Dairy heifer importation workshop

28 September 2017, Santika Hotel, Bogor Indonesia.
Increasing the size of the Indonesian dairy herd is fundamental to increasing national milk supply from small holders.
Increasing the number of heifers imported annually is one option to achieving this outcome. The purpose of this workshop was to meet with representatives from the public and private sector to understand the challenges and opportunities facing heifer importation in Indonesia.
Workshop presentations
- Importing dairy heifers into Indonesia: Opportunities and challenges for growing the national herd
- Dairy supply and demand: links to national herd size
- Current heifer importation process: logistics, quarantine and other regulations
- Opportunities to grow new dairy industries outside of Java – North Sumatra
- Things to consider before importing heifers: A processor perspective
- Funding heifer importation: opportunities within Indonesia
- Funding heifer importation: examples from overseas
- Implications for productivity and global availability
The team has developed guidelines for sustainable public-private partnerships for importing dairy heifers for smallholder producers.