SEMINAR: Unprecedented global biodiversity decline with Dr Michelle Lim

Dr Michelle Lim has been invited to speak to the Centre for Global Food and Resources and the SA branch of the Australasian Agricultural Resource Economics Society. She will present the following seminar.

Title: Unprecedented global biodiversity decline – What does this mean for the economy, agriculture and human well-being?
Date: Monday 8 July 2019
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Venue: The University of Adelaide, Santos Lecture Theatre, Room 1.26, Level 1, 10 Pulteney St, Adelaide
RSVP: N/A but please add to you Calendar

Nature underpins a good quality of life and what makes life worth living. We are, however, losing biodiversity at rates never before seen in human history. The only way we can reverse this is if we fundamentally shift our current relationships with the natural world. These are the key findings of the world’s largest ever global assessment of the state of biodiversity and nature’s contribution to people.

On the 6th of May 2019, the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released the key findings of the Global Assessment. This report was co-produced with stakeholders, 134 national governments. The Global Assessment involved close to 500 biodiversity experts from more than 50 countries and multiple disciplines. Assessment authors reviewed in excess of 15,000 publications from scientific and government sources.

This seminar sets out the findings of the IPBES Global Assessment. The seminar also provides an opportunity to discuss the implications of the report. Key questions that will be addressed include:
• What is IPBES? How does it work? Is IPBES pronounced Eep-bez or Eye-pee-bez?
• Why is biodiversity important? What contributions does biodiversity make to food, agriculture and human well-being?
• What is the economic value of biodiversity? How do we value biodiversity beyond putting a price on nature?
• What is the current state of global biodiversity? What are the main causes of biodiversity loss?
• How do we transform our legal, governance and economic systems to address the biodiversity crisis?

About the presenter
Dr Michelle Lim is a transdisciplinary environmental law scholar and a lecturer in the Adelaide Law School. Michelle’s work on environmental law and governance occurs at the intersection between biodiversity and human well-being. Michelle was the 2016/2017 Law Council of Australia Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year. She was a Fellow and an author of the IPBES Global Assessment.

Recent piece in The Conversation on the IPBES Global Assessment.
Tagged in Adelaide Law School, Events, Science communication, Seminars
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