News: philanthrophy

Overcoming adversity to nurse the community to health

Student Emergency Fund recipient, Georgia

Last year, against all odds, Bachelor of Nursing student Georgia celebrated with her peers as they finished the final class of their degree. Only months earlier, Georgia was experiencing extreme financial hardship, questioning how she could keep her finances afloat while studying.

[Read more about Overcoming adversity to nurse the community to health]

Find love and make history

Barbara and Ken Klaebe on wedding day

The University of Adelaide is a place where history is made, the wonder of music is celebrated, passions are explored, and love is found. The late Barbara and Ken Klaebe, alumni of the University, discovered all this and so much more when they both pursued German studies as part of their Bachelor of Arts degrees in 1961.

[Read more about Find love and make history ]

Help to "shoulder the burden"

Female scientist in rainbow laboratory coat

Being an international student can be exciting unless, like University of Adelaide PhD in Agriculture candidate Natalia Caliani, you are faced with a medical emergency and the extreme costs of accessing hospital care in a foreign country.

[Read more about Help to "shoulder the burden"]

Ambitious geologist maximises opportunities

Georgie, 2020 Augustus Short Scholarship recipient

Georgie is a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) third-year student and 2020 Augustus Short Scholarship recipient who credits her mother’s strong work ethic for motivating her to pursue her studies and reach her full potential.

[Read more about Ambitious geologist maximises opportunities]

Elder Hall’s grand piano part of grand plan

Nico and Diana proposal

Sydney born and raised singer-songwriter, Nico Wyatt-Smith, knew he wanted to propose to his partner Diana in an intimate and unique way that reflected his musical talents.
A romantic at heart, in the past he had written love songs for his now fiancé and played them at home on his piano on their anniversaries, but he felt popping the question called for something more special, something grander.

[Read more about Elder Hall’s grand piano part of grand plan]

Inspired by nature

Scholarship recipient student standing next to a horse holding the reins

Driven by a love of plants and animals, and with a particular affinity for birds, Catherine, a previous Augustus Short Scholarship recipient, tells us about her journey before and after receiving the scholarship.

[Read more about Inspired by nature]

Inspired to teach

Maria Blackmore

Despite a difficult childhood, Maria finished Dux of her school in 2013. Inspired by the positive impact her teachers had on her life and studies, she pursued a career in teaching, receiving an Augustus Short Scholarship in 2014. Today, Maria is an English and Humanities teacher at her old high school and a Council member for the City of Salisbury.

[Read more about Inspired to teach]

A world of discovery

Kendall Jenner, Physics and Astronomy

Driven by a wonder about how the universe works and how it evolves over time, Kendall, an Augustus Short Scholarship recipient, will graduate in 2022 with a Master in Philosophy (Physics & Astronomy).   

[Read more about A world of discovery]

Supporting students, one sausage at a time

Sausage in bread

The humble sausage in bread is an Australian icon. On May 7th, the University of Adelaide joined together with Tasting Australia to bring to life the 'Festival of Sausage in Bread'.

[Read more about Supporting students, one sausage at a time]

Civil engineer in training

Research materials on a table, students conversing in the background.

Thanks to the Augustus Short Scholarship, Declan has been able to juggle study, professional placements and relocating from rural Victoria, all while putting his time and energy towards excelling in his Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering degree.

[Read more about Civil engineer in training]

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