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Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Seminar: Double Header

[Read more about Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Seminar: Double Header]

How can we assess human impacts on coastal ecosystems?

[Read more about How can we assess human impacts on coastal ecosystems?]

Prof Nagelkerken speaks to Radio Adelaide about impacts of Climate change on Ecosystems

[Read more about Prof Nagelkerken speaks to Radio Adelaide about impacts of Climate change on Ecosystems]

Climate change drives collapse in marine food webs

[Read more about Climate change drives collapse in marine food webs]

Top Altmetric Publications of 2017 from Environment Institute Researchers

[Read more about Top Altmetric Publications of 2017 from Environment Institute Researchers]

Beyond the Elevator Pitch: How do we engage people in Science?

[Read more about Beyond the Elevator Pitch: How do we engage people in Science?]

Why is it important to understand how skulls deal with stress generated from bite force

[Read more about Why is it important to understand how skulls deal with stress generated from bite force]

Naracoorte Linkage Grant already giving back to community ahead of Jan start

[Read more about Naracoorte Linkage Grant already giving back to community ahead of Jan start]

Seminar: Model-based design of adaptive pathways for framing climate adaption

[Read more about Seminar: Model-based design of adaptive pathways for framing climate adaption]

Small Mammals could hold some of the secrets of Naracoorte's ancient ecosystems

[Read more about Small Mammals could hold some of the secrets of Naracoorte's ancient ecosystems]

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