Adelaide's Urban canopy cover study published in new book

We are delighted to advise that the Environment Institute's Dr Carlos Bartesaghi-Koc (first author), Professor Veronica Soebarto, Dr Scott Hawken and Dr Ehsan Sharifi, all from the School of Architecture and Built Environment, have authored the chapter entitled “The Potential for Urban Canopy Cover to Reduce Heat-Related Mortality in Adelaide” in the recently published book Urban Overheating: Heat Mitigation and the Impact on Health.The book reports on current and projected urban overheating and mitigation technologies covering multiple cities across the world.

The team's study is based on modelling and it quantifies the potential impact of increasing urban canopy cover in reducing heat-related mortality in each local government area in the Greater Adelaide Metropolitan. Using spatial analytic techniques the study evaluates the spatial variability and relationships between increased tree coverage, potential reduction of heat-related mortality rates and various socio-economic and demographic risk factors. The results indicate dramatic public health benefits possible from increasing tree canopy coverage, emphasising an urgent need for close alignment of public health policy with urban planning and greening policies for the whole region. They found that there is a solid case for tailoring urban greening and tree canopy enhancement at the district level based on the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of local populations.

Tagged in Publications, School of Architecture and Built Environment
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