling Basin, Department of Environment and Water, Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula and Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc.



Tagged in ARID Recovery, Environment Institute, Plant Conservation, workshop
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